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What we should know "Virus" and be doing. - Printable Version

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RE: What we should know "Virus" and be doing. - Nemesis - 18 April 2020

So signs suggest second virus outbreak in China, my personal view is they took a gamble when they reopened, well that was my thought when I first saw China was reopening, I felt it was to early, or am I supposed to think this way? it helps keep us in place right, when you think about it China can do whatever they want to the citizens they won't challenge it, therefore the 1% could have done this move to persuade us to carrying on obeying our masters, second wave let's all stay indoors, lets all blindly obey we can all become Chineses now and just be borgs.

Right look at another view, the fact is there was no second wave the first wave had not ended, China just reacted to early and it has backfired, could just be this simple, Germany are now reopening as well.


RE: What we should know "Virus" and be doing. - Mortblanc - 18 April 2020

I do not believe any numbers that China reports in any shape or from. Do you really believe they had fewer cases than the U.S.?

No way! Take all of China's numbers and multiply them times 100. I guarantee they are burying people in pits dug by bulldozers.

It is at the point where you reopen or ruin as a nation. The prevention is worse than the disease and you suffer decades of institutionalized poverty while in economic recovery.

They should have never closed down as they did in the first place. It should have been an isolation of the old and those with chronic conditions. Shutting down the schools probably did the most to stop spread. That and the stores that are open telling people to leave their kids at home when they shop. Children are nasty little creatures.

As is is there has still been 2/3 of the population working and going about as normal due to them being"essential workers", like the guy at the convenience store, grocery workers and home supply stores, but not the clothing store, communications store or office supply store next door to them. While the people that worked in those closed stores can still visit and shop at the "essential services".

That is not isolation, a shut down or a any form of real infection control.

We are all going to get it anyway or we have a natural immunity and will not get it, all we can have possibly done is prevented swamping the health services. That way as the worst cases do rotate in there is equipment as needed to save those that can be saved.

This is not going away today, tomorrow or next week. "Flattening the curve" is just another way of saying we get it latter and not now. The curve started at zero but it will never get down to zero again, there will be residual cases popping up for years until the pool of victims is exhausted, just like the Spanish Flu and every other flu strain out there. The moose is loose! They are nowhere near a "cure" or vaccine.

All I am doing in isolation is using up my survival supplies while the stores are still open and full, and when my supplies are all gone I will have to go get food and expose myself to the inevitable possibility of infection.

My "isolation" has been my normal. I missed lunch with the friends 4 weeks running, have not been to the grocery in 3 weeks. Other than that life is the same old-same old. I am about ready to mask up and go shopping. I can do it now or do it latter but eventually I will have to anyway. No matter how long I hold out the germs are still going to be there.

RE: What we should know "Virus" and be doing. - Straight Shooter - 18 April 2020

So who will gain from this virus ? .......our NHS will run out of PPEs within 48 hours , not everywhere ....but some frontline hospitals will ! .....when were we constantly told we had plenty it was just a delivery problem and now we have shortages and now it’s ok to reuse something designed for single use only ! Just wash them it will be ok ....this is what we do in the UK clap like f..k every Thursday at 8pm and thank our NHS and anyone considered front line , then expect them to carry out their work without Any protection , my sil is NOW being asked for the material to make visors official bodies and private companies ....ok quite normal but to bloody late ! Mate !

These daly televised updates we get .....can we really take them seriously ? .....being caught out in lies achieves nothing but contempt......the trio come rolling out and stand by their preordained spots and churn out what they think we want to hear....and try to stick to the script they want to promote and have us believe .....this gets harder every day .....when you realise there have lied from the very start. it’s as if everything every obstacle is put in place to slow,to hinder progress of the very things they say they want to achieve .....what ! we cannot make a plastic apron or face masks ......are you f..king real ? We are surrounded by idiots .....even if I was to write a play (which this is looking like every day that passes ) and a global storyline no less .......enter LUKE ...we have a problem ! .....what’s up Luke ...asks Tay .....Alan has died ! ......what ? Alan.....yep he’s passed over ....holy shit ! Who can make the face masks now ( Tay is now hyperventilating) oh and the aprons and visors .......Luke stammers .....there is nobody in the Uk .....Alan was the last person with 22 brain cells in the UK ...Tay looks skywards and just stairs .....what was it that Yank said......oh yeah.......we are all gonna die............You need to get a bloody grip Tay ! Luke shouts ....get with the programme man ! It’s no longer about PPEs’s vaccine time ....we want everybody focussed on vaccine and begging for us to roll those out! Sure many old types will die but hey they were a drain on services anyway who gives a shit ! ....and for good measure we will throw in some babies, toddlers, teens,and a nice selection of all ages just so that it’s believable to all......after all it’s cost a load of money for this piece of sophisticated research and delivery system....not to mention the financial ruin of all.....except of course the Banks....especially big banks ....small ones .who cares ......the best bit of all is the everyday suckers/slaves Will pick up the they always do....the end.

