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Ho-Leee Sheeeeet - Printable Version

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RE: Ho-Leee Sheeeeet - NorthernRaider - 25 January 2014

A prudent move Bucket, its a lesson we must learn on this and all forums, there is no garbage on UK forums like SUK, P2S, UKSF adverts, politics, trolling, pop ups, spamming etc and all the other detritus that's found on many foreign forums. We have been very lucky I think for example I joined a railway forum not so long bad and it must have this system in place that when you write something it analyses it and then fills your E mail with targeted adverts.
I fear SD having moved to a new ISP and Server that the shit and garbage would arrive as has happened on other forums I use but so far nothing, that's great long may it stay that way.

Now SD has to try and encourage the other folks to come back, I wish him luck and all the guys who have been cut off for over a week ( yes even the Merkins Smile )

Forgot the point of my reply Smile Yes we need to download and back up as much of the information as we can, but does everyone need to download everything of could different people download specific stuff to act as an archive for a cluster of preppers.

RE: Ho-Leee Sheeeeet - Grumpy Grandpa - 26 January 2014

I'm really pleased to see SUK up and running again SD. It's too valuable a resource for UK preppers to lose - especially to something as idiotic as an ISP's cock-up! (If I'm reading it right...)

RE: Ho-Leee Sheeeeet - T-oddity - 26 January 2014

Good to see the site up and running again, thanks for all the hard work SD, I would be stuck without this one sane place.

RE: Ho-Leee Sheeeeet - bigpaul - 26 January 2014

I think we all have to remember that electronic systems are subject to this sort of problem never mind WTSHTF, if it goes down we could lose everything, that's why everything I want to keep-prepping wise- I have printed off a paper copy and put it in a file, its easier for me to refer back to it that way and I haven't lost it if a forum or the internet goes down.

RE: Ho-Leee Sheeeeet - NorthernRaider - 26 January 2014

Does anyone think that pop ups, adverts, spam etc banner ads etc that are on some forums and blogs could destabilise forums, surely there must be multiple computer codes and programs all vying for space. I know for example some adverts that come up on the Daily Mail website stop the " script" running and I have to close the page??

RE: Ho-Leee Sheeeeet - Tartar Horde - 26 January 2014

Just had "error" message "508 resource limit reached"

RE: Ho-Leee Sheeeeet - NorthernRaider - 26 January 2014

I E mailed SD when I got the 508 message as well, He is trying to fathom out what the problems are that are buggering up this forum.

RE: Ho-Leee Sheeeeet - Skean Dhude - 26 January 2014

Put simply the forum is consuming resources at a much higher rate than it should. It isn't just an ISP issue although it was exasperated by my old ISP being useless.

I'm looking at what can be done with the new ISP although it is really outside their capabilities to rewrite code. I've removed all plug ins and am running the basic system now in case it is that.

In the meantime it works until it hits a resourcing issue. Which is strange because I don't believe I have that many users hitting it at the same time. The question is why did it change?

Still looking.

RE: Ho-Leee Sheeeeet - NorthernRaider - 26 January 2014

Ta muchly

RE: Ho-Leee Sheeeeet - Straight Shooter - 26 January 2014

great suk is back up and running I really have missed it............been on 28 nicorettes ......gum. ...... a day ....and 6 patches.