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No really, can YOU do that? - Printable Version

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RE: No really, can YOU do that? - Metroyeti - 21 February 2013

Megatron stop swearing diy, shelf making and foid foraging, that would make most people break out in tears if they had to do it :p

RE: No really, can YOU do that? - bigpaul - 22 February 2013

most people under 40 who have grown up with central heating wouldnt have a clue WTSHTF, they switch on the lights, they buy food from the supermarkets not even wondering where it came from never mind how it was grown, i think post SHTF most people are just going to sit there and wait for the govt to come thundering to the rescue like the 7th Cavalry, when it dosent happen they'll all die of shock.

RE: No really, can YOU do that? - NorthernRaider - 22 February 2013

(21 February 2013, 23:23)Megatron Wrote: It's a very pessimistic point of view I know we as a culture have grown too accustomed to having what we want when we want it. I actually think if something big did happen most people would die out of shock and disbelief of the situation.

Just a thought is all Tongue

No its a very valid point and backed up by historical fact, very often after a dosaster like a quake, war, storm, plague etc that devastates a society nearly as many people die AFTER the event as do during the event from shock and an incapability to deal with the sudden change in their lives, they just either lose to will to live or they appear to become more vulnerable to disease and infection even though they are stilll getting food and shelter.

RE: No really, can YOU do that? - bigpaul - 22 February 2013

i think thats it NR, they lose the WILL to live and just give up! instead of trying to make the best of a bad situation and seeing what you can do to make life more liveable.

RE: No really, can YOU do that? - Digger - 22 February 2013

"Shock and DISBELIEF of the situation." Very well put Megatron. especially the disbelief bit.

Sheeple in large numbers will be Denial that their whole artificial living paradigm is flawed. They will react as they always have....going to the same shops hoping food will be replenished by magic sometime soon. By the time it is realised that the Cavalry will not be coming the fate of most f them will already be sealed.

RE: No really, can YOU do that? - bigpaul - 22 February 2013

abso bloomin lutely!!Big Grin

RE: No really, can YOU do that? - NorthernRaider - 22 February 2013

Its those who think the state will save them I feel sorry for cos they simply cannot see the evidence that shows the govt cannot help, EG in 1953 the great winter storm that flooded huge areas of East Anglia claimed over 250 lives and that was whilst we still had a huge army, massive navy and a fully equipped and operational Civil Defence Corps. A couple of years ago the village of Bostcastle flooded and they had to bring in pumps from other counties but more importantly the govt could only round up 5 or 6 helicopters and that was ALL the available choppers for ALL of England and Wales on that day !!!! I reckon millions will expire whilst quietly waiting like good sheeple for the government to come.

RE: No really, can YOU do that? - bigpaul - 22 February 2013

i reckon the govt would be caught on the hop, with no plan in place and no idea what to do, remember most of the lot in Parliament these days are either lawyers or went straight into politics from university, they've never had a real job, they're great at making laws the rest of us have to live by but trying to sort out any kind of problem is beyond them!

RE: No really, can YOU do that? - Digger - 22 February 2013

You are being charitable Bigpaul,

The government will not be caught on the hop. Ministries staffed by said greenhorns have already taken the financial decision to do nothing and let local communities fend for themselves, offering small token financial assistance after the event.

RE: No really, can YOU do that? - bigpaul - 22 February 2013

(22 February 2013, 13:23)Digger Wrote: You are being charitable Bigpaul,

The government will not be caught on the hop. Ministries staffed by said greenhorns have already taken the financial decision to do nothing and let local communities fend for themselves, offering small token financial assistance after the event.

this does not surprise me one bit, do you have any proof of this? something maybe we could read for ourselves and plan accordingly.