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Helping other people out - Printable Version

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RE: Helping other people out - CharlesHarris - 12 October 2013

I am not LDS, but glean tidbits fromfriends who ars, and keep whatcworks for me. Brigham Young said 150 years ago that "it is cheaper to feed the Indians that to fight them."

This is still good advice. You may win an important ally. You cannot fight off the pirate hoardes alone. Build community!

RE: Helping other people out - bigpaul - 12 October 2013

that might still be possible in the USA CH but not in Englands inner cities! so many sheeple these days have the "me,me,me" attitude and will take it from those that have the supplies.

RE: Helping other people out - Kiril - 12 October 2013

Honestly, I doubt I would be able to leave someone to die or be in considerable pain. I would try my best to help primarily because I couldn't live with myself if I didn't. Plus, if you help people, even by asking them if they're alright, they may help you.

RE: Helping other people out - bigpaul - 13 October 2013

POST SHTF I look after me and mine, that's it.

RE: Helping other people out - Nix - 13 October 2013

Good discussion guys n gals!

If I had to give an answer on this, it would have to be "I don't know". Without actually going through this scenario, I doubt anyone here really knows 100% for sure exactly what they will do, despite any retoric. Too much depends on an infinite number of variables.

One thing I do know for sure, given PSHTF, we will all be tested in one way or another. Then we'll find out. Previously held morals and ideals will change or be modified. Too many times I've seen and heard about people who say one thing and, when it comes to the crunch, do the opposite. This is in both good ways as well as bad.