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RE: WARNING! Controversial Thread - NorthernRaider - 16 January 2012

Scythe when you have been around as long as BP and Me you will know its not hate, just a sad endictment of the state our society is now in, the county is ****ed, simple as that, we have 63 million people living in close proximity on an island that can only sustain 55 million providing we all get on alright. but add to the overcrowding religious, political and ethnic unrest, a screwed economy, civil unrest and millions who think living off someone elses taxes is a right and you have a recipe for chaos, anarchy and collapse.

The world we live in is NOT going to suddenly end in a TEOTWAWKI or SHTF instant apocalptic event, its going to happen the same way every society in hgiostory has gone, slowly from the inside like a cancer. The event is happening now, right this moment but in a million little pieces at a time.

RE: WARNING! Controversial Thread - Scythe13 - 16 January 2012

(16 January 2012, 11:30)NorthernRaider Wrote: Scythe when you have been around as long as BP and Me you will know its not hate, just a sad endictment of the state our society is now in, the county is ****ed, simple as that

The world we live in is NOT going to suddenly end in a TEOTWAWKI or SHTF instant apocalptic event, its going to happen the same way every society in hgiostory has gone, slowly from the inside like a cancer. The event is happening now, right this moment but in a million little pieces at a time.

I don't care if we do seem like a hate group, I know we aren't, so I'm not bothered. Society has dropped and is falling further into a pit that we can't see the bottom of. All we can be certain of is, there is a big fan down there, and the shit will hit it at some point.

The second part of what you said, I have to semi-agree on. The walls are crumbling, cracking and losing strength. But the wall is still a wall. I see it as going like a catapult (trebuche, or however it's spelt) hurling rocks at a wall. The rocks will damage the wall bit by bit, but it still stands strong as a wall. All of a sudden there is that one shot that makes the wall come crashing down. That is how I see a social collapse happening.

RE: WARNING! Controversial Thread - Skean Dhude - 16 January 2012


We all want things to change but history shows that it never changes to the way you want or even they way you thin it will. The scum rise and being ruthless dominate. The power hungry take over our governments and become dictators. Many die and many rot in jail. Nobody is left alone.

In reality any collapse where we are going to be without the infrastructure will be horrific to watch and life through. We will watch children starve and parents trying anything to keep them alive. You are all preparing for your friends and neighbours with their children to starve and die in front of you and not help.

That btw is if it goes according to your plans. Injuries that are treatable won't be, dead bodies will bring disease and you will have to dispose of the bodies. You kids will get ill and you will be unable to treat them.

Nobody will just carry on as normal. If it does happen we will look bac at 2012 and wish it was like that again.

The issues you are all talking about could easily be resolved by a good government. So it won't happen soon but a partial collapse may be the trigger for them fixing it. Probably not but that would be better than what we are talking about.

In the meantime prepare, just in case.

RE: WARNING! Controversial Thread - Scythe13 - 16 January 2012

Wise words from Skean Dhude.

I agree that we will look back and wish we could go back to this time, at in the office eating biscuits, pretending to work, hoping the boss doesn't walk in.

As much as I expect, and am excited by, something happening, it is probably fear that causes the excitement. Fear is an intense level of excitement.

Yes, I expect something to happen. Can I stop it happening? NO, I can't stop it. What do I do? I prepare, like all of us are, and we get ready to take care of ourselves, a few others, our team (come on Bristol!!! We've got this going on!) and then we survive, adapt and endure until we are ready to rebuild. I don't mean rebuild as in construction only, I also mean rebuild societal values and things like that.

RE: WARNING! Controversial Thread - Reality Jones - 16 January 2012

there's that old old saying. Be careful what you wish for, it may come true.

I was homeless for a couple of years once back in the 90's through bad luck and crap timing. It was hell. you have no idea what it is like to be truely cold, to wonder if you are going to die in the night because you can't find shelter or warmth and have only eaten scraps for the last few weeks, You start to get ill as your health declines and it becomes a real struggle to stay afloat and stop yourself going under. body lice, fleas, Tb, and a host of other nasty little things that people who live in houses don't really give any thought to .
It's the little things that will eat you away from the inside. Morale, mental well being, once these start to slip they are hard to get back. One problem after another, compounding, gaining momentum and slowly crushing the humanity out of you.

I was one of the lucky ones, and it was luck. Many people I know have fallen beyond the reach of salvation and many are no longer alive.

Scythe, if you want to see how shitty life can get go and do some voluntary work in a shelter for the homeless. It may change your mind and make you see that this life aint so bad!

RE: WARNING! Controversial Thread - Scythe13 - 16 January 2012

(16 January 2012, 15:09)Reality Jones Wrote: Scythe, if you want to see how shitty life can get go and do some voluntary work in a shelter for the homeless. It may change your mind and make you see that this life aint so bad!

Don't get me wrong. I don't think life is bad at all. I have it good, which is why I have so many projects underway at the same time. I can do that because life is, right now, pretty good.

There may well be an unrecognised part of me that wants to go back to primitive living. Maybe that part of me will only be properly awakened by going through a catastrophe. But either way, I think it would be exciting. Don't forget, I do recognise the possibility of fear being the reason for the excitement.