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RE: Good day, bad day - Madgirl151 - 26 October 2012

It's next door to the village hotel

RE: Good day, bad day - Tarrel - 26 October 2012

(26 October 2012, 20:49)NorthernRaider Wrote: Sheesh a day of contrasts, went to hospital for an MRI scan, didnt get it, I ended up walking out in disgust, the place stunk, was completely airless and it must have been 80 degrees I could not breath never mind bloody walk, given up on the NHS totally now and i'm even more adamant it should be privatised.

On the afternoon I went over to Brough on the A66 to meet a family who had recently moved up from Winersh were ever that place is ??.

Part transitioner, part prepper family, well switched on, just fitted a pelletised heating system and a huge wood burner with back boiler.
They are hoping to put up a PV array and maybe a small turbine in the paddock.

What I found most interesting about this couple is that they say three other couples they know from the south east have recently seen the writing on the wall and put as much distance as they can between the home counties and themselves. two moved to the west country, and another to central Wales.

Also they dont consider themselves as preppers in the way we distinguish ourselves, they simply say they moved for a more safe, secure and sustainable lifestyle in an environment that is a thousand percent safer and less turbulent than inside the PC diverse, inclusive multi cultural socialist paradise of the home counties. That and the fact that the 4 bed ex foresters house they bought cost the same as a one bed flat in London !!!.

I wish them well.

Sorry to hear of your troubles NR. You can add us to the "home counties evacuees" list. Winnersh is between Reading and Wokingham, not far from where we used to be - middle of the Thames Valley, over-run with over-privileged sheeple who won't know what hit 'em WTSHTF.

RE: Good day, bad day - NorthernRaider - 26 October 2012

(26 October 2012, 22:12)Metroyeti Wrote: Will have to have a walkabout, need to know where it is for supplies post shtf

My kind of thinking Smile
(26 October 2012, 22:39)Tarrel Wrote: Sorry to hear of your troubles NR. You can add us to the "home counties evacuees" list. Winnersh is between Reading and Wokingham, not far from where we used to be - middle of the Thames Valley, over-run with over-privileged sheeple who won't know what hit 'em WTSHTF.

I'm starting to get the distinct impression that the white / professional flight phenomena is turning into an exodus from those wonderful diverse multi cultural paradises Labour encouraged.

RE: Good day, bad day - Metroyeti - 26 October 2012

The tyne tunnek trading estate has some secure units with good fencing, might make goog bol for a temporary time, cobalts not to far from there so excuse not to have a scout about

RE: Good day, bad day - Sichr20 - 26 October 2012

It seriously thinking about moving out of the Thames valley and coming up north.

As for the nhs, it's needed a major overhaul for a long time now and it's not getting any better. Personally I've never needed them but I have so many friends and family that have bad experiences to have a fairly string opinion of them.

What happened to your back NR?

RE: Good day, bad day - Metroyeti - 26 October 2012

Its rather nice up north

RE: Good day, bad day - NorthernRaider - 27 October 2012

(26 October 2012, 22:54)Metroyeti Wrote: The tyne tunnek trading estate has some secure units with good fencing, might make goog bol for a temporary time, cobalts not to far from there so excuse not to have a scout about

Was looking at something similar here, mini industrial estate, each unit has its own independant oil fire heating system, each one sites within its own 2.5 meter barbed wire topped wire security fence and the estate as a whole is also surrounded by yet another fence at 3 meters high.

There are a few empty, all have a p[edestrian access door and a goods door so you could easily shove a static or caravan inside and keep your vehicles inside as well. All have mini kitchen area, office and toilets.

RE: Good day, bad day - Metroyeti - 27 October 2012

Sod the bolt cutters,time to add a stihl saw to your equipment.

RE: Good day, bad day - NorthernRaider - 27 October 2012

(26 October 2012, 23:25)Sichr20 Wrote: It seriously thinking about moving out of the Thames valley and coming up north.

What happened to your back NR?

Getting out of the south east is a wise and prudent step proving you understand that your lifestyle will change dramatically, no taxis on every corner, no instantly hopping a tube or late night bus, most places will only have a single chinese take away or pizza place. everything is at least ten miles away. but on the other hand for example in my village you can buy fully refurbished terraced houses with central heating and double glazing for £55 grand, a traffic jam is a tractor and a horse.

Wrecked my back trying to cock a big crossbow without a cocking aid
(27 October 2012, 09:05)Metroyeti Wrote: Sod the bolt cutters,time to add a stihl saw to your equipment.

To noisy.

RE: Good day, bad day - Metroyeti - 27 October 2012

Dont think noise will be an issue with all the chavs running about. But if your a few days into tshf its going to draw attention to you.