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What we should know "Virus" and be doing. - Printable Version

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RE: What we should know "Virus" and be doing. - Mortblanc - 28 March 2020

You sure are giving a lot of undocumented hype and rumor. Exactly the kind of thing that spreads misinformation, panic, and assists in bad decision making.

You are also giving a lot of recommendation now that would require most people to leave their secure isolation to go fetch the crap you are pushing. And due to the list of contagion life span we also see that it would be dangerous to even order the materials delivered to your home by a hand spitting delivery agent.

If you are not going to "say here", then don't "say here" that you can't "say here". Go somewhere that has no control over who messes about with their vehicle and say it there.

RE: What we should know "Virus" and be doing. - Nemesis - 28 March 2020

Mortblanc after reading the thread from 1 to 10 "China Virus Threat 2020", you showed me that your very good at getting things "wrong" the proof is in the way you dismissed at an early stage the level of this world crisis, so even though you believe your the big I am and the dogs bollocks the truth is your an out of touch old man, who will judge things by your narcissist mind and without even asking a person to backup their claims, because you already have done that for them.

I could and maybe might just back up all my claims to prove what a dirtbag you are.

I post about UK issues I use the tablets and they are good for me they work OR I would not have posted about them, and it's only an offer or a suggested alternative to help people here get through this and because I used to be very active here many years ago and I got a lot of private pm's that were anxiety and stress related, so I just made the effort to remember some of my old friends here and post again during this global pandemic.

As for people having to risk leaving isolation due to the wicked evil Nemesis is total bollocks are you senile? amazon delivering parcel dropped on doorstep does not mean you have to leave your safe zone, I had four BF-88E Walkie Talkies dropped off today all I did to risk isolation was open my front door cut open the boxes dump them and put Walkie Talkies on my indoor isolation area lol.

Ok nuff said I am going to upload the proof you so blindly claim I don't have, but first a cup of tea because having to waste my time on a fool like you hurts my brain.


RE: What we should know "Virus" and be doing. - Nemesis - 28 March 2020

Coronavirus: Italy becoming impatient with lockdown - and social unrest is brewing.

Police descend on a supermarket after reports people have stolen food to feed themselves, as patience turns to desperation.

People are running out of food in Italy, first people focus anger on the government then they will focus on neighbours/each-other and that's the next part of this shtf! will we be in the same situation in a few weeks, because it's very possible.


RE: What we should know "Virus" and be doing. - Nemesis - 28 March 2020

Here is one of the stories I apparently just spurted out undocumented hype and rumor, spreads misinformation well sorry but I am better than that, I post facts I just had no way of linking the videos to this forum, I had to upload this one just to prove Mortblanc is talking out of his ass.

Posted by Nemesis - 11 hours ago
Report coming in people are going out during the night are spitting on their hands and rubbing hands on car door handles.


RE: What we should know "Virus" and be doing. - Straight Shooter - 28 March 2020

Yes I see that coming here in the next two months Nem ......when people start losing everything they lose it completely ( Gerald Celenti ) no money no food no hope =. Major shit ! Police will stand no chance even if we had the extra 30,000 we got ride of over the past ten years ....when they announced the latest powers of enforcement and fines for the police.....I nearly pissed myself laughing so hard.....talking the talk is one thing ,walking the walk is completely’s not even plausible .

RE: What we should know "Virus" and be doing. - Mortblanc - 28 March 2020

Nemo what you have there is a clip of a petty thief looking for an open car door. It happens every night in every major metro area of the world. It happened before the virus and it will happen after the virus.

Never fear fellows, as more die and everyone gets sick all of these misdirected behaviors will slow. Who knows, perhaps the general population will get so weak they can not riot.

But look at it this way, if there are enough people well enough to riot, loot and rampage then the sickness is not as widespread as we suspect!

