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RE: gun dreams - Tartar Horde - 7 January 2015

(7 January 2015, 09:30)Geordie_Rob Wrote: Well it looks like my gun dreams are over before they even start.

I had my home visit yesterday & despite never even been arrested in my life, it seemed very hostile from the police side from the start, & they were making out like I was a master criminal. Who knew dialling 999 & also disagreeing with a copper (on seperate occasions) was such a major thing?

They said they'd pass on their report & I'd hear back in due course. The guy who runs the club I shoot at says don't worry too much as he's never heard of a refusal after they've gone to the bother of a home visit/interview, but I'm pretty much certain it's going to be a refusal or a grant with heavy restrictions.

Of course the Police are hostile!!! how dare you ask for PERMISSION to own a firearm, know your place peasant. It's ok for TPTB to be protected by them but not you. Fkin Fascists.

RE: gun dreams - Geordie_Rob - 7 January 2015

The weird thing was, they said I couldn't ask for a shotgun as I had no need for it. I didn't think you needed to provide a need, just that you're not a prohibited person & not a danger to yourself or others.

RE: gun dreams - Steve - 7 January 2015

You should provide a reason for wanting a shotgun, simply that you want to try clay pigeon shooting is enough.

RE: gun dreams - Midnitemo - 7 January 2015

I don't think dialling 999 or having a difference of opinion with a bobby will spoil things for you unless you received some official sanction for them...steve is right about shotgun, just to go clayshooting at a pay as you shoot clay shooting ground is a valid membership needed

RE: gun dreams - Geordie_Rob - 7 January 2015

I did said the shotgun was for clay shooting but he said going twice & wanting to do it again at some point in the future wasn't good reason, therefore I couldn't have that.

I've sat most afternoon however reading the latest home office guidelines & it turns out there were a few things they told me didn't tally with the guidelines. A quick check with my shooting club has confirmed this so I've emailed the firearms dept explaining a few things & asking for clarification of what they told me now I've got a copy of the home office guidelines they should use.

We'll see how it goes. I've also joined basc incase it is knocked back.

RE: gun dreams - Midnitemo - 7 January 2015

joining basc is a good move as it gets you basic hunting insurance and there legal helpline etc...think you will be ok because a decision hasn't been made about your application yet...basc wont get involved retrospectively though.

RE: gun dreams - Midnitemo - 3 February 2015

booked the Chronograph for tonight at the club so I can see exactly what my home loads are doing...with this info i'll be able to knock up some range cards.

RE: gun dreams - Mortblanc - 3 February 2015

(3 February 2015, 16:51)Midnitemo Wrote: booked the Chronograph for tonight at the club so I can see exactly what my home loads are doing...with this info i'll be able to knock up some range cards.

What caliber are you working with and what performance do you anticipate ?

RE: gun dreams - Midnitemo - 3 February 2015

testing 3 loads 2 .38 spl and 1 .357mag.....18.5 barrel all using 158 grn lrn with a bc of .160 hoping for 750 + 900+ and 1200 fps for the magnum

trying to keep the magnum at or near the range limit of 485 ft/lb....reckon theres plenty scope to stoke up the magnum quite a bit further.

RE: gun dreams - Geordie_Rob - 3 February 2015

Let us know how it goes.

After almost 1 month on from my home visit, I still don't know what's happening with my application. Still got no idea if it'll be granted or declined. If it's declined & basc can't help me then there's a mega complaint going into the police about how I was dealt with & also how they misled me on more than 1 occasion during the visit. I've not complained yet incase they grant it, but I'm still not holding out too much hope.