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RE: Maintaining Mental Function and staving off insanity post SHTF - bigpaul - 20 July 2013

(20 July 2013, 09:03)Scythe13 Wrote: If you think spare time will be rare, why do you think the baby boom generation appeared shortly after the blackouts in WW2? Because they needed something to do, and they found something VERY FUN to do.....sexercise.

the baby boom happened AFTER WW2, I am the product of that generation, I think all the women decided they had to repopulate the country, my birth mother had 8, OH's mother had 4, but this was in a time of rationing but food was available in the shops however sparingly, post shtf there wont be any food in the shops, no electricity, no main water or sewage, any food you have will have to be found and grown by YOU no one else, I don't think bringing an extra mouth into the world to feed in those circumstances is a good idea.

RE: Maintaining Mental Function and staving off insanity post SHTF - Scythe13 - 20 July 2013

You're right BP, it did happen AFTER WW2 (just copying your capitalisation). Just as I said it happened. I don't think it was to repopulate the planet. I think it was the result of about 9 months of incubation ;-)

RE: Maintaining Mental Function and staving off insanity post SHTF - bigpaul - 20 July 2013

(20 July 2013, 10:34)Scythe13 Wrote: You're right BP, it did happen AFTER WW2 (just copying your capitalisation). Just as I said it happened. I don't think it was to repopulate the planet. I think it was the result of about 9 months of incubation ;-)

nope, if you talk to women of that era-if they are any left- you'll find I think that there was a conscious effort to repopulate after the war, maybe not actually said out loud but that was the intent.

RE: Maintaining Mental Function and staving off insanity post SHTF - RoadWarrior - 20 July 2013

ANYONE who thinks we will see the transitional period in which we see our lives change to a new age age in which we may not hear phones ring, radios spew dirge(modern music) out....and no god awfull shite on the TV, yes ANYONE thinking we will be humping alleviate the boredom....and thus without birth control methods.....have lots of kids...extra mouths to feed/cloth living on another prepper planet !! ! IMO.......there is a moderate mortality rate in babies in the western world to start with....still borns,defects in genes etc, and this is with modern hospitals and the latest drugs and monitoring equiptment.! condoms are essential post shtf.....but bringing babies into that world ......women will die due to complications...or mass blood loss...and if they are "lucky" enuff to go full term....that's just square 1.....of thousands ! IMO. sex is a great stress buster at times.....good cardio app. I mean look at the way the chav scumbags(Jeremy kyle fodder) knock them out now jeez !...there will be a pregnancys after the /an event but cant see any survival rate than what we would have seen in the slums of London during the late 1800s !

RE: Maintaining Mental Function and staving off insanity post SHTF - bigpaul - 20 July 2013

(20 July 2013, 13:43)RoadWarrior Wrote: ANYONE who thinks we will see the transitional period in which we see our lives change to a new age age in which we may not hear phones ring, radios spew dirge(modern music) out....and no god awfull shite on the TV, yes ANYONE thinking we will be humping alleviate the boredom....and thus without birth control methods.....have lots of kids...extra mouths to feed/cloth living on another prepper planet !! ! IMO.......there is a moderate mortality rate in babies in the western world to start with....still borns,defects in genes etc, and this is with modern hospitals and the latest drugs and monitoring equiptment.! condoms are essential post shtf.....but bringing babies into that world ......women will die due to complications...or mass blood loss...and if they are "lucky" enuff to go full term....that's just square 1.....of thousands ! IMO. sex is a great stress buster at times.....good cardio app. I mean look at the way the chav scumbags(Jeremy kyle fodder) knock them out now jeez !...there will be a pregnancys after the /an event but cant see any survival rate than what we would have seen in the slums of London during the late 1800s !

couldn't agree more RW, I think post collapse there will be a high mortality rate in both babies and adults.

RE: Maintaining Mental Function and staving off insanity post SHTF - Mortblanc - 20 July 2013

The standard until 1850 was that 1/2 died in the first year. 1/2 the survivors died before age 10.

Meaning that 1 of 4 survived to what they considered adulthood. Yep, different point of view of adulthood in that time. We stretch childhood out to 25 and they ended it at 10.

Death of women in childbirth is a tricky figure to calculate. Pre1850 the death rate was 1 out of 100 births. Factoring that in, with up to 10 pregnancies per female, that could mean as many as 1 out of 10 women died in childbirth. If one factors 5 births per lifetime the ratio goes down to 1 out of 20.

That is still better odds than women have with heart disease in today's world. Women now survive childbirth to die of heart attack or stroke.

All in all saying that the human race will stop copulating due to stress and crisis is an absurdity. Were that so the human race would have gone extinct sometime during the hunter-gatherer stage.

The same teens/20-somethings that are squirting out babies right now without regard for the circumstances and sensibility of the situation will keep right on squirting them out at the same rate or better.

And remember, just because you have decided to abstain does not mean your partner has decided to abstain! After all, we will be on the barter system.

RE: Maintaining Mental Function and staving off insanity post SHTF - bigpaul - 20 July 2013

(20 July 2013, 14:53)Mortblanc Wrote: remember, just because you have decided to abstain does not mean your partner has decided to abstain! After all, we will be on the barter system.

if that's the case its not much of a relationship is it? not much better than a prostitute, you don't half talk some BS.

RE: Maintaining Mental Function and staving off insanity post SHTF - Skean Dhude - 20 July 2013

Not true BP. Many people, men and women, give up nookie for various reasons and their partners go out and get it elsewhere. It'll happen after an event for sure so don't be so confrontational.

RE: Maintaining Mental Function and staving off insanity post SHTF - bigpaul - 20 July 2013

(20 July 2013, 17:09)Skean Dhude Wrote: Not true BP. Many people, men and women, give up nookie for various reasons and their partners go out and get it elsewhere. It'll happen after an event for sure so don't be so confrontational.

like I said not much of a relationship then is it?? " don't bother coming back dear--ever!"

any woman who puts IT around is known down here as a "slapper", there are plenty of them around, that's how low things have got. all I can say is any woman I am with will get booted out on her backside if she behaves like that.

getting a bit off thread aren't we? this is supposed to be about mental function and boredom not nookie!

RE: Maintaining Mental Function and staving off insanity post SHTF - Mortblanc - 21 July 2013

About mental health affecting human behavior I believe.

At least that is normally how one gauges mental health, by observing behaviors and monitoring statements to perceive attitude.

Most personality disorders are expressed feely through behavior and statement with the subject seldom realizing what they are doing or saying is deviant.