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RE: Being Realistic about SHTF hunting ! - Binnie - 25 May 2013

I'll be honest, I've bagged about 50 in the last year without trying too hard.

I was doing pest control, from the top of a building, the poor wee buggers don't know what hit them.

RE: Being Realistic about SHTF hunting ! - Tartar Horde - 25 May 2013

Wabbitts have some of the best enemy detection devices known to nature, they can hear sound out of the range of humans, and feel vibration through their feet. Stalking them can be hard with an air rifle as they let you get just close enough before they hop off into the bushes ggrrrrr. I would always prefer ambushing them by concealment, siting myself around 30yds from the Warren and waiting till they came out. Make sure the wind is in your favour though!!!
For a regular supply of them you really need to snare, net or Ferrett them out as this is far more efficient than hunting.

RE: Being Realistic about SHTF hunting ! - Highlander - 25 May 2013

Stalking is not just about trying to creep up on bunny,..or any other animal,... there are a few things you need to put into place to make it work

Most animals have good eye sight, so you dont want to stalk while keeping them in sight, judge where they are or where they will be and take a different route well out of sight

Most animal have a decent sense of smell, so you will need to know which way the wind is blowing,.. [ not so important with rabbits ]

...and nothing give you away more than movement, so patience, move like a snail in everything you do

Camouflage is not so important, most animals dont see color only shades,.,.. camouflage is only important against humans

RE: Being Realistic about SHTF hunting ! - Tartar Horde - 25 May 2013

I would definately wear a face veil and gloves because your face and hands really show up to an animal, and HighLander is right about contrast. While your body may be seen in dappled tones, your face and hands will appear very light/bright in comparison to the rest of your body and a human face is instantly recognisable to every animal.

Here's the lowdown on Rabbits

RE: Being Realistic about SHTF hunting ! - RoadWarrior - 26 May 2013

Thanks alot for all the tips on the rabbits guys, think I will take a big flask of coffee and wait it out at the areas they usually appear, ive got a face veil just need some gloves now . Will be getting some snares soon and give those a try too...hopefully I will be able to claim my "1st" bunny....cheers RW

RE: Being Realistic about SHTF hunting ! - NorthernRaider - 26 May 2013

Remember when laying in wait for anything to consider the rules of cammoflage

All can give away your position