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Ageism: Oldies vs Youngsters - Printable Version

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RE: Ageism: Oldies vs Youngsters - Lightspeed - 12 April 2014

Those sorts of guys are responsible for the communications medium we are using right now...

RE: Ageism: Oldies vs Youngsters - bigpaul - 12 April 2014

(12 April 2014, 11:39)Lightspeed Wrote: Those sorts of guys are responsible for the communications medium we are using right now...

so? whats you point? WTSHTF it'll all be so much garbage, we wont need this stuff when the power goes off.

RE: Ageism: Oldies vs Youngsters - Lightspeed - 12 April 2014

The point is that this community wouldn't exist without that sort of innovation.

We would not be sharing information and learning from each other.

Creative minds are not restricted in their thinking to electronic gadgetry you know. They are the guys who can see solutions to problems, they are the guys who think of entirely new ways of doing things.

RE: Ageism: Oldies vs Youngsters - Binnie - 12 April 2014

(12 April 2014, 11:44)bigpaul Wrote:
(12 April 2014, 11:39)Lightspeed Wrote: Those sorts of guys are responsible for the communications medium we are using right now...

so? whats you point? WTSHTF it'll all be so much garbage, we wont need this stuff when the power goes off.

Very unlikely the power will go off, and stay off.

creative and hands on people could well be the future

RE: Ageism: Oldies vs Youngsters - Lightspeed - 12 April 2014

Binnie said:

creative and hands on people could well be the future

LS replies:

I'd go further than that Binnie...

creative and hands on people WILL be the future.

We stifle creativity ( and debate) at our peril

RE: Ageism: Oldies vs Youngsters - bigpaul - 12 April 2014

(12 April 2014, 11:44)bigpaul Wrote:
(12 April 2014, 11:39)Lightspeed Wrote: Those sorts of guys are responsible for the communications medium we are using right now...

so? whats you point? WTSHTF it'll all be so much garbage, we wont need this stuff when the power goes off.
(12 April 2014, 11:57)Binnie Wrote:
(12 April 2014, 11:44)bigpaul Wrote: [quote='Lightspeed' pid='80897' dateline='1397299184']
Those sorts of guys are responsible for the communications medium we are using right now...

so? whats you point? WTSHTF it'll all be so much garbage, we wont need this stuff when the power goes off.

Very unlikely the power will go off, and stay off.

creative and hands on people could well be the future

there you go again, if it dosent you wont have a problem will you? what you gonna do when it does?

I probably wouldn't have gone on as long as I have, if some cretin who has never lived in Devon tells me I cannot bug out to an area I know well and not remain hidden, and that when I reply that I am talking BS, then that's when I get really annoyed, they also don't take into effect that fact that if the event is so large that its on a national scale, then the death rate amongst the unprepared will not just be in the thousands but in the millions and so there will be less people to find us, but I'm sure all these EXPERTS are again going to tell me I'm talking bollocks.

RE: Ageism: Oldies vs Youngsters - Straight Shooter - 12 April 2014

Well I think LS gave us a gread thread! And I agree 100% that's exactly why I prep ....but there again....I have been known for my suck holing tendencies, and being a double headed bastard.

RE: Ageism: Oldies vs Youngsters - NorthernRaider - 12 April 2014

I personally detect a trend going on with the forum that is both divisive and nefarious, and I'm quite happy to let the other / alternate " side" have it their way, in fact they can have the forum in any manner they wish.

RE: Ageism: Oldies vs Youngsters - bigpaul - 12 April 2014

(12 April 2014, 11:51)Lightspeed Wrote: The point is that this community wouldn't exist without that sort of innovation.

We would not be sharing information and learning from each other.

Creative minds are not restricted in their thinking to electronic gadgetry you know. They are the guys who can see solutions to problems, they are the guys who think of entirely new ways of doing things.

just cos someone is good around a computer keyboard dosent make them gods gift to women....although there are a few on here who think so!!! "specialisation" will be the downfall of the human race.

it used to be "Jack of all trades, master of none" but I fear it has gone too far the other way now.

WTSHTF we will need to have lots of skills, not just the one that we earn our living with, we will need to be able to do lots of things, most of them things that really haven't been thought much of so far.

RE: Ageism: Oldies vs Youngsters - Scythe13 - 12 April 2014

(12 April 2014, 11:17)Lightspeed Wrote: I have just asked Mrs LS to confirm, but she tells me that its hard for her to give an accurate appraisal of my performance, as she's always asleep by the time I reach the finishing line......

Clearly you're doing something wrong if she can sleep through it mate haha.

(12 April 2014, 12:23)bigpaul Wrote: there you go again, if it dosent you wont have a problem will you? what you gonna do when it does?

If it doesn't all go off, awesome. That will save a lot of effort.

If it does...thank goodness for prepping. I'm sure we're all prepping for the power to go out, as we all know if something does happen, that'll be one of the first things that happens.

As for the 'creative minds and hands on people will be the future' comment...I totally agree. It's logical. The toilet didn't invent itself. Blacksmithing didn't invent itself. Neither did farming, fertiliser, houses, matches and lighters, solar panels, water-wheels, cob-huts, roads, engines, wheels, the cart half of "Horse-and-Cart", plows, clothing, and millions of other things.

The fact of the matter is, at the moment, people are able to produce electricity more easily than ever. Providing there's a source of metal, a magnet, and some wire, it would be simple enough to get a running water wheel to start pumping out electricity. It would be even easier to rip out a car alternator and get that making leccy.

It'll be those that are creative that will bring society back, much faster than expected.

I am frequently asking for new perspectives and I do contact a lot of people on this forum and ask for advice. SD has had loads of calls from me. LS had been driven half mad with my questions about comms and the alike. TOF...poor thing, get's weekly texts, if not more often. MCavity get's his fair share of being bugged by me.

In the gym I was taught by an ex-pro bodybuilder...who was 3x my age when I first started. At the end of it all, I was able to teach him about nutrition, because I took his lessons and obsessed further into micro nutrients and the alike. I ended up helping his muscular development (or maintenance at his age).

My dad was my superhero and he taught me so much about business and finance. Currently I hassle my boss with things about business and aeroplanes.

I bother another friend about matters of politics, economics, and the alike. We debate (quite heatedly at times) for hours on end.

Am I ageist? HELL NO!!! Anyone that things I am is deluded. But, do I think there is knowledge to be imparted from the youth of society? Damn right there is. I learn something new everyday! I refuse to go to bed if I've not learned something new (thank goodness for learning other languages...learn 3 more words, then head on the pillow. Wake up every hour to review the words...implanted into long term memory!). At the same time, do I think there is knowledge to be imparted from the older members of society? Blatantly, which is why I seek it out so often.

Is there an issue on this forum with ageism? I'm not sure. Genuinely, I don't know whether it's an ageist thing, or whether there are some people whom just don't want to learn more, or they think they already know the answers, and don't want their views challenged.

In my not so humble opinion it's best to be open to what people are saying, then use intelligence, experience, and facts, as a way to remove the fallacy from your mind, or to better analyse the truth and understand the principle lessons within.