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RE: Food attitudes ? - Prepper1 - 19 February 2013

Like N.R. says, they want to control the population, as Benjamin Franklin said "control the food and you control the population"

Do you really think once all the plebs have moved over to a non meat diet, "they" will do the same?

What did it for me and what brought about the stark differences between them and us was a picture and a small snippet of winston Churchhill during the war, when everybody was on starvation rations...

Every pic, big fat cigar in his mouth... where did that come from? wasnt tobacco rationed, what about cigars?

Big fat belly full of food when all of britain was starving.

Drinking alcohol brandy and champers.... how nice...

When everybody's on their legume diet with a bit of grass for desert, they'll still be eating rump steak, venison etc...

The phrase all in it together springs to mind...

We're all cutting back, their drinking £200 bottles of wine with dinner...

Can you afford a £200 bottle of wine with your dinner?

Oh hang on, its ok their not paying for it the taxpayers are...

Would we be allowed in to sample that wine?

I think you know the answer to that.

Its NOT for your benefit its for theirs, do as I say not as I do.

We are supposed to have meat in our diet, whatever that meat may be , pig, mammoth, deer, cat, dog, horse.
Meats meat, not legumes.

The end result is will be like North Korea, people eating grass and children to survive.
Theres a novelty, growing children for food....

Dont forget theres a few million more on the way.... bulgarians, romanians...

You think life hard now have a look 1 year after they've all arrived.

RE: Food attitudes ? - Ghost - 19 February 2013

Maybe we can actualy learn something of benefit from our European neighbours and start to eat a more diverse diet? Horse, cow, anything that flies and most things that don't. The Europeans eat anything they can catch.
We used to be like that! When did it change?

RE: Food attitudes ? - bigpaul - 19 February 2013

(19 February 2013, 18:51)Ghost Wrote: When did it change?

probably about the same time as we got supermarkets!

RE: Food attitudes ? - Ghost - 19 February 2013

(19 February 2013, 18:56)bigpaul Wrote:
(19 February 2013, 18:51)Ghost Wrote: When did it change?

probably about the same time as we got supermarkets!

This may come as a surprise BP....are you sitting down???

They have supermarkets in Europe!!!

RE: Food attitudes ? - bigpaul - 19 February 2013

(19 February 2013, 19:00)Ghost Wrote:
(19 February 2013, 18:56)bigpaul Wrote:
(19 February 2013, 18:51)Ghost Wrote: When did it change?

probably about the same time as we got supermarkets!

This may come as a surprise BP....are you sitting down???

They have supermarkets in Europe!!!

yeah, sure they have, they also have different attitudes, trouble in the UK is that you have food snobbery( oh, they eat HORSE in France do they? i couldnt possibly eat horse!!) mind you, if anyone eats those ready meals they could be eating ANYTHING!Big Grin

RE: Food attitudes ? - Wildman - 19 February 2013

horse steak is bloody lovely. grew up in france, have four houses as part of a family trust in the south. (all ruins) but the horses that have been used for meat aint prime cuts of good horse, there work horses, donkeys and yaks!!

RE: Food attitudes ? - Prepaday - 20 February 2013

As we all know food prices are rising all the time, seems to be weekly if you ask me.
Last night I went to Asda one pound fecking forty five pence for Asda's own brand cheepie peas....All the fruit and veg, fresh and frozen has jumped higher than a flee on steroids.
I think the powers that be want us to eat food from tins. Which we all know is soooo bad for you, high levs of sugar, salt, chems and gawd knows what else.
Planted the potatoes in the polli tunnel yesterday, more veg to be planted soon. Tins are ok for an emergency or for something quick and I would rather not eat from a tin but the astronomical prices of fresh fruit and veg are going to drive us to eating that mush in tins Sad Maybe a govt ploy somewhere?

RE: Food attitudes ? - bigpaul - 20 February 2013

just been to our local(well known and respected) farm shop/butchers and bought half a MUTTON sheep(older but tastier) for £63..freezer is now full up!Big GrinBig Grin