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what to lose ...BOV....or your life ? - Printable Version

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RE: what to lose ...BOV....or your life ? - Scythe13 - 24 April 2013

(24 April 2013, 14:24)bigpaul Wrote: and where pray in this terrorist age do you obtain explosives to rig a bomb-without getting a visit from heavily armed special forces??

Garden centre for fertiliser or tree stump remover. I think fireworks are a pretty good route to look down. The internet is FULL of how to create explosives videos and pdf's. Swimming pool detergent can make mediocre C4. Buying Silver Nitrate is pretty easy as well. If you have an allotment, you're as good as gold and can justify buying in bulk. Maybe make friends with a farmer for fertiliser. Household bleach and aspirin can make nice explosives.

(24 April 2013, 14:24)bigpaul Wrote: its not like you can walk into B&Q and just buy it off the shelf! i wouldnt know where to start (nor would i want to go this route).

HAHAHAHAHA, sorry mate, I know you're not into explosives, but B&Q would be an ideal shop to get the stuff from.

RE: what to lose ...BOV....or your life ? - bigpaul - 24 April 2013

Scythe you dont half know how to derail a thread! you start talking about bombs on this forum and your asking to get it shut down and all of us put behind bars-DONT YOU WATCH THE NEWS FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! so cool it, Bro!!!AngryAngry

RE: what to lose ...BOV....or your life ? - Scythe13 - 24 April 2013

(24 April 2013, 14:34)bigpaul Wrote: Scythe you dont half know how to derail a thread! you start talking about bombs on this forum and your asking to get it shut down and all of us put behind bars-DONT YOU WATCH THE NEWS FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! so cool it, Bro!!!AngryAngry

Better solution!!!

Same effect, but you get to keep the car at the end of it.

RE: what to lose ...BOV....or your life ? - Straight Shooter - 24 April 2013

With all due respect , at times like this , I really miss northern raiders posts and inputs , he has an innate ability and apt clear thinking to give a great reply to a thread such as this one, however S13 go to the corner and sit on the naughty chair, and face the wall ....till the end of class you little tinker

RE: what to lose ...BOV....or your life ? - Jonas - 24 April 2013

My wife and I will be "sheltering in place" in our town of 2000 people, 35 miles away from a city of 30,000 and 80 miles away from a city of 500,000. Our next-door neighbor is a retired USMC Sgt. Maj. Next to him is a retired Army sgt. The entire neighborhood is well prepped, as is most of the rest of the town. It's going to take some heavy numbers and firepower for a gang to even get into the city limits, and I'd estimate that the gang members' chances of getting out again are somewhere between nil and none.

If we can get our neighbors all on the same page, I feel staying put is the best choice. Only in case of radiation or some other factor should we plan to bug out. Refugees historically have never done well in bad times.

RE: what to lose ...BOV....or your life ? - Highlander - 24 April 2013

I know that in this situation, the person has failed to read the situation right, and should have got out long before he got into this situation.

Having said that, he may well have been away when the shtf, and he has just managed to get back home,... it wasnt his fault that he couldnt get his family out, and his wife couldnt drive

So what do you do... on my signiture I say that survival is invisibility, and in this situation it would be best to hide the BOV you may need it later.

But I wouldnt hide it in the usualy way,.. SD has the best idea, if you were to empty it, break a few windows and leave the doors open, most people wouldnt give it a second glance, its hidden in plain view... and you still have your BOV in perfect working order,... maybe you will be able to bug out after all

RE: what to lose ...BOV....or your life ? - Straight Shooter - 24 April 2013

Bloody hell Jonas you seem well sorted.....all you need to now is sort out your government and homeland security....but don't hold your breath on that one mate

RE: what to lose ...BOV....or your life ? - Metroyeti - 24 April 2013

If a large groups raiding my vehicle,its a no brainer house is next so im legging it out the back door. If you were to put defences up like a car battery attatched to the garage door, dug trenches around the house and boarded up your windows its a dead give away you have something they want.

Hola roadwarrior

RE: what to lose ...BOV....or your life ? - Jonas - 25 April 2013

(24 April 2013, 19:24)Straight Shooter Wrote: Bloody hell Jonas you seem well sorted.....all you need to now is sort out your government and homeland security....but don't hold your breath on that one mate

Actually, all Texas needs to do is secede and go back to being The Republic of Texas. The ability to do so is in our state constitution. The US federal government is, IMHO, unsalvagable, and DHS is populated by a bunch of political hacks who couldn't find their butts with both hands.

As per a poll taken a few years ago, about 30+% of Texans were ready to call it quits and go it alone at that time. The number is probably higher now. I will predict this - the first state to secede, be it Alaska, Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, Oklahoma or Texas will start an unstoppable movement like a row of dominos falling. I also would guess that the immigration to the seceding state(s) from states not so concerned with individual liberties (New York and California being two examples) will be massive.

Sorry for derailing this thread, but I have a feeling that you all in the UK might not be getting the whole story from the media.

RE: what to lose ...BOV....or your life ? - bigpaul - 25 April 2013

thats why we in the UK never believe anything we read in the papers or on the main news channels(BBC ITV SKY), i get most of my news from Al-Jazeera and RT tv news channels, they tell it from a non western point of view.