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RE: Obama Executive Order Seizes U.S. Infrastructure, Citizens for Military Preparednes - Scythe13 - 19 March 2012

(19 March 2012, 01:01)grumpy old man Wrote: just maybe our american friends are getting ready for the prophets warnings coming trun
better safe than sorry???
i would not worry to much nothing really has changed
we all know the gov. will take what's needed anyway

Yeah, in fairness we all knew they'd just take whatever they wanted to anyway. That's a good reminder there Grumpy. I think Crying summed up the fear by saying that it shows how short a timescale we're looking at.

RE: Obama Executive Order Seizes U.S. Infrastructure, Citizens for Military Preparednes - grumpy old man - 19 March 2012

people are scared of the unknowing and we all prep for the unknowing or when and if anything will happen?
and with it being 2012 that puts people on edge anyway, we only will ever get half a story from the gov and sometimes that can push people over?

RE: Obama Executive Order Seizes U.S. Infrastructure, Citizens for Military Preparednes - cryingfreeman - 19 March 2012

Sure, we prepare for various contingencies, but when a development like this happens it means the US is gearing up for an explicit, specific event. This is largely latent legislation that has essentially gone "live" in the past few days, so that means something epic must be shortly about to unfold.

RE: Obama Executive Order Seizes U.S. Infrastructure, Citizens for Military Preparednes - uks - 19 March 2012

I don't think we have to worry im sure our government have something like this in place so they can steal anything we have so they can carry on with there normal lives.

RE: Obama Executive Order Seizes U.S. Infrastructure, Citizens for Military Preparednes - Scythe13 - 19 March 2012

I just thought about something quite funny. Imagine if Obama was a 2012 doomsdayer!!! The president of America thinks the world will come crashing down when the Mayan calender resets!!! HAHA, that would be funny.......but consiquently, very dangerous.

RE: Obama Executive Order Seizes U.S. Infrastructure, Citizens for Military Preparednes - bigpaul - 19 March 2012

i cant see the Govt knocking on doors and taking everybody's food, i'll say that straight off, i think all our preps and caches are safe, but what they will do is take over the supermarkets and shops, probably bring in some kind of rationing-similar to WW2, this will of course have all the sheeple and the chavs up in arms, and the riots of last year will be "a walk in the park", but by the time it gets to this stage we will ALL have gone to our BOL's wont we?? i know we(oh and i) will have!!!

RE: Obama Executive Order Seizes U.S. Infrastructure, Citizens for Military Preparednes - grumpy old man - 21 March 2012

look at the new toys the police are getting to stop rioters and most of our (home gaurd) will be here ?
lessons learnt and all

RE: Obama Executive Order Seizes U.S. Infrastructure, Citizens for Military Preparednes - Scythe13 - 21 March 2012

I tend to agree with BP on this. Having said that, I do not rule out the idea that people's homes will be checked if you're not coming to the grocery store often enough.

It'll probably become something like WW2 where people were encouraged to grow their own veg in their garden.

RE: Obama Executive Order Seizes U.S. Infrastructure, Citizens for Military Preparednes - uks - 22 March 2012

If TPTB taking over the food chain if your entitled to your ration go and get it thats part of the grey man not to raise your profile.

RE: Obama Executive Order Seizes U.S. Infrastructure, Citizens for Military Preparednes - bigpaul - 22 March 2012

(22 March 2012, 07:19)uks Wrote: If TPTB taking over the food chain if your entitled to your ration go and get it thats part of the grey man not to raise your profile.
that goes without saying UKS.