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What would happen if a nuclear bomb hit Washington D.C.? - Printable Version

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What would happen if a nuclear bomb hit Washington D.C.? - mikebratcher69 - 17 March 2012

What would happen if a nuclear bomb hit Washington D.C.? The terrifying report that predicts damage a terror attack would wreak on the nation's capital

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It is perhaps unsurprising that a nuclear bomb set off in the nation's capital would cause devastating and widespread damage.

Yet the simple conclusion did not put the government off, and they commissioned a report to assess the impact of a potential terror attack on Washington, D.C.

The results are far from comforting: the half-mile radius around the bomb would have a low chance of survival and most buildings - including that of the federal government - would be destroyed.

RE: What would happen if a nuclear bomb hit Washington D.C.? - NorthernRaider - 17 March 2012

Well if one hit London I would have a street party.

RE: What would happen if a nuclear bomb hit Washington D.C.? - Timelord - 17 March 2012

Just think of the profits to be made - from rebuilding & all that scrap metal...Big Grin Don't forget the insurance claims too. I can see this as another branch on the tree of the current trend to asset strip nations and using the taxpayers to fund it as a double whammy. Bit of a hedge fund against civilization infastructure. Big bucks happy..

RE: What would happen if a nuclear bomb hit Washington D.C.? - Scythe13 - 17 March 2012

(17 March 2012, 18:54)Timelord Wrote: Just think of the profits to be made - from rebuilding & all that scrap metal...Big Grin Don't forget the insurance claims too. I can see this as another branch on the tree of the current trend to asset strip nations and using the taxpayers to fund it as a double whammy. Bit of a hedge fund against civilization infastructure. Big bucks happy..

I think owning a builders-yard-merchants-buisiness of any kind, would make you a king after such a thing.

If you worked in the insurance'd be out of a job. There were too many companies refusing to pay out after Katrina (remember how it all got into the news), unless you worked for some bright spark that used a smaller disaster as a super marketing ploy (that town that had uber flooding a couple of years ago. I think Branson came in and said anyone that takes one of his policies "Today" will be covered for the water damage....clever man).

Not sure what I would do if one hit Bristol. Probably vapourise and become dust haha. If one hit Londonistan.....I'd get ready for a fallout of people.

If one hit Washington DC....I'd get ready to be caught up in WW£

RE: What would happen if a nuclear bomb hit Washington D.C.? - Skean Dhude - 18 March 2012

(17 March 2012, 21:08)Scythe13 Wrote: I think owning a builders-yard-merchants-buisiness of any kind, would make you a king after such a thing.

Replace king with target and that is about it. Those places are on my list. I'm sure they are on others.