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RE: Covid uptick . - Pete Grey - 16 October 2021

MB I agree 100%, a very well put post, I can’t understand how anyone would disagree with such logic. The people who refuse a vaccine, would they refuse antibiotics for an infected wound, would they refuse a blood transfusion.

At 77 without the vaccine ( I’m now triple jabbed ) covid would certainly kill me as I do have health problems.

Our family has always had any vaccination offered to us ( we feel lucky and grateful for the chance to have had them ). We too remember poliomyelitis and kids with crutches and irons on their legs.

RE: Covid uptick . - bigpaul - 17 October 2021

completely different Pete, the old vaccines we used to take were nothing like this new Covid non vaccine, different material is used, I am not anti vax I have already booked for my flu jab next month but the Covid jab is something else, it has been rushed through in haste and no one knows what the long term affects are because it hasnt been around long enough . I personally believe, as do lots of others, that the population is being used as human guinea pigs, I will decide what goes into my body and only I.
until they strap me down and forcibly inject me I will refuse to take it, I live a reclusive life style anyway, I go no further than a 25 mile radius of where I live and I dont have contact with anyone outside of my home.

RE: Covid uptick . - Straight Shooter - 17 October 2021

Whilst I agree with MB’s latest post ( and previous posts on the jab ) it comes down to your own personal choice as BP points out ! ......decisions are made based on your personal circumstances ....age, health etc ...just look back on here and see the problems MB have gone through and told us of .....and myself come to that ! And Pete now as well . We all try to suck it up and in silence mostly .....and you young ones will get it later on ....don’t you worry about that... regular trips to your doctor / nurse or hospitals will fill up your day to day living ....and you will think nothing of it ! .........the older one gets the more precious time becomes along with all your family and friends.

RE: Covid uptick . - Joe - 17 October 2021

Mort once you start forcing people to have a vaccine you are in a very bad place, every individual should have the choice about what medical intervention they have. To make matters worse we have suppression of information by our friends in the US, the so called land of freedom. How can anyone make a calculated decision when one side of the debate is being suppressed by the tech giants. And it’s been revealed just the other day that the Fact Checkers are financed by the pharmaceutical companies!!
It’s a very sad day for the world but it’s an even sadder day for the USA who in my view are now on par with North Korea, perhaps worse as they affect everyone else. Covid is minor compared to what’s happening.

RE: Covid uptick . - Straight Shooter - 17 October 2021

Joe , I don’t think MB was forced into anything , as he has said it’s his age and health issues he weighed up and a risk he was willing to take and not fully tested as vigorously as normal true ....and for reaching his age ...what was the risk set against no protection at all ! ....I took the same view after weighing up all the odds set against my health history as well as my age and figured it was worth the risk if only to come on here and continue to piss you all off ! But if I were a younger man without any health issues things could well be different .....the bigger issues here Joe is the WHY this was made and introduced on a global scale ....what do you think is coming down the track Joe ? Have you any idea or reasons to offer up ? You must have some idea or thoughts ? Nothing wrong with discussion or views on here mate however far out ! Lol

RE: Covid uptick . - bigpaul - 17 October 2021

there is a lot of covid fascism going on in this country, mostly by the panicked masses, whatever happened to consent and freedom to chose?

RE: Covid uptick . - Straight Shooter - 17 October 2021

Well you have made your choice BP and that’s fair enough by me .......I have no problem at all , none ! Plus the fact you are not alone BP there are many that hold the exact same view as you ......I have no problem with them either...and no I was not panicked into having the jabs .....more looking for the best options for us given our age and health issues .....let’s face it , the sled is coming down the hill and there’s no stopping the bugger .

RE: Covid uptick . - Mortblanc - 17 October 2021

Every criminal in every prison in GB was simply exercising his "freedom of choice" when he committed the crime that put him there.

Yet you have no hesitancy in passing judgement and placing them under lock and key for not conforming to the general will, and you do it for the common good.

Why is passing to me an infection that kills me different than stabbing me with a knife? I'm dead and you don't care. It's not your problem and no one is going to make you do anything you don't want to do.

All the while you are screaming for TPTB to exert control over others that you see as a threat to you, be that food processors, train engineers, bad drivers, trespassers, burglars, muggers or anything you perceive as a threat.

That is down right hypocritical and defies logic!

RE: Covid uptick . - Joe - 17 October 2021

SS I agree that Mort wasn’t pressurised into having a vaccine but in the US it is now being mandated in many work places and if you don’t comply then you’re fired, this in my view is intimidation, coercion and down right blackmail. Everyone should be very concerned because if the USA, Australia, Germany and Italy etc now resemble North Korea then we are now on a very dangerous path, in fact this might have nothing to do with covid but rather covid is the mechanism being used to implement radical change.
Just look at the manipulation of the tech giants, free speech is being suppressed at every level, even Doctors are having their content fact checked and then suppressed. And this is coming from the USA, the one country you would have expected to uphold freedoms but instead is now implicit in this emerging rollercoaster.
Something very bad is coming, not sure what it is yet but most of the planet now has a genetic chemical they know little about inside them and they are now being tracked 100%. If I was a paranoid nutcase I would see this as a first wave of attack.

RE: Covid uptick . - Straight Shooter - 17 October 2021

Totally agree with the Trojan horse Joe , compliance by the majority is actively being sought ...a breaking of free will , must be seen to be done ....the moment that is achieved , the reference point for all that comes after will follow to lend more weight for the plan to continue . While I am not a supporter of their agenda ( what ever that ends up to be ) I am into my survival to be blunt , and for no other reasons than health issues and age .....I capitulated to the lessor of two evils .