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How long before fuel becomes 'unaffordable' - Printable Version

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RE: How long before fuel becomes 'unaffordable' - David075 - 20 November 2012

The future may be alcohol powered cars i know that 80 per cent alcohol can be made in the UK at a cost of 15p a ltr or less. there is compays out there making it at that cost now.

RE: How long before fuel becomes 'unaffordable' - Barneyboy - 20 November 2012

(19 November 2012, 18:38)NorthernRaider Wrote: I cannot afford it now, I used to travel quite a bit but now I dont go far at all, the cost of fuel is still mainly tax though, we are bled dry with vehicle excise duty, VAT, Fuel duty etc to subsidise the disgustingly bloated and lavish welfare state.

yeah thats the problem the wwlfare state keep telling your self that NR Undecided

RE: How long before fuel becomes 'unaffordable' - NorthernRaider - 20 November 2012

Its just a simple statement of fact Barney my old chum, simple fact. We could scrap the NHS and welfare system except for pensions and then put the £150 plus billion a year back where it belongs into the workers pockets. That we we could cut Income tax to 5%, NI to 8% , VAT to 5%, Fuel duty by 60pence a liter.

The money belongs in the workers pockets not the sick the lame and the lazies. Smile

RE: How long before fuel becomes 'unaffordable' - OpSecRadio - 20 November 2012

The money belongs in the workers pockets not the sick the lame and the lazies.[/quote]

Can't agree with you 100% on that NR. The lazies yes, but not all sick/lame people are lazy.

My wife worked all her life until she was struck down by a stroke that left her totally paralysed down one side and partially sighted. She would dearly love to work and it grieves her that she can no longer do the things that she once could and that she is 100% reliant upon other people to look after her. I'm lucky in that I can continue to work from home and be around to look after her. However because I choose to work we get no assistance from the state other than my wife's DLA. We are eligible for home support, as long as I'm prepared to pay £23.90 an hour to the council - yeah like I can afford that Angry

In your scenario if anything happened to me then my wife would be left to starve and quietly fade away because there would be no welfare state to care for her despite the fact that she has worked and paid in to the system from leaving school to being taken ill.

Being ill does not automatically make you lazy - but I know plenty of really lazy b@st@rds who could work but chose to milk the system for all it's worth instead, these are the people who should be weeded out of society.

RE: How long before fuel becomes 'unaffordable' - NorthernRaider - 20 November 2012

Very true Gary but what I see is folks like your wife and mum who have contributed all their lives as you say, but when they ask for help they get a pittance of their money back, they still put women in mixed sex wards, we still have some of the worst recovery rates, our hospitals are not only filthy shitholes full of C-dif, MRSA etc but the wards are clogged with druggies, alcs, illegal immigrants, asylum seekers and chavs seeking syndromes for their offspring so they can claim more benefits.

Absolutely not ALL the sick and injured are lazy, veterans, Injured on duty cops, fire fighters, ordinary folk who have worked hard all their lives they have worn out their hips etc.

Those who have paid the most into the system get the least out of it, thats just wrong an immoral.
Then we have those using the NHS to have tattoos removed, boobs made bigger, fertility treatment, obesity treatment !!!!!! all cost hundreds of millions a year.

I remain adamant that only the people / families who have paid in consistantly to the system should get anything out.
I also think that many ordinary decent hard working tax payers would rather save the thousands they lash out in Income Tax, NI, VAT, Fuel duty etc, and buy directly or via insurance schemes into a health system of their own choosing.

RE: How long before fuel becomes 'unaffordable' - OpSecRadio - 20 November 2012

Can't argue with NR, I think you've hit the nail on the head. It's those who's idea of earning a living is to put their hand into our collective pockets rather than to work hard and pay in to the system that need to be weeded out.