RE: What we should know "Virus" and be doing. - Nemesis - 18 April 2020

Bottom line as long as they fool/control the majority the minority lose.

Here we have tony I am god blair and gordon have free gold brown, leading us into the light.


RE: What we should know "Virus" and be doing. - Straight Shooter - 18 April 2020

As you are very aware Nem, David Icke has led the way in exposing this agenda for thirty years, when you take away people’s ability to earn money , freeze movement , social distancing ........there are two ways it can end .....out these bastards and hold them to account or you give in and except anything that’s offered ......sadly most people are too dumb to get what is going on right in front of them .....they worry more about everyday stuff ...paying the mortgage or rent , utility bills , food , mobiles , kids , fags , booze and looking good on face...k which is what our social interaction is designed to give our lives purpose as they milk us dry .....while we are more concerned about money to sustain our lifestyles , there is no need of spiritual needs ....just money and the chance to win big......the illusion of lottery wins to Andy on good morning Britain peddling easy cash money and a car to impress your neighbours ........all it takes is ( your participation and your money) if you,r not in it you can’t win it ...we all need to get back to the garden ! .

RE: What we should know "Virus" and be doing. - CharlesHarris - 18 April 2020

It was once seen as something of a success story - a region that worked to contain, trace and isolate the virus - leading to a huge drop in numbers. But Hokkaido is in the spotlight again as it struggles to deal with a second wave of infections...

"The major lesson to take from Hokkaido is that even if you are successful in the containment the first time around, it's difficult to isolate and maintain the containment for a long period. Unless you expand the testing capacity, it's difficult to identify community transmission and hospital transmission."

The third lesson is that this "new reality" is going to go on a lot longer than most people expect. Hokkaido has now had to re-impose the restrictions, though Japan's version of a Covid-19 "lockdown" is a rather softer than those imposed elsewhere. Most people are still going to work. Schools may be closed, but shops and even bars remain open.

Prof Shibuya thinks without tougher measures Japan has little hope of controlling this so called "second wave" of infections now taking place, not just in Hokkaido, but across the country.

"The key lesson" he says "is even if you are successful in containment locally but there is transmission going on in other parts of the country, as long as people are moving around, it's difficult to maintain a virus-free status".

RE: What we should know "Virus" and be doing. - Nemesis - 27 April 2020

The problem here is what he is saying is all true.


RE: What we should know "Virus" and be doing. - Nemesis - 3 May 2020

I was sent this and did a quick watch but I am to busy to research it for now, thought I would post it anyway if anyone wants to dig bit deeper and post back here to dismiss it or confirm it.

And she linked the ACT

If this is true then everything we know is now over and the elites are fully out in the open.

This is the worse thing I have posted so far, people reading it, need to understand this is not confirmed yet.


RE: What we should know "Virus" and be doing. - Mortblanc - 3 May 2020

Which is it Nemo?

You scream like a raped ape over people trying to spread contamination then you scream like a raped ape when you find out that laws to stop that kind of thing have been on the books since the "Mad Cow" scare of the '80s.

These are laws already on the books for the prevention of the spread of deadly disease.

You do realize, I hope, that there are diseases like Ebola, Mad Cow and several preon related illnesses that can only be stopped by the destruction of anything contaminated that has come in contact with them and the only thing that will stop them is complete incineration?

Which is it? Does no one have the right to contaminate you or others or does no one have the right to stop you or anyone else from contaminating others?

I do not remember anyone a couple of years ago asking the ebola victims if they wanted to go to hospital for treatment, if they wanted to take a vaccine, or if they would like to go out for a walk in the park and greet some people.

Get a grip!

RE: What we should know "Virus" and be doing. - Nemesis - 3 May 2020

Ok I am happy to re-post and show this to be false information, and so glad to prove it wrong.

And link here UK Chambers

I reacted to fast this time as I am preoccupied, but then I did explain that.
