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RE: Avideo - HunterNurturer - 23 September 2012

(23 September 2012, 09:10)NorthernRaider Wrote:
(22 September 2012, 22:38)Skean Dhude Wrote:
(22 September 2012, 11:45)NorthernRaider Wrote: The police have not, and can not take away any of our rights, that is down to politicians and judges not cops.

When you can be arrested and your fingerprints and DNA taken when you have done no wrong by Plod then it is them trampling on your rights. You refuse and go to court then it is days of your time and a lot of money in lawyers.

Look at someone elses comment on here. Stopped, searched and then pulled up a little later by the same Plod. That is Plod. Out of control.

Cops cannot take away your rights, they can detain you as a suspect but its the justice system made by MPS and applied by judges that erode your rights. Especially if its a socialist govt who want to do things like lock suspects up without evidence or charge for up to 3 months. Cops are only servants of the state, thick, corrupt, untrustworthy, biased and useless but still only doing their masters beckoning.

This SHOULD be the case, but unfortunately we have a system where police wrongdoing is rarely ever acknowledged, let alone punished, which essentially gives the police a lot more power and freedom to abuse that power than the law allows.

Who do you tell when the pig twists your handcuffs until they rip into your wrists in the back of the car, and slams your head into the car door while he laughs and the pigs in the front ignore your pleas for help?
Who do you turn to as you're then charged with assaulting an officer for trying to kick him away when he's inflicting unnecessary pain on a compliant suspect (you)?
What do you do when the pigs at the station ignore and refuse to acknowledge your claims, even though your wrists and head are bleeding and your shirt is hanging on by a thread?
What do you do when the doctor who was supposed to arrive 6 hours earlier, pops his head into your cell and walks away again without any kind of examination or even a "hello"?
What do you do when the duty solicitor tells you you can't financially afford to plead not guilty or bring charges to the offending officer because it would get thrown out of magistrates court and dragged out through Crown court where you would inevitably lose?

This shit and worse goes on every day and is a perfect example of the system protecting police from their own wrongdoing at every level. And yes this happened to me.

RE: Avideo - Paul - 23 September 2012

(23 September 2012, 09:03)Hrusai Wrote: really? ive heard alot of good things about new zealand, like the police not minding drink driving and tolerating small amounts of drugs for personal use Tongue

That happens here once they have filled their monthly quotas of arrests.

Bro's in the building trade yet here in the UK he could do everything, legally. In NZ, he 's not allowed to plumb, work with electrics, and has nightmares when he's dealing with the Auckland city building control offices.
Three run ins with the NZ plods, and been breathalyzed twice (doesn't drink). Nuff said?
Good news is he's the proud owner of a Saiga 12 shotgun and a CZ 527 (7.62x39) hunting rifle. Never short of meat on his table!