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RE: Good Value Grub - MaryN - 26 April 2013

I've got to say, S, your OH's recipes are great. I'm going to try the home-made chicken nuggets (could also make them with prawns, I think).

I'm going to brag now...... I've got asparagus from the garden!

RE: Good Value Grub - Straight Shooter - 26 April 2013

Don't worry Mary, I will be bragging soon enough.....brag for Wales me, in the meantime Well Done ! will catch up soon....I hope

RE: Good Value Grub - Jonas - 29 April 2013

(22 April 2013, 22:09)MaryN Wrote: Oh, fresh home-baked bread! Is there anything to beat that? Does your OH have a particular recipe she could share?

OK, here's our favorite bread recipe. Not sure where it came from, but we've been using it for years...

No Knead Bread

3 cups all purpose or bread flour
3 packets yeast
1 teaspoons salt
1 3/4 cups warm water

In large bowl, combine flour, yeast, and salt. Add water. Stir until blended. Dough will be shaggy and sticky. Cover bowl with plastic wrap. Let dough rest at least 12 hours, preferably 18 hours, at warm room temperature of 70F.

Dough is ready when surface is dotted with bubbles. Lightly flour a work surface and place dough on it. Sprinkle a little more flour on it and fold it over on itself once or twice. Cover loosely with plastic wrap and let rest about 15 minutes.

Using just enough flour to keep dough from sticking to work surface or your fingers, gently and quickly shape dough into a ball. Generously coat a cotton (not terry-cloth) towel with flour or cornmeal. Place dough, seam side down, on towel, and dust with more flour or cornmeal. Cover with another towel and let rise for about 2 hours. When it is ready, dough will be more than double in size and will not readily spring back when poked with a finger

½ hour before dough is ready, preheat cast-iron Dutch oven and cover in oven to 450F. Carefully remove cover, place dough in Dutch oven and cover. Bake 30 minutes, then remove cover and bake 15 -30 minutes more until loaf is browned. Cool on rack

RE: Good Value Grub - Grumpy Grandpa - 2 May 2013

(23 April 2013, 13:15)Straight Shooter Wrote: Mrs SS homemade chicken nuggets
12 oz chicken breast
1 large onion diced
1 small apple peeled and grated
2 tbsp. chopped parsley
1 1/2 fresh white breadcrumbs
1 chicken stock cube crumbled
2 oz cheese & onion crisps crushed
veg oil for frying
put first 6 ingredients into a processor and chop until well combined
shape into flat discs
mix together crisps and breadcrumbs, coat the shapes , fry in oil till done,
I am hungry now!

Hi SS. Wifey is keen to knock up Chicken Nuggets to your recipe but a little confusion remains. I take it it's not the "first 6" in the whizzer but the first 4, leaving the breadcrumbs to go with the crisps for the coating and is the stock cube intended as part of the nugget or the coating?

I've never been keen on wifey buying this kind of processed food - anything could be in there but kids just seem to love them - baffles me! I'll let you know how my granddaughters take to them - the ultimate test!

RE: Good Value Grub - Straight Shooter - 2 May 2013

Sorry GG ......yes its the first 4 AND the stock cube, OH was dictating instructions , and me typing to know HAIL THE COMMANDANT ( she beats me you know )

RE: Good Value Grub - Grumpy Grandpa - 2 May 2013

Nice one! Just told her but she's done it already! Looking forward to these...

Corker!SmileSmile They loved them! Might try MaryN's prawn idea next...

RE: Good Value Grub - MaryN - 2 May 2013

I tried the chook nuggets as well, S, and they were delicious. I even managed to get some sell-by organic chicken breasts at the supermarket for a very good price, so I am now preening! I reckon I could make a type of frickadeller using pork and the same recipe. A nice homemade tomato sauce with them would go down well, I think.

Any other recipes available?

RE: Good Value Grub - Straight Shooter - 2 May 2013

More on the way mary in a few days....if anyone else has some ....jump in!!!!

RE: Good Value Grub - Highlander - 2 May 2013

No-name soup,....
My other half makes a very simple soap that is probably the most appetizing soap I will ever taste, its simple and quick to make.

..........I box of Whitworths dried country veg
..........Stock,..what ever flavor you wish, we like Beef,..and the amount depending on how much soap you are making
..........170 grams of split lentels [ about a third of a 500 gram packet ]
..........170 grams of split yellow peas [ about a third of a 500 gram box ]
..........Potatoes, amount to your liking
..........and salt to taste

Simmer the whole thing untill everything blends into a good soup.

This is good for a prepper, because the dried lentels and peas are so easy to store and will last almost forever,... but of course you could use fresh veg if you wish

In fact from now on I am calling it `Prepper soup`..Smile

RE: Good Value Grub - Straight Shooter - 3 May 2013

Gonna try that one HL love soup, and got all that in stock , many thanks