With regards to hospitals - I had a right go at the senior administrator at Rotherham Hospital - they spent millions building a fancy entrance with a Costa Coffee and other shops but on the stroke unit (round the back) the windows didn't fit properly and couldn't be fully closed, letting an arctic blast blow through the ward (which was filthy) in the middle of winter. I reckon they were just trying to kill off the weakest, the state of the ward was appalling but all the so called VIPs were thrilled about how good the hospital looked from the front that the general public could see. Made me wonder who got the bung for that building contract. It certainly wasnt for the patients benefit. The only answer I got was that the new extension on the front came out of a different budget to the general maintenance budget. I bet those freezing to death round the back would be really happy with that cop out. Sad

RE: How long before fuel becomes 'unaffordable' - NorthernRaider - 20 November 2012

I can tell you the same story about North Tees where my missus was based, Posh entrance, artwork, carpeted offices, shops etc but filthy wards, leaking roof onto the kids wards, dodgy air con.

My Dad was admitted to a ward they with terminal lung cancer, he needed rest so they put him in a room with an old guy who could not stop coughing, another guy out of his head with dementia and a young thug guards by two cops who wanted to fight everyone. When we went into the room there was shit under the bed allocated to my dad, it was still there the next day. I took him out and put him in a hospice after they left him for over 6 hours without a drink or pain relief.

The welfare state and NHS are a total joke paid for by the hard honest decent workers, but used by the scum of the earth.

There was a nice chap on another UK forum I knew from London, worked as a storman I believe his missus worked as a home help. Went onto the housing waiting list for a proper house, was told they were ninety something on the list. Six years later they were further DOWN the list in the twohundreds, because all the chavs breeding like rats and the immigrants with large broods were getting priority over the houses.

The socialists live in la la land thinking the answer to the problem is to tax, tax tax and tax ever more to waste on the NHS and welfare system.

In the UK you can work hard all your life, pay a mortgage for 30 years, sasve for your old age and have something to leave your kids. but if you need a sheltered accomodation or place in a home the state will make you pay by selling your home, siezing your savings until your left with less than £16K before they will help you, even if you have paid million in tax.

BUT dont work, get a free benefit funded cxouncil house, if you do get a job spend it all save nowt, and when you retire the council GIVES you your sheltered accomodation or place in a home???

RE: How long before fuel becomes 'unaffordable' - OpSecRadio - 20 November 2012

The bloody world is upside down - it's just a matter of time before it all falls apart - hence my joining the pepper forums and trying to do what I can to be ready for it.

RE: How long before fuel becomes 'unaffordable' - NorthernRaider - 20 November 2012

The Ant and the Grasshopper, revised edition
The following is the Democratic "common good" version of the old favorite, the Ant and the Grasshopper:
Remember the ant and the grasshopper?
The ant works hard, in the withering heat, all summer long.
He builds his house and stores supplies for the winter.
The grasshopper thinks that the ant is a fool.
He laughs, dances and plays the summer away, preparing nothing for the coming winter.
Winter comes, the ant is safe and warm.
The grasshopper has no food or shelter, so he dies out in the cold.
The moral to the story being: BE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOURSELF!
NEW VERSION . . . (sad but true)
The ant works hard, in the withering heat, all summer long.
He builds his house and stores supplies for the winter.
The grasshopper thinks that the ant is a fool.
He laughs, dances and plays the summer away, preparing nothing for the coming winter.
Winter comes, the ant is safe and warm.
The shivering grasshopper calls a press conference and demands to know why the ant should be allowed to be warm and fed, while others are cold and starving!
BBC, ITN, SKY & Al Jazeera show up to provide pictures of shivering grasshoppers, next to a video of an ant
in his comfortable home, with a table filled with food.
Britain is stunned by the sharp contrast! How can this be, that in a country of such wealth, this poor
grasshopper is allowed to suffer this way?
Kermit the Frog appears on Trisha, with the grasshopper.
Everyone cries when they sing "It's Not Easy Being Green".
The TUC stages a demonstration in front of the ant's house, where the news stations film the group
singing "We Shall Overcome".
Ed Milliband then has the group pray for the grasshopper's sake, and reminds the group to contribute to his group, so that he can "continue the fight" for grasshoppers, everywhere!
Ed Balls & John Prescott exclaim, in an interview on Newsnight, that the ant has gotten rich, off
the back of the poor grasshopper!
Both call for an immediate tax hike, to make the ant pay "his fair share"!
Finally, the CRE drafts the "Economic Equity For Grasshoppers Act", retroactive to the beginning of the
The ant is fined for failing to hire the proportionate number of green bugs and, having nothing left to
pay his retroactive taxes, his house is confiscated by the government.
Cherie Blair gets her old law firm to represent the grasshopper, in a defamation suit against the ant.
The case is tried in Crown court, with a jury comprised of unemployed welfare recipients.
Surprise! The ant loses the case!
The story ends, as we see the grasshopper finishing up the last bits of the ant's food, while the government house he lives in (which happens to be the ant's old house) crumbles around him,
due to lack of maintenance!
The ant has disappeared in the snow.
The grasshopper is found, dead, in a drug-related incident.
The house, now abandoned, is taken over by a gang of spiders, who terrorize this once-peaceful neighborhood.
The moral of this version? Don't vote for Labour or Liberals.

