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RE: Paintball marker for home security - BeardyMan - 14 August 2013

(14 August 2013, 13:03)Steve Wrote: I like it - repel looters and decorate the hallway in one go.

Those semi-auto markers are cool though, I can't see many burglars trying to walk into a faceful of paintballs.

Probably not a burglar, but post SHTF then it's a different kettle of fish. You can't kill someone with a paintball gun, unless you're a crack shot and manage to shoot 'em in the eye-ball. Then it's not guaranteed, although they'll probably not want to advance much more.

They're good fun, and they do hurt a bit, but do not think that a paintball marker will stop a determined attacker from getting you. When playing it's easy to get lost in the heat of the moment and not realise you've been shot a few times, especially as you're running about.

My mate Beas owns Alamo Paintball in Whittlesey, one of his marshals spotted that an Enola Gay thunderflash squeezes in the barrel of a paintball marker. Almost lost his job when one he's fired into the air exploded next to a girls head and knocked her out. That's a much more useful application for a marker than firing paintballs Wink

RE: Paintball marker for home security - Scythe13 - 14 August 2013

This is largely dependant on how long you can keep your CO2 or Compressed Air canister filled. Compressed air is going to be easier to fill, but you need to really look after the bottle. Damaged Air canisters can explode very well!!!

RE: Paintball marker for home security - BeardyMan - 14 August 2013

(14 August 2013, 17:48)Scythe13 Wrote: This is largely dependant on how long you can keep your CO2 or Compressed Air canister filled. Compressed air is going to be easier to fill, but you need to really look after the bottle. Damaged Air canisters can explode very well!!!

I did a number on a c02 cannister I had in the battle pack on my back (remote coil to the BT-16)
Fucking terrifying! The marshalls had never seen anyone disconnect a coil and wriggle out of a battle-pack so quickly! I had what can only be described as freezer burns on my hand where I'd grabbed the cannister to remove it. Nice few layers of black skin and a sore hand for a day or two.

Not good stuff to mess around with.

RE: Paintball marker for home security - Scythe13 - 14 August 2013

(14 August 2013, 17:59)BeardyMan Wrote: I did a number on a c02 cannister I had in the battle pack on my back (remote coil to the BT-16)
Fucking terrifying! The marshalls had never seen anyone disconnect a coil and wriggle out of a battle-pack so quickly! I had what can only be described as freezer burns on my hand where I'd grabbed the cannister to remove it. Nice few layers of black skin and a sore hand for a day or two.

Not good stuff to mess around with.

That's what fill stations are for...oh wait, no, that's not right.

It's a lovely idea, using a paintball gun, but you'll go through so many paintballs, most people would be better off just getting a shotgun.

RE: Paintball marker for home security - BFG Central - 14 August 2013

Take a look at this video about the impact of these loose filled minimum impact rounds, They are designed to displace the energy because they are filled with small balls. Almost like the idea of a riot bean bag displacing energy.
Now imagine some of those empty shells you can fill yourself with what ever you want.
Ok these FN303 personal protection marker are working at 400fps and normal markers are set at about 300fps i think?
In the USA you can buy one off the shelf, some states make you go on a one day safety course first.
But you can upgrade them, Or have the parts to tune them up if things were going belly up. Once the SHTF.
Not everyone can get a shotgun.
But there are no real restriction on owning a paintball marker so they might be the second best option.

This one is an interesting watch as well.

RE: Paintball marker for home security - Tibbs735 - 17 September 2013

Pre-shtf the average burglar is gonna probably brick it and run just at the sight of the homeowner, the chilled refreshing hail of paintballs will just help him on his way. You may have to get a bit more creative for post shtf.

RE: Paintball marker for home security - Scythe13 - 17 September 2013

I just had a quick thought on what if this was used and you paintballed some guy trying to break in. He's going to realise you only have a paintball gun, make some kind of shield, and kick your ass.

You would have to modify the system to fire frozen balls or something. You'd either need to kill the intruder, or cause so much damage that they are NEVER going to come back after you. Just hurting them and giving them bruises will let them know they will get hurt, but nothing more. Pain is temporary...your tin of beans is eternal!!! haha.

RE: Paintball marker for home security - Tartar Horde - 17 September 2013

Seriously folks if anyone thinks they can protect their family with a paintball toy you are dangerously deluded and need a large dose of reality salts. Where is the danger to the attacker? to dissuade him/them, a few bruises and the remote chance of getting one in the eyeball is not going to stop you being rushed and battered to death with baseball bats and pipes, or stabbed with a variety of knives. You can't stop lethal force with a toy, nor can you protect your family with one.

RE: Paintball marker for home security - bigpaul - 17 September 2013

I only see that being any use as a marker-a bit like "intelligent water" for use by police in apprehending a villain after the crime is committed , if ROL still exists, not a bit of use post collapse.

RE: Paintball marker for home security - Midnitemo - 17 September 2013

Evolution is the problem....they will think up a way of defeating you after the first lesson , how much is a paintball gun? i have a double barrel shotgun i paid £50 for!