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RE: Feeling unprepped and inadequate - Tigs - 9 September 2012

yeah have to give it to there special forces they can shoot but they are trained differently to there general troops , us marines come to mind with there shooting schools (and of course navy seals and the rangers can shoot too) were as all ours troops are taught to shoot accurately.

RE: Feeling unprepped and inadequate - NorthernRaider - 9 September 2012

(9 September 2012, 08:18)Paul Wrote: We used to share a long range with the yanks so for fun they shot our SLR's and we got to play with their garden guns.
One often heard comment was "Jez, what a kick!"
Watching them trying to kneel or stand with one was hilarious.
You're smack on with the US army spray and pray Tigs, but shooting with one detachment of marines was an eye opener, most of them loved the SLR AND COULD ACTUALLY SHOOT!

The SLR is a Riflemans rifle, the M16 is a conscripts rifle.

RE: Feeling unprepped and inadequate - Skvez - 9 September 2012

(9 September 2012, 08:57)NorthernRaider Wrote: The SLR is a Riflemans rifle, the M16 is a conscripts rifle.
Exactly NR, I was just going to point that out.
In Vietnam the US used many conscripts who had little training. Their shot to hit ratio was something like 200:1 so the US needed a weapon with very cheap and plentiful ammo, hence the 5.56.
They actually redesigned their Main Battle Rifle to change 'full auto' to a 3 shot semi-auto to stop the soldiers closing their eyes and emptying the magazine.

(In contrast a good sniper has a shot to hit ratio of something like 1.5:1 )

Vietnam was close quarter fighting against un-armoured opponents. The 5.56 was an adequate round in those circumstances.

RE: Feeling unprepped and inadequate - HunterNurturer - 9 September 2012

(8 September 2012, 18:24)Skean Dhude Wrote: Sorry. I think we may have to agree to disagree here. I have never been envious of others. Trying to better yourself is a capitalist trait. Envy is a very negative trait.

I'm happy to agree to disagree, but let me just throw something else out there Smile

Everything you own, you bought because you have seen or heard of somebody else who owns it, and upon learning about what that other person has you decided you need or want it.
Is that not envy in disguise?
The "drive to better oneself" and "envy" go hand in hand. It's the old "keeping up with the Jones's", you may look at it as bettering yourself, but it's really just putting yourself in a position that you don't have to be envious.
After all, if you were born in Papa New Guinea you wouldn't have a mattress or TV or generator. What we want or feel we need is entirely influenced by the people around us, and the desire to have what they have (envy) goes hand in hand with the drive to better yourself.

If you've ever bought a lottery ticket, you've been envious. If you own a TV, you've been envious. If you own an ipod/iphone/blackberry you've been envious. If you've ever been sucked in by advertising that's designed to make you envious - you're normal. Because envy is normal, healthy and necessary for a capitalist society to grow.

In fact, I'd say that villifying envy is a socialist trait - to keep people in their place and stop them from wanting more.
In a capitalist society we should embrace envy, because it propells us forward and gives us incentive to work harder and achieve more.

RE: Feeling unprepped and inadequate - Prepaday - 9 September 2012

The only thing I have ever WANTED was a new washing machine when my old one broke down. I have always been a minimalist, I only have a TV for the sake of the kids, I have no mobile phone, well I lie, I have one in the wardrobe and it has not seen day light for over 2 years. I do so yearn for a holiday but not because my neighbour or family want one, I need some ME time, I am forgetting who I am lately. The only thing humans NEED are food, water,air and in my books clothes!... maybe a roof over our heads as in a house or tent or what ever.
I am rather attached to my lap top though and if that breaks down I will get the shakes if I can't use it Smile

RE: Feeling unprepped and inadequate - NorthernRaider - 9 September 2012

(9 September 2012, 10:09)Skvez Wrote:
(9 September 2012, 08:57)NorthernRaider Wrote: The SLR is a Riflemans rifle, the M16 is a conscripts rifle.
Exactly NR, I was just going to point that out.
In Vietnam the US used many conscripts who had little training. Their shot to hit ratio was something like 200:1 so the US needed a weapon with very cheap and plentiful ammo, hence the 5.56.

They bloody wish their kill ration was 40,000 to 1

RE: Feeling unprepped and inadequate - Skvez - 9 September 2012

Wow! Just did a little research and it appears the Vietnam shots fired to enemy casulaty (not necessarily a kill) was somewhere close to a staggering 3000:1
That's hard to fathom.
They must have been popping off rounds every time they heard a twig snap.

RE: Feeling unprepped and inadequate - Skean Dhude - 9 September 2012

(9 September 2012, 12:12)HunterNurturer Wrote:
(8 September 2012, 18:24)Skean Dhude Wrote: Sorry. I think we may have to agree to disagree here. I have never been envious of others. Trying to better yourself is a capitalist trait. Envy is a very negative trait.

I'm happy to agree to disagree, but let me just throw something else out there Smile

Everything you own, you bought because you have seen or heard of somebody else who owns it, and upon learning about what that other person has you decided you need or want it.
Is that not envy in disguise?
The "drive to better oneself" and "envy" go hand in hand. It's the old "keeping up with the Jones's", you may look at it as bettering yourself, but it's really just putting yourself in a position that you don't have to be envious.
After all, if you were born in Papa New Guinea you wouldn't have a mattress or TV or generator. What we want or feel we need is entirely influenced by the people around us, and the desire to have what they have (envy) goes hand in hand with the drive to better yourself.

If you've ever bought a lottery ticket, you've been envious. If you own a TV, you've been envious. If you own an ipod/iphone/blackberry you've been envious. If you've ever been sucked in by advertising that's designed to make you envious - you're normal. Because envy is normal, healthy and necessary for a capitalist society to grow.

In fact, I'd say that villifying envy is a socialist trait - to keep people in their place and stop them from wanting more.
In a capitalist society we should embrace envy, because it propells us forward and gives us incentive to work harder and achieve more.

I know what you are saying but when I buy something it is because I want it for something. I don't have an expensive car although I could afored one because I buy what I need. I have no interest in what anyone else has and in fact if someone has something I like I don't feel envy at all I just think lucky sod. To me Envy is a negative emotion.

RE: Feeling unprepped and inadequate - bigpaul - 10 September 2012

(9 September 2012, 12:34)Prepaday Wrote: The only thing I have ever WANTED was a new washing machine when my old one broke down. I have always been a minimalist, I only have a TV for the sake of the kids, I have no mobile phone, well I lie, I have one in the wardrobe and it has not seen day light for over 2 years. I do so yearn for a holiday but not because my neighbour or family want one, I need some ME time, I am forgetting who I am lately. The only thing humans NEED are food, water,air and in my books clothes!... maybe a roof over our heads as in a house or tent or what ever.
I am rather attached to my lap top though and if that breaks down I will get the shakes if I can't use it Smile
i'm getting a bit fed up with TV myself, its just on for something to watch but the only programmes i am interested in is "Wartime Farm" and repeats of Ray Mears....its about time he made some new series!! i cant remember the last time i used my i lie, its when i had a punctured tyre in Tesco's car parkBig Grin i only keep it for emergencies.

RE: Feeling unprepped and inadequate - NorthernRaider - 10 September 2012

BP I'm still fighting my missus to scrap the Sky subscription the TV is rubbish now, its never more than 9.5 minutes of programs before you get 6 minutes of adverts and trailers. most 1 hour shows are actually only 33 minutes long.