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But what of Social workers ? - Printable Version

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But what of Social workers ? - Weyoun - 4 March 2012

A brief interlude. Current world population 7,025,881,204

The title says it all really. In a post SHTF world, what of :-

1. Social Workers
2. Environmental Enforcement Officers
3. Union Leaders
4. Minority Group Outreach Workers
5. Politicians
6. Religious Leaders
7. Camera Safety Teams
9. Bailiffs
10. Tax Inspectors

I could go on, but you get the idea. In a post SHTF world we need Butchers, Bakers and Candlestick makers. We need people with real skills and not over officious nasty minded Quislings who get their Yah-Yah's from donning a Hi-Vis jacket and equipping themselves with a clipboard and a list of "why you cant's"

With all of the above, and many more pointless occupations contributing to the impending implosion of society, we can rest assured that In a post SHTF world, the above would become extinct very quickly and it is up to the likes of us to ensure that the breeding ground for these socially inept numpties never exists again.

In a post SHTF world, when someone approaches, I will ask, what did you do in the pre SHTF world ? If they answer to any of the above, they will be dispatched. We do not need their breed, their kind or their psychology. We need realism, truth, honesty at all costs.

Perhaps I am hoping for more than mankind is capable of, but I am certain we will find out, soon.

Current world population 7,025,881,729

RE: But what of Social workers ? - uks - 4 March 2012

What you find is the people that can't do the job very well get promoted and then become in charge of the people that can do the job very well.

What you get is an idiot in charge with no idea thinking he know's what to do even though it is wrong or incorrect.

I think your list shows my point.

RE: But what of Social workers ? - preservefreak - 4 March 2012

If this is a humor thread ignore my reply Smile

sorry Weyoun, I have to disagree with you here. Judging a person as worthless based on their job title seems spiteful and wasteful to me. What I think is a more useful measure is what skills they use/gained in that job and what hobbies they have. you never know what useful skill that tax collector has mastered in their shed.

Also bare in mind there are a lot of decent honest individuals doing jobs like these just to pay the bills and give their families a better life. after a collapse we should judge people on their skills attitudes. What someone did before the world burnt shouldn't be anything but a funny fireside story


RE: But what of Social workers ? - Skean Dhude - 4 March 2012

I'm with Preserve Freak on this. Everyone will adapt and those that can't will die. Everyone is more than just their jobs although those jobs may give them some skills that would be useful after an event.

Of course it would be best if people were soldiers, doctors, farmers, etc. but I work with computers and that will be useless after an event. Many people working in jobs on your list, which is by no way complete, are doing that as an alternative to being unemployed. However, some on your list are people to be wary of.

I won't be judging people solely on their previous roles. No CVs will be scanned before we interact with people and their actions will be more important in the new world.

Of course you would be foolish to totally ignore someones history. It would be advisable to find out peoples experiences as there are some on your list who I would be wary of, not automatic rejection but they chose those roles for a reason.

RE: But what of Social workers ? - NorthernRaider - 4 March 2012

I also agree in general with Pres Freak on this with a proviso that I expect many of those whose entire lives revolve around much of the pampered, protected public sector will prolly peg out long before those raised in career environments that rely on self reliance and self determination. Those from union dominated council controlled HSE obssesed environs where all decisions have to be passed by commitees and aproved by extrenal experts with be emotional crippled much more than say the self employed blacksmith / tree surgeon/ bodyguard / famer etc

I like and admire preserve freak and find most of his contributions level headed and fair, but I do strongly disagree with him on one of his comments which is "What someone did before the world burnt shouldn't be anything but a funny fireside story " That I can never agree with as I personally (and yes its very much a minority opinion) would not willingly have anything to do with trade union activists, socialist for either side, politicians and definately social workers, Except to harvest their organs.

