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RE: The Covid Refugees - Lightspeed - 23 June 2021

Yep, same here Mary.

The idea of wood burners is very cozy.... the hard graft that accompanies serious use is more than most bargain for.

Here much fun had by locals watching incomers fumigating themselves because of back draughts in old chimneys ;-)

I shouldn't laugh as I was in that same position not so many years ago!

RE: The Covid Refugees - Tartar Horde - 26 June 2021

(22 June 2021, 12:52)bigpaul Wrote: not so much in Devon.
"incomers" seem to prefer Cornwall to Devon, even more so after the filmed reports on the G7.

Evolution is still at work in Devon mate, have you seen the mutants wandering around Plymouth!

RE: The Covid Refugees - bigpaul - 26 June 2021

(26 June 2021, 11:24)Tartar Horde Wrote:
(22 June 2021, 12:52)bigpaul Wrote: not so much in Devon.
"incomers" seem to prefer Cornwall to Devon, even more so after the filmed reports on the G7.

Evolution is still at work in Devon mate, have you seen the mutants wandering around Plymouth!
I lived in Plymouth for 40 years, why do you think I left??

RE: The Covid Refugees - LAC - 27 June 2021

They annoy me and I'm from a city. The one about the church bells annoyed the **** out of me.

Mary I've seen it from the other side, never seen so many for sale signs for years. I'm trying to get out myself but believe me when I say I would not make one complaint about the natural and tradional way the countryside is and how's it run, as said by SS if you don't like it go back then.

RE: The Covid Refugees - bigpaul - 28 June 2021

there are more properties advertised in Cornwall for airB&B than are actually for sale, most Cornish youngsters have to leave the county to find work and never return, the county is full of second homes which are only used a few weeks in the summer.

RE: The Covid Refugees - MaryN - 28 June 2021

I am sure that the proliferation of such tv programmes as "Escape to the Country" and such paint a completely false view of country life. I have seen a few of the newbies here in their spotless cars - why do they all chose 4x4s when they have no need for them!! - driving (at speed) along the country lanes. No wonder so many end up in the dykes. I potter about in my filthy old Landrover; but we need it for towing and anything we have to do in the field. Got to say I am bored witless by the constant whining about mud; chickens on the road; barking dogs; farm machinery, and even more ridiculous, the lack of anything to do! You have to be joking! 24 hours is barely enough in the day to deal with what we have to do. Even more ridiculous, these people buy enormous houses with tiny pocket handkerchief gardens. You could not grow a row of beans in some of the gardens, so what is the point? These idiots really tick me off!

There you go, whine over!

RE: The Covid Refugees - bigpaul - 28 June 2021

trouble is these idiots put the housing prices up so locals cant afford to buy and have to move out of county.
its applies just as much in Devon as it does to Cornwall.

RE: The Covid Refugees - LAC - 28 June 2021

Yes that second homes pushing the house prices up has gone on for years. My thoughts would be to possibly look at an old farm house in need of renovation with land attached for the specific purpose of planting. I do frequent the countryside quite a bit although don't live there yet and yes if you're young there isn't a lot of work, even fruit picking is done wholesale by east europeans with accommodation attached to the work contract, at least that's the case in much of Kent.

RE: The Covid Refugees - bigpaul - 28 June 2021

forget foreign fruit pickers, since Brexit they've all gone home and farmers cant get enough staff to pick anything, expect shortages in the shops later in the year.

RE: The Covid Refugees - LAC - 28 June 2021

Maybe in Devon BP but in Kent it seems unchanged despite Brexit, they're still shipping them in.