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RE: Snippets about the floods - NorthernRaider - 11 February 2014

Dev, just imagine what the next lot of floods will do when we build those millions of new homes the lefties say we need.

Those who buy houses in flood areas KNOW the risks and accept them, what they should not do is expect the rest of us to bail em out with tax money when they do flood.

RE: Snippets about the floods - Lightspeed - 11 February 2014


You are right. some people have no choice other than to take the risk.

But its still their choice.

RE: Snippets about the floods - Devonian - 11 February 2014

Still looking on the positive side, if you are a builder in any of these areas, as soon as the waters levels go down, you will have so much work carrying out repairs and reinstatement works, that you'll be spoilt for choice!!

The same happened in Glos after the floods a few years back, then it actually took a couple of years to get all the repairs completed and builders came into the area from all over the UK because of the scale of the damage.

Obviously not good for the residents or the insurance industry, but it does generate money for many tradesmen.

RE: Snippets about the floods - bigpaul - 11 February 2014

BM when have you EVER seen just ONE house for sale in one area? there are usually several if not loads up for sale in the same location, there are about 6 for sale where i live and there are probably 6 more in town itself and i could point out another 6 in the area close buy, in a larger town many more will be for sale, wife has a friend who lives near a river in a town 6 miles away and she thinks she's going to get flooded any day now.....would i buy a house there where flooding has occurred before? no i wouldn't, i would look elsewhere.

RE: Snippets about the floods - Lightspeed - 11 February 2014

Re living in a flood zone, I bet most of the folk on this site live on land that is reasonably certain to be above flooding. I bet that this is not by happy coincident.

I also bet that anyone new to prepping, but serious about it, who finds themselves in a flood prone are will be actively looking to get out of that situation as soon as they can.

Our home is around 2000 feet ASL, away from any historically flooded areas. This is not by chance. (see NR checklist in homestead section) What about others on here what's your elevation and do you live at that elevation by luck?

RE: Snippets about the floods - bigpaul - 11 February 2014

300 ft above sea level, half a mile up a hill on the highest point in the area with all the ground and roads going downhill away from our property, we may be housing association but we picked this house with care and consideration otherwise we wouldn't be living here.

RE: Snippets about the floods - BeardyMan - 11 February 2014

(11 February 2014, 16:50)bigpaul Wrote: BM when have you EVER seen just ONE house for sale in one area? there are usually several if not loads up for sale in the same location, there are about 6 for sale where i live and there are probably 6 more in town itself and i could point out another 6 in the area close buy, in a larger town many more will be for sale, wife has a friend who lives near a river in a town 6 miles away and she thinks she's going to get flooded any day now.....would i buy a house there where flooding has occurred before? no i wouldn't, i would look elsewhere.

Who said anything about one house? My point is if you're buying a house, you have a set budget. If all the houses are in the same area then chances are you'll have the same problem, regardless of which one you choose... If you can only afford to buy a house in that area then you're stuck, you either buy one of the houses that's in a flood plain (and that's probably why it's cheap) or you don't buy at all. Desperation does not mean you are lacking common sense.

If your house flooded what would you do BP? Demand the HA move you somewhere else? I don't see you getting very far with that...

I'm sure that not all of the areas that are flooded ALWAYS flood either...

And what's wrong with expecting YOUR tax money to be spent keeping flood defenses up to date???

RE: Snippets about the floods - bigpaul - 11 February 2014

our house wont get flooded for the reasons I have already stated. and I wouldn't buy (or even rent) a house that's on a flood plain just cos its cheap or within my budget, there are always alternatives, we have always said we don't do the C word(compromise) if it isn't right its wrong, can you see Jane letting me buy a house that she thought was wrong? more than my life is worth!!!Big Grin

anyway, "you pays your money, and you makes your choice", I suspect that your choice of house and ours would be very different!!!

RE: Snippets about the floods - BeardyMan - 11 February 2014

You are in a very enviable position then squire! Big Grin

But, not everyone else is.

RE: Snippets about the floods - bigpaul - 11 February 2014

I don't really care about "everyone else", their not my problem.