RE: But what of Social workers ? - preservefreak - 4 March 2012

(4 March 2012, 13:37)NorthernRaider Wrote: I also agree in general with Pres Freak on this with a proviso that I expect many of those whose entire lives revolve around much of the pampered, protected public sector will prolly peg out long before those raised in career environments that rely on self reliance and self determination. Those from union dominated council controlled HSE obssesed environs where all decisions have to be passed by commitees and aproved by extrenal experts with be emotional crippled much more than say the self employed blacksmith / tree surgeon/ bodyguard / famer etc

sure, some people will have nothing to contribute. No doubt if it all goes brown and misty tomorrow then there will be 20 somethings who left school and sat around watching tv or filing everyday since. but to discriminate against someone for a job they did doesn't sit right with me. who hasn't had to do a job they didn't want to do because they had to eat.

(4 March 2012, 13:37)NorthernRaider Wrote: I like and admire preserve freak and find most of his contributions level headed and fair, but I do strongly disagree with him on one of his comments which is "What someone did before the world burnt shouldn't be anything but a funny fireside story " That I can never agree with as I personally (and yes its very much a minority opinion) would not willingly have anything to do with trade union activists, socialist for either side, politicians and definately social workers, Except to harvest their organs.

That's fair enough NR. when I said that I was referring to what job they did, because there aren't many of them that would offend me enough. However what someone did before a crisis is obviously important to know both to assess their value and protect ourselves from the monsters out there. You've obviously had personal and hateful experiences with the people you mentioned above that others haven't. I think for all of us who've seen people we care about hurt by others there's similar feelings.

Also thank you for the vote of confidence even though I am a....what was it.... ah yes "bleeding hearts liberal" I thinkBig Grin

RE: But what of Social workers ? - bigpaul - 4 March 2012

as far as Social Workers or "muppets" as they are known in this neck of the woodsBig Grin are concerned i cant see them being of ANY use after "the fall", they are opinionated at the best of time, i should know, sister in law is one or rather is retired now, and is pretty useless, mind you she does make a mean ginger cakeTongue

RE: But what of Social workers ? - NorthernRaider - 4 March 2012

Socialists and lefties are the sole reason why I would condone slavery again after TSHTF, using shop stewards as beasts of burdon is the only time they will serve society in any useful way. I suppose once we had finished hunting chavs and eradicated them we could have fun with trade unionists , they are like slinkies utterly poiintless and useless but its fun pushing them down flights of stairs Smile

RE: But what of Social workers ? - preservefreak - 4 March 2012

(4 March 2012, 14:35)bigpaul Wrote: as far as Social Workers or "muppets" as they are known in this neck of the woodsBig Grin are concerned i cant see them being of ANY use after "the fall", they are opinionated at the best of time, i should know, sister in law is one or rather is retired now, and is pretty useless, mind you she does make a mean ginger cakeTongue

(4 March 2012, 14:46)NorthernRaider Wrote: Socialists and lefties are the sole reason why I would condone slavery again after TSHTF, using shop stewards as beasts of burdon is the only time they will serve society in any useful way. I suppose once we had finished hunting chavs and eradicated them we could have fun with trade unionists , they are like slinkies utterly poiintless and useless but its fun pushing them down flights of stairs Smile

wow, so much hate for social workers. I must be really lucky as most of the ones I've known and worked with were really overworked well meaning individuals. but at any rate I'm going to back out of this one, the combined hate of BP and NR is just too much for me to fight against Big Grin

so I guess now would be a bad time to mention that slinkies are a really useful tool for teaching primary science? Big Grin actually that illustrates my argument rather well.

RE: But what of Social workers ? - bigpaul - 4 March 2012

we saw rather to much of social workers in Glastonbury with our friends and next door neighbours, they had their "domestic" problems but the social services "lifted" the two boys, because the parents were "indoctrinating" them with Paganism(WTF??) and eventually the SS allowed them to be adopted by 2 "Born Again GAY Christian " males-so much for non-indoctrination!!! so yes, i have NO time for social workers.