RE: How long before fuel becomes 'unaffordable' - Barneyboy - 20 November 2012

(20 November 2012, 15:13)NorthernRaider Wrote: The Ant and the Grasshopper, revised edition
The following is the Democratic "common good" version of the old favorite, the Ant and the Grasshopper:
Remember the ant and the grasshopper?
The ant works hard, in the withering heat, all summer long.
He builds his house and stores supplies for the winter.
The grasshopper thinks that the ant is a fool.
He laughs, dances and plays the summer away, preparing nothing for the coming winter.
Winter comes, the ant is safe and warm.
The grasshopper has no food or shelter, so he dies out in the cold.
The moral to the story being: BE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOURSELF!
NEW VERSION . . . (sad but true)
The ant works hard, in the withering heat, all summer long.
He builds his house and stores supplies for the winter.
The grasshopper thinks that the ant is a fool.
He laughs, dances and plays the summer away, preparing nothing for the coming winter.
Winter comes, the ant is safe and warm.
The shivering grasshopper calls a press conference and demands to know why the ant should be allowed to be warm and fed, while others are cold and starving!
BBC, ITN, SKY & Al Jazeera show up to provide pictures of shivering grasshoppers, next to a video of an ant
in his comfortable home, with a table filled with food.
Britain is stunned by the sharp contrast! How can this be, that in a country of such wealth, this poor
grasshopper is allowed to suffer this way?
Kermit the Frog appears on Trisha, with the grasshopper.
Everyone cries when they sing "It's Not Easy Being Green".
The TUC stages a demonstration in front of the ant's house, where the news stations film the group
singing "We Shall Overcome".
Ed Milliband then has the group pray for the grasshopper's sake, and reminds the group to contribute to his group, so that he can "continue the fight" for grasshoppers, everywhere!
Ed Balls & John Prescott exclaim, in an interview on Newsnight, that the ant has gotten rich, off
the back of the poor grasshopper!
Both call for an immediate tax hike, to make the ant pay "his fair share"!
Finally, the CRE drafts the "Economic Equity For Grasshoppers Act", retroactive to the beginning of the
The ant is fined for failing to hire the proportionate number of green bugs and, having nothing left to
pay his retroactive taxes, his house is confiscated by the government.
Cherie Blair gets her old law firm to represent the grasshopper, in a defamation suit against the ant.
The case is tried in Crown court, with a jury comprised of unemployed welfare recipients.
Surprise! The ant loses the case!
The story ends, as we see the grasshopper finishing up the last bits of the ant's food, while the government house he lives in (which happens to be the ant's old house) crumbles around him,
due to lack of maintenance!
The ant has disappeared in the snow.
The grasshopper is found, dead, in a drug-related incident.
The house, now abandoned, is taken over by a gang of spiders, who terrorize this once-peaceful neighborhood.
The moral of this version? Don't vote for Labour or Liberals.

you really think if we all vote ukip they will change the uk my ass pal