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RE: What we can learn from Crimea - Little Lou - 31 March 2014

Apologies, but for some reason those links don't seem to be working. Here they are again, both as clean text and as embedded:

The Nazis one:
Embedded here.

The MPs one:
Embedded here.


RE: What we can learn from Crimea - NorthernRaider - 31 March 2014

And for the tenuous prepper link folks Europe goes to war on average every 30 years and its been 60 since the last one, the SAME economic problems exist in Europe as before of high unemployment, lots of national debt, shortages of land, and the cancer of socialism is still rife in the EUSSR, and as before ethnic and racial tensions are building and those with a sense of entitlent think they should be given more of the wealth created by the declining numbers of workers.

PEACE IN OUR TIME or THE LIGHTS ARE GOING OUT OVER EUROPE again your choice folks how you see things going but either way the preppers WILL NOT GO QUIETLY INTO THE NIGHT.

Ref the Western European ANTI NAZIs Lou, I note that it is the ANTI NAZIS who inevitably use threats and violence against their opponents first ESPECIALLY in the UK. Smile

RE: What we can learn from Crimea - NorthernRaider - 1 April 2014

11.30 AM 01/04 France 24 is reporting that Gazprom, Russias largest gas company (and owned by Putins mates) has just put its gas prices up by 35% overnight, dunno if that is only applied to the Ukraine or all of its cutomers

RE: What we can learn from Crimea - NorthernRaider - 1 April 2014

Russia has less morals than a socialist, but overall when you think about it Russian foreign policy is very much like US foreign policy.

RE: What we can learn from Crimea - Straight Shooter - 1 April 2014

More like responding the the policy of the US.....NR.

RE: What we can learn from Crimea - NorthernRaider - 1 April 2014

Aye very true SS with Western Europe being used as political pawns again.

RE: What we can learn from Crimea - ErikEst - 2 April 2014

(31 March 2014, 21:27)Little Lou Wrote: Hello, ErikEst... This isn't Putin propaganda - it's historical fact, and even Wikipedia acknowledges it.
I have no axe to grind in this, but as a historian I do like facts to be accurate. Beyond that is politics, and we have been told repeatedly that this is not the forum for that. I find what you have to say interesting, but let's not get drawn away from the main subject
do you think actually people are so stupid? i know there is whole department in the old KGB descendent FSB which is curating all kind of web stuff. wiki is freeware everyone can participate in it. so don't give me this crap. people here is more aware than your usual lumpen target.

and what exactly is your historical facts? according the FSB approved history books for russians? where both steam engine and the radio were discovered by russians?

i urge you to read the ex spetsnaz, diplomat and now the writer Victor Suvorov's (Vladimir Rezun) works. he finished the Frunze Kiev Red Banner Higher Military Command School. In 1968 he served in the 145th Motorized Rifles Regiment of the Carpathian Military District in Ukraine, participating in the Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia. In 1970-1971 he served in the Volga Military District Headquarters, and later with the 808th Independent Army Reconnaissance Company (Spetsnaz).
On June 10, 1978 Rezun defected to the United Kingdom. He was smuggled out of the country to England with his wife and two young children, where he worked as an intelligence analyst and lecturer.

and especially for you, wiki link about him:
his works will really open your eyes! read it and you'll know who is really started the WWII.

there is no such thing as neighborhood watch in russia or around it! they care only for what in their own yard, all the garbage is going straight over the fence or in the woods near by. believe me, i'm living amongst them right now. they are the locust which consume all that they can and move to the place where they see other people prosper by their work and not only by the exploiting the natural resources.
there are lots of old people still alive actually remembering how the things really were. they are our parent and grandparents, not some fictional wikipedia web link. you f..kin FSB did not manage to kill them all!

and i'm out of this forum, it is compromised by fsb. look how this is going on: smooth talk about the neighborhood watch and cancer patient just to gain compassion.
i have enough of this crap in my country, good luck with commies guys...

RE: What we can learn from Crimea - Little Lou - 2 April 2014

Hello, ErikEst,

I'm not sure if English is your second language, but there really does seem to be a misunderstanding here.

I am not Russian, I am most certainly not a Communist, and I do not live in Crimea. The Neighbourhood Watch I was talking about is where I live in the UK - and really, truly the UK is not a communist country.

I do not dispute anything you say about life in Russia or countries dominated by its control. You have experience of it, and I do not. I have only given specific facts about Crimea itself, which it is quite clear you do not know.

I even agree about Wikipedia, but the problem with the English language Wiki is that the facts are usually distorted in quite a different direction. You only need to look at the 'history' of a page to see who has been changing it and how. However, the events in Crimea of the 1990s are in every written history of the period too, and personally I actually remember them. You can even find some accounts in objective sites online, such as this one in the International Business Times, for instance, which covers the essential facts I have already given you.

It is for the same reason that I have not linked to a single pro-Russian site or editorial, but only videos of actual footage taken by the BBC. The BBC does have a left-wing bias (in my opinion) but it would be ludicrous to think of it as communist. It does its best to report news in a balanced way that shows the facts on both sides - and since very few things are either black or white, I think that is always the best approach.

