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potassium iodide and nuclear power - Printable Version

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RE: potassium iodide and nuclear power - Tonka - 22 April 2012

(12 February 2012, 15:12)Timelord Wrote: Potassium iodide is protection against radioactive particles accumulating in the Thyroid gland. It does not matter from what source. It does not protect against general external body irradiation. It is the internal dose, say from the thyroid or ingestion that your body has no defence against. Externally the body can tolerate a measured amount depending on other variable factors. A dirty bomb will have much more localised effects and so be leass threat generally. More of an economic catastrophy and a terror weapon. Effective all the same. TL.

That was pretty much what I was going to write. Timelord knows his onions.

RE: potassium iodide and nuclear power - Clare - 3 August 2012

I have found a source which ships potassium iodide tablets to the UK. I don't think the UK Govt. will hand them out to us but only to the armed forces etc.

Anyway, here's the link

and here is another website I found which offers advice on natural healing/herbal remedies and look for the health tab on the left.

Hope they help.

RE: potassium iodide and nuclear power - Skvez - 3 August 2012

(12 February 2012, 15:12)Timelord Wrote: Potassium iodide is protection against radioactive particles accumulating in the Thyroid gland.
Potassium idoide protects again radioactive Iodine. It does not protect against any other radioactive particles.
The Thyroid tends to collect and keep the radioactive iodine (resulting in prolonged exposure for months or years after a brief exposure to radioactive iodine). "Overdosing" on non radioactive iodine saturates the tyroid and stops it collecting the radioactive isotope. It is vital to take the Idoide as soon as possible when exposure to radioctive iodine is possible. (Taking it after the Thyroid has collected the radioactive iodine has virtually no effect).
Idoine tablets do not protect you from other forms of radiation. Therefore they typically useful immedictaley after a low to moderate exposure (such as people close to the plant in Japan).