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China quadruples rice imports for no apparent reason - Printable Version

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RE: China quadruples rice imports for no apparent reason - Prepper1 - 13 January 2013

oooo matron....

So sorry BDG didnt realise you were the posting police... AGAIN......TongueTongueTongue

P.s. Nice to see you back around N.R. mmmmwwwwaaaa!!!Heart

RE: China quadruples rice imports for no apparent reason - Highlander - 13 January 2013

I agree that there some strange things going on in the world,.. but I am always one to try and find a reasonable explaination ,... but still being very wary at the same time

(13 January 2013, 02:20)BDG Wrote: .

As for the position of China, as I have said in other posts, it recognises that its exports are going to fall massively over the next decade, people in the West do not have the money to spend on the junk made in China they once did, time for China to prep, stockpile some food and buy in some gold so it can buy what it can when some of the major trading currencies crash.

To me this does sound very reasonable,.. China is not daft, it does see how things are going on in Europe,..they know that much of their wealth comes from this side of the world,... if we get much worse here,..they will suffer greatly, it is a fair assumption that they might stock up with goods they deem to be important

(13 January 2013, 13:27)NorthernRaider Wrote: FYI

As for the new BBC centre being bomb proof,.. I doubt there is anything to worry about here,..I am sure that the BBC as will other communication sites will be of great importance to this country be there a threat of war or not,... so if they are going to upgrade a studio, and they have the room underground, then why not,... its just part of the countries defence network

As I said, I am not blind,.. and I do understand what people are saying,..and I will always keep that in the back of my mind

RE: China quadruples rice imports for no apparent reason - Metroyeti - 13 January 2013

Amazing what the bbc spends our license fees on

RE: China quadruples rice imports for no apparent reason - Geordie_Rob - 13 January 2013

(13 January 2013, 17:00)Metroyeti Wrote: Amazing what the bbc spends our license fees on

Shame it's not on more new program's. Smile

RE: China quadruples rice imports for no apparent reason - bigpaul - 13 January 2013

(13 January 2013, 18:03)Geordie_Rob Wrote:
(13 January 2013, 17:00)Metroyeti Wrote: Amazing what the bbc spends our license fees on

Shame it's not on more new program's. Smile

you said it brother!!Big Grin

RE: China quadruples rice imports for no apparent reason - Ranger - 13 January 2013

I'm not surprised that the BBC centre has been fortified against a bomb attack as I think most purpose built buildings that could be targets for whatever reason will have security features built in. The Glaxosmithkline building in west London has a bomb room next to the post room in case of a suspicious package. When the various parts of the building reached a certain point in construction they were locked down and only vetted contractors were allowed in. This was because of the threat from animal rights extremists and it's cheaper to incorporate security features during construction than to retrofit them.

RE: China quadruples rice imports for no apparent reason - BDG - 13 January 2013

(13 January 2013, 17:00)Metroyeti Wrote: Amazing what the bbc spends our license fees on

Eh, it is just news noise really. A suicide bomber proof part of a building? How much does that take? Not a lot.

Look at a modern commercial building being constructed. Steel frame and then concrete beams placed as floors for first floor, second floor etc and then concrete pumped on top of that.

If you are on the ground floor and a suicide bomber is on the first floor - or in a basement as the BBC studio - then a suicide bomber is not really going to have an impact.

The only additions would be a bit of sound proofing but you would want that in a TV studio.

Take a look around buildings and see lots of measures that have taken place for years - the main one you will see is either a raised entrance or anti vehicle measures on buildings to stop cars, buses, trucks ect driving through an entrance and then blowing a car bomb.

Google *Any city* crown court and you will see what I mean - areas in front only accessible by steps, anti vehicle measures, plinths to keep vehicle bombs from the main walls, 'courtyards' in front of the buildings that are enclosed and only approachable up stairs. A lot of them have been designed to make if difficult for tanks to attack.

RE: China quadruples rice imports for no apparent reason - Geordie_Rob - 13 January 2013

BGD, The suicide bombers seem to do a canny job of demolishing concrete buildings in Iraq & Afghanistan when they detonate them. By your definition above, shouldn't they be bomb proof aswell?

RE: China quadruples rice imports for no apparent reason - Metroyeti - 14 January 2013

I know the hilton hotel in gatesheads car park is designed so if there was a explosion it collapses in a certain way.

RE: China quadruples rice imports for no apparent reason - BDG - 14 January 2013

(13 January 2013, 23:55)Geordie_Rob Wrote: BGD, The suicide bombers seem to do a canny job of demolishing concrete buildings in Iraq & Afghanistan when they detonate them. By your definition above, shouldn't they be bomb proof aswell?

The only times suicide bombers have destroyed concrete buildings in Afghanistan or Iraq is with massive car and truck bombs. The buildings themselves did not have anti vehicle measures, so the terrorist vehicles could get inside the buildings or against them.

So, no. The BBC building has anti vehicle measures, so the only suicide bomber likely to get in will have a limited amount of explosives. Suicide bombers with no vehicle always target groups of people, be they in compounds, buildings or where ever, but they do not destroy buildings.

You also need to factor in construction - I doubt very much that a lot of buildings in Afghanistan or Iraq are steel framed with floors / ceilings of concrete beam covered with poured concrete have general public and so suicide bomber access.

Other than government buildings, where people are herded into groups in compounds for the safety of those in the building, the only other buildings that are going to have lots of people in at any one time are mosques and hotels.