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Prove It! - Printable Version

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RE: Prove It! - Steve - 7 June 2014

The obvious problem for many people is that of security. Who would post a picture of their hidden stash if the website hosting the photo can yield information that might be used to trace their location ?

I haven't forgotten the thread where a member discovered a cache when working on a farm and some other members suggested robbing it, who knows how many other people are quietly making notes of what we have. I'm fortunate in being physically remote, able bodied and having large dogs, but others in more urban locations should be careful.

RE: Prove It! - bigpaul - 7 June 2014

(7 June 2014, 15:55)Mortblanc Wrote: Fact is, I do not believe that 90% of the members here really do have preps, have equipment, practice skills or do much of anything other than SIFOC.
who cares what you think? someone who has never been here, knows nothing about the country or the people that live her, knows nothing about the problems we would face in a SHTF but always has a superior attitude and "knows better", if someone puts a post on something, you've always "done it before and done it better", personally I couldn't give a witches tit what you think.

AND what you DO do is go on other forums (DIFO) and moan and bitch and take the piss out of anybody on SUK behind their backs and belittle what they are doing to any other stupid TROLL that wants to make mischief."Who left U in charge?)

RE: Prove It! - Jonas - 7 June 2014

Make me! Big Grin

RE: Prove It! - MaryN - 7 June 2014

[Image: 11ukn75.jpg]

O.K. I'm always banging on about my garden - here's a photo of a little bit of it. (I'll never get to grips with resizing photos).

RE: Prove It! - Mortblanc - 7 June 2014


I love the orchard area.

You keep chickens if I remember correctly. Have any shots of them?

RE: Prove It! - Devonian - 7 June 2014

(7 June 2014, 15:55)Mortblanc Wrote: No one asked you to take pictures of your preps and post your name and address beside them!

The OP was referring to reviews of equipment, pictures of campsite, skills in progress, scenery along the roadside and the occasional bunny in the flowerbed.

The level of paranoia, suspicion and aggression here is unbelievable!

No one is going to drive across England to attack you because you posted a picture of the sleeping bag you are testing, the camp stove you timed the boil-up of a liter of water, or the new pocket knife you are reviewing.

No one wants your fruitcake and two cans of beans hidden under the floor of the cupboard.

You people will not even drive 50K across country to have an RV, much less to steal the little bit you do have from each other.

Fact is, I do not believe that 90% of the members here really do have preps, have equipment, practice skills or do much of anything other than SIFOC.

Why do I believe this?

Because I never see anything but links from on-line sales sites and tales from the keyboard, most of them beginning with "I believe", "I think" or "You cant convince me!" and none with "I tried that and it worked/did not work" and some pictures to prove it !

The real pity is that the 90% do not believe the other 10% is really doing anything either. It is all a big game and the opinion of someone that has done nothing is just as good as the advice from someone that is actively engaged in something beside working the keyboard.

Now excuse me please, there is work to do in the vegie patch.

I think you are a little misinformed with this viewpoint, and you need to appreciate the differences in culture between the UK and the US/Canada. Over here most people do not have access to wilderness or even open countryside, and so are not able to get out and about in the same way as our American cousins.

I'm probably more fortunate than most in this respect as I own about 20 acres of woodland as well as being located between both Exmoor and Dartmoor. I also have access to the South West Coast Path as well, so when I have time (which is my problem) as we are not all retired, I am able to get out and practice skills and discover more about the natural resources in my local area.

However I don't always take pictures.

I'm also very aware that the following project needs an update and photos etc added, but I just haven't had the time.

However, here is proof of things going (very!) wrong:

[Image: Finger_zps94181168.jpg]

That happened last weekend when I was in the woods, I was using my EDC Knife (TBS Boar non-locking folder) and yes, the blade folded back, cut straight through the nail and half way through my finger, the only thing that stopped it taking a whole chunk of my finger off was the bone!! The above image shows the wound 7 days after it happened and the 2 parts of my finger have just about reattached to each other, but I still need to be careful not to knock it.

These things happen, but I have never really seen the need to provide proof etc, but the incident has been useful in helping re-evaluate my first aid supplies (yes I had my EDC first aid kit with me at the time and if I hadn't things wouldn't been so easy to deal with!)

Also I had a meet arranged today with 2 other SUK forum members, one of whom I'd not met before.

And the following image shows what I was up to 2 weekends ago - I'm the one taking the photo, not the silly ass that got stuck!

[Image: Kevin2_zps3153eba6.jpg]

So the point of this post is that we never really know what others are doing and I think its quite normal in British culture for us to be secretive in this respect - but don't ever underestimate us Big Grin

RE: Prove It! - Steve - 7 June 2014

I'm not about to take photos of all my stuff, but if anyone wants to see a picture of anything I've posted about next to a packet of crisps I'm happy to do it once, if that will help to convince some people that UK members are actually doing something. I don't know what I've posted about exactly, but subjects like water storage, poly tunnels, rifles, pistols, fruit bushes, dogs, vans, tools, archery, CB radios, hand held radios, generators, tractors, rose bushes, etc spring to mind, so pick a subject and call me out on it.

Bear in mind I'll call you out too.

RE: Prove It! - TOF - 8 June 2014

This was never about calling people out, it was about adding value, if you like, to threads. Over the years there have been subjects, builds, projects and experiences written about that I would have loved to have seen, not just read. Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words and of itself can provide a great deal, OPSEC permitting.
Some people, me included can sometimes find it hard to visualise what is being written about, and I honestly like to see the dreaded holiday snaps, or in this case meets and camps, again OPSEC permitting.Smile

RE: Prove It! - Sunna - 8 June 2014

the thread on difo wich paul speaks of [who put you in charge] , hits the nail on the head.
i have clicked the link , you get to the site but theirs no content, its well worth reading if anybody on here could make it be seen that would be great.

RE: Prove It! - Steve - 8 June 2014

Well. I had a 5 minute mooch about and came up with these.

Matthews Switchback and a packet of fake Monster Munch from Aldi

[Image: PIC_0103_zpsbc326afe.jpg]

My electronics room, full of metal cabinets and itself built inside a metal shipping container which is lined with foil backed insulated boards.

[Image: PIC_0104_zps8404787e.jpg]

Which also contains a 900Kg fire safe, containing essential documentation, and also a couple of UVR radios, a SSB rig and power amp.

[Image: PIC_0106_zpse64ef222.jpg]

2700 litres of water from the metal barn roof, the overflow from this goes to a 1000l IBC, soon to be more of them.

[Image: PIC_0110_zpsd6b9753c.jpg]

The view from the barn is a bonus, we are only 3 miles from town, but very much off the beaten track, couriers have trouble finding us because the house is completely hidden off a private road.

[Image: PIC_0111_zpsa416770f.jpg]

Two helpers not enjoying a Monster Munch.
[Image: PIC_0112_zps09b67b7c.jpg]

Untidy poly tunnel

[Image: PIC_0115_zpsc314e849.jpg]

Ohter end showing the IBC I use to keep the frost off seedlings

[Image: PIC_0116_zps9436d0fa.jpg]

A raised bed

[Image: PIC_0118_zps4a455940.jpg]

Firewood offcuts from the sawmill, in my van, stocking up for winter already.

[Image: PIC_0119_zps5eb0119d.jpg]

I maxed out the allowed pictures, so that is all.

Oops, posted the wrong picture.

[Image: PIC_0122_zpse132cf5e.jpg]