RE: What we should know "Virus" and be doing. - CharlesHarris - 29 March 2020

My retired military physician friend in Italy compares the news coverage of the pandemic there to Pravda during the days of Uncle Joe Stalin, and that the accounts are sensationalized and overblown. In particular the lethality percentages are bogus because in the larger cities they are not testing people until they show symptoms severe enough to require hospitalization. Those who present with minor symptoms of low grade fever, without respiratory difficulty shelter in place at home and recover.

In his small rural town of Vo they tested all 3000 residents, quarantined the town, and the death rate was about 2%. Repeating the testing weekly, they did pick up some additional asymptomatic positives at 7 days, but no additional ones after 14 days and of 21 people hospitalized there were 5 fatalities and the others have all been released from hospital and are recovering at home.

The interview with the Italian director of health services was broadcast here on National Public Radio the other day.

RE: What we should know "Virus" and be doing. - Nemesis - 29 March 2020

(28 March 2020, 22:51)Straight Shooter Wrote: Yes I see that coming here in the next two months Nem ......when people start losing everything they lose it completely ( Gerald Celenti ) no money no food no hope =. Major shit ! Police will stand no chance even if we had the extra 30,000 we got ride of over the past ten years ....when they announced the latest powers of enforcement and fines for the police.....I nearly pissed myself laughing so hard.....talking the talk is one thing ,walking the walk is completely’s not even plausible .

A huge concern is we are an island and other countries are holding back exports that they will need, I have friends in both food retail and artic lorry drivers who are part of the food logistics chain and the reports I am getting first hand are that yes there is food but not enough to supply every shop at any one time, this is why the government have put in place priority areas and targeting store by store, this is not public information but I am sure this is what they are doing

an example of this being my wife's shop was full of food 7 days ago co-op and other co-ops local were empty, panic buying stripped all the local co-ops but my wifes and another one were constantly being re supplied, now my wifes and other said local one are not getting resupplied but the others local are now fat, of course this strategy makes sense to me

Every morning she updates me on deliveries and today she just told me we have spirits and toilet rolls 4 cages in all, with possible delivery later today and her shop is bare bone, should have been at least 8/12 cages this morning alone.

The biggest threat we face is civil unrest and hunger will be the trigger and when that ball starts rolling it won't be stopped so easy, and that is the next stage we must focus on as survivalist the pandemic is secondary to this.

It's quite simply all about food supply, it would be good if we could set up an information center on this forum where we can post info country wide as to local foodstocks, so as to see if we are getting imports or just using up our surplus and what areas are being prioritised.


RE: What we should know "Virus" and be doing. - Nemesis - 29 March 2020

(28 March 2020, 23:57)Mortblanc Wrote: Nemo what you have there is a clip of a petty thief looking for an open car door. It happens every night in every major metro area of the world. It happened before the virus and it will happen after the virus.

The video is quite clear as to what they are both doing and that is trying to spread infection.

I have lots of these type videos I am not going to upload them all just to prove a point to you, once again just like your take on this pandemic in your words "it's just normal like flu in fact flu is worse than this", your quoted on this forum as saying this so I cannot take you serious and I find your pattern of dismissive behaviour more of a threat to members here then anything I might be posting.

I suppose this bloke is just a cleaner worker for the tube.

This is happening in all countries and in fact it is a trend to do these things and post it on social media.


RE: What we should know "Virus" and be doing. - Nemesis - 29 March 2020

(29 March 2020, 01:08)CharlesHarris Wrote: My retired military physician friend in Italy compares the news coverage of the pandemic there to Pravda during the days of Uncle Joe Stalin, and that the accounts are sensationalized and overblown.

I hope your friend is right and not just making assumptions due to being rural, I am seeing very desperate people showing signs of civil unrest brewing, I wonder how that news would be of benefit to a controlled media, it would make no sense other then to justify even stronger lock down maybe?

I also am seeing a lot of Italians using social media to speak about the situation over there and it's quite daunting.

Quite a few post on Dr Johns youtube.

And no Mortblanc he did not give me a bag of money to link his channel.