Either way, there is no need for a political rant. No-one is disagreeing with you, and I doubt you will find a single Communist on this whole site. We are here to talk survival, so let's keep it to that.

RE: What we can learn from Crimea - ErikEst - 2 April 2014

(2 April 2014, 21:01)Little Lou Wrote: Hello, ErikEst,
I'm not sure if English is your second language, but there really does seem to be a misunderstanding here.
I am not Russian, I am most certainly not a Communist, and I do not live in Crimea. The Neighbourhood Watch I was talking about is where I live in the UK - and really, truly the UK is not a communist country.
I do not dispute anything you say about life in Russia or countries dominated by its control. You have experience of it, and I do not. I have only given specific facts about Crimea itself, which it is quite clear you do not know.
I even agree about Wikipedia, but the problem with the English language Wiki is that the facts are usually distorted in quite a different direction. You only need to look at the 'history' of a page to see who has been changing it and how. However, the events in Crimea of the 1990s are in every written history of the period too, and personally I actually remember them. You can even find some accounts in objective sites online, such as this one in the International Business Times, for instance, which covers the essential facts I have already given you.
It is for the same reason that I have not linked to a single pro-Russian site or editorial, but only videos of actual footage taken by the BBC. The BBC does have a left-wing bias (in my opinion) but it would be ludicrous to think of it as communist. It does its best to report news in a balanced way that shows the facts on both sides - and since very few things are either black or white, I think that is always the best approach.
Either way, there is no need for a political rant. No-one is disagreeing with you, and I doubt you will find a single Communist on this whole site. We are here to talk survival, so let's keep it to that.

well, you are the one who called the ukranians the Nazi without the any reason! do they burn russians or jews or anyone else in the crematories lately? i don't think so.
on other note, the russian communists caused the huge hunger death toll in ukraine during the 1920-ies. and that is without the casualties because of mass deportations!
don't you want to talk about it? is that the political rant?
so what brings you to the "not wanted" political rant about it? is ignoring the international agreements OK if one of the sides is russia?

well, i'm pretty sure if you know from my profile already that the english is not my first language, but i did understand if you sympathizing russians in their quest for domination in the black sea region (or anywhere else).

all FSB agents say they are not communists and nor russians, which is mostly true. there are no formally communists in the FSB but the mentality is the same for ever!

and if you are not living in the crimea how do you know all this fascinating stuff about it?
At last! A subject on which I have specialized knowledge!! I know Crimea very well, have stayed in Sevastopol more than once, and have several good friends there who are giving me regular bulletins. No-one here will be surprised to learn that our wonderful media is feeding us undiluted BS on what this is all about, but I don’t want to get into politics here. This is about what we can learn from the current crisis in Crimea.
Firstly in the way the people are coping right now. You’ll have read in the papers that there are queues at every bank machine and a limit on what can people are allowed to withdraw. It seems that hardly anyone stockpiled cash because of fear that the hrivna would soon be worthless anyway, but the very few Russians with savings who bought gold are doing very well indeed. The banks themselves are buying it back at a much higher rate than they sold it for in January.
My friends tell me barter has already started, and interestingly the most valuable commodity is coffee. This is maybe unsurprising when we remember caffeine is a drug with withdrawal symptoms, and people suddenly deprived of it will give a lot to acquire it, but it’s encouraged me to increase the stock in my own preps. Apparently people are so desperate they’ve started ‘twice brewing’ the coffee grounds – ie making a pot with an ordinary drip-filter, then putting the used grounds into a cafetiere where they soak longer, and making another pot with that.
Other top barter goods are sugar, beef stock cubes, soap – and our old friend toilet paper. Not toothpaste, because the older ones have gone back to what they used to do in the immediate post-war years, and simply brush with salt.
However, what’s also interesting is how amiable this all is. No-one’s profiteering (yet), crime is virtually non-existent, and neighbours in apartment blocks are pooling resources to cook communal meals. This mostly springs from the fact they’re ‘all in it together’, and are so happy to be back ‘home’ with Russia that they’ll endure whatever it takes.
There’s a lot of charity too. There’s one coffee bar in Catherine Square by the Grafskaya which has a lot of regular customers, and when one old woman ordered her morning coffee without her usual bun the barista gave her the bun anyway. Apparently they’ve been doing this a lot – and if things get really bad, that coffee bar is one place pretty well everyone in Sevastopol will be willing to protect.
The biggest threat they face is the prospect of Ukraine cutting off either water, electricity or both – and there have already been the first power cuts. They seem unworried by this too. Crimea has been desperately poor since Russia left it to Ukraine, and people there use very little electricity anyway, but I’m delighted to hear their great substitute is the one I use most myself – paraffin. Most have paraffin stoves, and some even have little paraffin cookers, although most cooking there is done by gas.
Water they’re dealing with much as we would. Already they’re in a routine where every day they fill every pot and pan in the house in case the water goes off without notice. My friends have never heard of a ‘water bob’, but they’re using dustbin bags (double bagged) to store water and leave them tied up all day until they know they can refill them with fresh.
I’m pretty impressed with the way they’re all coping, and can’t help wondering if ordinary non-preppers would do as well over here. Some of this may simply be down to the legacy of communism and the concept of working together, but it’s keeping them going – and it’s going to get them what they want.