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RE: Antibiotics Post SHTF - Stevew - 22 September 2013

(21 September 2013, 17:37)Grumpy Grandpa Wrote:
(21 September 2013, 13:23)Stevew Wrote: here you go post shtf if noones making antibiotics just make your own penicillin! Smile

So that's the how - but it also gives the advice that it's really not a practical solution. No further forward.

BP, following on a link at the end of that article, there's a piece by Dr Bones on expiration dates of meds, among other things. I remembered your mention of binning inhalers and thought you might be interested...

well no store will last forever! even if penicillin lasted forever you couldn`t stockpile all that you your children needed or your childrens childrens children!!! knowledge is power

RE: Antibiotics Post SHTF - Grumpy Grandpa - 22 September 2013

(22 September 2013, 02:12)Stevew Wrote: well no store will last forever! even if penicillin lasted forever you couldn`t stockpile all that you your children needed or your childrens childrens children!!! knowledge is power

I realise the storage problems Steve, better perhaps than you might realise.

I'm disabled and depend heavily on strong prescription meds and I'm only too well aware that, at some point, they're going to run out, no matter what efforts I make to store them. I truly don't know where that will leave me, or my wife and granddaughters, who respectively, either don't see the point or aren't aware of the difficulties that may face us and each of whom will be depending on what I can learn now and do then.

I do have a question for you though. I think it's clear to all of us that, generally speaking as you say, 'knowledge is power'. What exactly do you mean by it though, in the context of your post? Where is the power in knowing there is something you can't achieve, no matter what you do?

RE: Antibiotics Post SHTF - Skean Dhude - 22 September 2013

With the knowledge that it won't last comes the realisation to make your own, so you find the knowledge to do that or investigate other options which you can try out.

Some things can't be replaced and have to be worked around. Knowing they are they enables us to start on that and buy/make the equipment while we can.

RE: Antibiotics Post SHTF - Juice - 22 September 2013

I'm surprised no one has mentioned colloidal silver as an antibiotic.
With a small amount of electricity, silver rods and a maker you can produce your own.

Do your own research!

Cheers Juice.

RE: Antibiotics Post SHTF - Highlander - 22 September 2013

If you were clever you can make your own penicillin, but its not easy,.. Russian soldiers during the war would put moldy bread onto wounds to heal themselves,.... but I have learnt that it should not be Rye bread as that produces something completely different.

.... but there are other things, history from the first world war showed us that maggots into a wound cleans it out without the need for antibiotics, they are still being used today

Manaka Honey is anti bacterial, and will clean a wound in no time, I have an old Collie today that has a large hole in his leg, we are treating very nicely with honey, Manuka is best, but any honey will do

Sugar, they are starting to use this in Africa, it stops bleeding and sterilizes the wound, it needs cleaning out and more put in once the sugar has turned to a liquid

Fresh Garlic is also anti bacterial.

.... and last but not least a better way to use the dreaded weed, .... there was once a doctor in the states who stopped the bleeding of a hunter by using his crushed up cigarettes,.. even a smoke who in hails smoke will help his nose bleed to stop, its the nicotine that does the job not the smoke

RE: Antibiotics Post SHTF - Stevew - 24 September 2013

gg i`m aware many drugs are well beyond the average persons ability too produce without a degree in chemistry and a well equipped lad,and i haven't got a answer for that other than storage or finding alternatives! and some things can`t be replaced with home made or natural equivalents and that will be a crappy position to be in! and too answer your question about my "knowledge is power" i was only broaching the problem of antibiotics, and penicillin is makable i`m not trying too say it would be easy but it is possible too do and isn`t having the know how too do something, better than doing nothing when you need it most?
but lets hope we never need too test out my lad skills! Smile

RE: Antibiotics Post SHTF - JV Men - 23 May 2017

I have had experiences in the jungle. How to put this video for everyone?