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Taking in new members post shtf - Printable Version

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RE: Taking in new members post shtf - bigpaul - 7 September 2013

(6 September 2013, 23:07)BeardyMan Wrote:
(5 September 2013, 14:31)bigpaul Wrote: course you could just move and not give them your new address!!Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin

Shoot the first 3 to step foot on your property and that 12 will soon diminish. You may not get anyone 'wanting in'.

post shtf if you have put in the proper defences, barbed wire, traps and snares they shouldn't get close enough that you need to shoot them.

RE: Taking in new members post shtf - Skean Dhude - 7 September 2013

Lets be realistic. They aint going to shoot their family. Nor are they going to turn their place into Fort Knox. You can be flippant but it is a scenario that most of us will have to consider.

RE: Taking in new members post shtf - Rush2112 - 8 September 2013

(7 September 2013, 20:36)Skean Dhude Wrote: Lets be realistic. They aint going to shoot their family. Nor are they going to turn their place into Fort Knox. You can be flippant but it is a scenario that most of us will have to consider.

nor will i watch my nieces starve because of poor choices their uncle made. if we are to become like animals then honestly i dont see much point in trying to survive. just so we can kill each other at a later time?

i dont have a pollyanish outlook of how things will be. I just try to prepare and after any event will do what i do now- the best i can given the circumstances.

RE: Taking in new members post shtf - bigpaul - 8 September 2013

(8 September 2013, 14:02)Rush2112 Wrote: nor will i watch my nieces starve because of poor choices their uncle made.
that's fine-IF you can increase your food storage to include the extra mouths to food, if you CANT then you'll watch them eat all your food then you'll ALL starve.

RE: Taking in new members post shtf - Rush2112 - 8 September 2013

then you'll ALL starve.

no one knows what the future holds. that is definitely a possibilty. if so, at least i'll go out knowing i tried. i try to live by a code and killing my relatives isnt part of it. to each his own.

RE: Taking in new members post shtf - Midnitemo - 8 September 2013

I feel the same way as rush right now but i can't be sure how i will feel at the time...i don't wan't to forsake my humanity.