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Killer sheep virus 'may last for a year': Deadly disease spreading at alarming rate - Printable Version

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Killer sheep virus 'may last for a year': Deadly disease spreading at alarming rate - mikebratcher69 - 2 March 2012

Here we go amother excuse to up the price of meat which will never go down againAngryAngryAngryAngryAngryAngryAngryAngryAngryAngry
Scientists are working on a vacine... Hmmm they dont seem to be working as fast as they did when they weaponised bird flue...

RE: Killer sheep virus 'may last for a year': Deadly disease spreading at alarming rate - Scythe13 - 2 March 2012

That's okay. They'll create a vaccine, while they weaponise this disease. That's call killing 2 birds with 1 stone!