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iraq / should we help. - Printable Version

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RE: iraq / should we help. - Barneyboy - 13 June 2014

exactly MB, there was a pic of a soldier in a balaclava and side arm mate ,and he had british issue boots .so we have bloody well armed this lot

RE: iraq / should we help. - MaryN - 13 June 2014


RE: iraq / should we help. - Sunna - 14 June 2014

storys now comming out of iraq , isis beheading captured, army,police , goverment officals.
will we now get horror story after horror story smothing the way for boots on the ground.

will the west[usa] let isis or iran have control of the 2nd biggest oil producer in the world.

RE: iraq / should we help. - Mortblanc - 14 June 2014

How short are the memories. (that's a statement not a question, and aimed at the world, not just you.)

The planning for this event was known from the start! Remember all the NSA e-mail and phone snooping concern. This was what the spying was supposed to prevent!

The governments knew what was happening, did not prevent it, therefore it is part of the overall plan.

This happened because the people with access to the information WANTED IT TO HAPPEN!

Not a single news commentator has asked that question yet, "who knew about this and when did they know?"

Everyone knows we pulled troops out of Iraq too early. That was a given, and every person that fought in Viet Namn knew exactly what was going to happen in Iraq.

The only logical conclusion for the withdrawal was to give the insurgents the newest and best western equipment as soon as possible.


Before the last boots had hit the ground in Iraq the liberals were screaming to see the "exit strategy" and know the plans for getting us out of the place. (meaning how quickly can we give the extremists the country and all the investment we made there.)

In strategic and tactical terms, the conversion of a culture requires long term occupation and supervision.

The last time troops in Germany were defined as "occupation forces" was in 1995, 50 years after the end of WW2. We still have major military presence in that region.

The US still has troops in Japan.

Some people think that is evil, immoral, and expensive, but we have not had to fight them again in the past 70 years.

As for the oil production thing???

Obama has to drive the price of oil to artificial levels to get approval for some of his wilder emergency energy legislation, which will bring any economic growth to a halt, to be forced through our congress. This will insure the manufactured emergency situation is still in effect when he leaves the presidency. And that the legislation cripples the next administration.

He hates the British, so any damage it does to you is just jelly on his scones.

RE: iraq / should we help. - bigpaul - 14 June 2014

who the hell cares who's producing the stuff? as long as the west can buy the oil and keep the lights on and the cars running that's all they care about. unless its "regime change" of course and they've done that already several time over in different countries. I cant see Cameron or Millipede having the guts to go into another war, no they'll sit back on the sidelines and see what happens, anyway we've got an election next May, they are far too focussed on that especially after the drubbing they took in the Euro elections.

RE: iraq / should we help. - Skean Dhude - 14 June 2014

This had naff all to do with prepping. There are plenty of political websites who will talk all day about this.
