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As I said before, we are not a minority. - Printable Version

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As I said before, we are not a minority. - Scythe13 - 20 March 2012

Check it out....

RE: As I said before, we are not a minority. - Prep Girl - 20 March 2012

I think we are in this Country

RE: As I said before, we are not a minority. - bigpaul - 20 March 2012

(20 March 2012, 10:52)Prep Girl Wrote: I think we are in this Country

dittoBig Grin

RE: As I said before, we are not a minority. - mikebratcher69 - 20 March 2012

Look at these quotes rhat are in the majority and then say they treat us fairly and with respect....

Oh for HEAVEN's sake. Bunch of drooling morons. I mean I get it in something like hurrican country, etc., but what a bunch of maroons. However, if these idiots wanna live in caves waiting for it all to end ... have at it. It gets you away from the rest of us.

what a bunch of tin-foil-hat-wearing juveniles. why not spend more effort at trying figure out ways to AVOID the apocalypse in the first place?

I guess I'd better start training my hamster on how to use a gun so I won't be able to eat him.

Seriously, who in their right mind would want to stick around if there is no longer any running water, electricity, hospitals, food supplies, police force, ect., and all the rednecks with guns will be wandering around pillaging, killing, and raping at will? You'd want to stick around? Eating dried food for the rest of your life and waiting to be shot and eaten by desperate wackos? Really?

Even if you can catch and eat the few remaining wild animals, can you survive the ticks and worms they come with if you don't prepare it properly? How many people will really be prepared to live decades as a scavenger? And again, why would you want to? When people did live like that -- and they were born to it -- age forty was considered pretty old already.

Scythe dont lull yourself into thinking you'll be accepted by the masses, they may nod and agree in front off you face, but thats because they think your mad as a biscuit and violent. Roul Moat is this country's interpretation and understanding of a prepper/survivlist, people fear the unknown and YOU as a prepper are an unknown, your not like them wanting to watch footy all day, talk about going out sha**ing girls all weekend, getting stoned on weed... or their missus isnt like yours... just look at how people killed that girl inb the park because she wore weird clothes that was just clothes....

Thats just a few comments off that page alone.
Preppers are almost always treated with contempt, ridicule and even hatred... why I dont know leave us alone to do what we want to do and you all go back to your Jeremy kyle and your high street shopping...

RE: As I said before, we are not a minority. - bigpaul - 20 March 2012

but what about this comment: " i work in retail and most of the customers cant even carry on a conversation without stopping to answer their phones, most of them are fat,helpless whiners and can barely waddle to the pretzel stand by themselves, never mind survive for years without electricity or clean water"(end quote).

RE: As I said before, we are not a minority. - NorthernRaider - 20 March 2012

Look you two doncha realise Prepping is for fools, everyone knows that the government will protect us from harm and if something did happen they would look after us, I saw it on Trisha I fink so it must be true !!!

RE: As I said before, we are not a minority. - bigpaul - 20 March 2012

(20 March 2012, 15:54)NorthernRaider Wrote: Look you two doncha realise Prepping is for fools, everyone knows that the government will protect us from harm and if something did happen they would look after us, I saw it on Trisha I fink so it must be true !!!

yeah right, go back to your tv dinner, you chav oink!!TongueBig Grin

RE: As I said before, we are not a minority. - Prep Girl - 20 March 2012

LOL Smile

RE: As I said before, we are not a minority. - NorthernRaider - 20 March 2012

(20 March 2012, 15:56)bigpaul Wrote:
(20 March 2012, 15:54)NorthernRaider Wrote: Look you two doncha realise Prepping is for fools, everyone knows that the government will protect us from harm and if something did happen they would look after us, I saw it on Trisha I fink so it must be true !!!

yeah right, go back to your tv dinner, you chav oink!!TongueBig Grin

Yeah but no but yeah but, Sharon sez nuffink will ever appen cos on East enders they did a story abart it didnt they eh?

RE: As I said before, we are not a minority. - Skean Dhude - 20 March 2012

If I listened to everyone else who gave me reasons not to do things I'd still be playing with myself in my mums spare room.

Who cares what anyone else says. It's not like they are always right. Just look at what they do. Someone in retail... A shop assistant... Some nut with a hamster he thinks he can train to hold a gun... Clearly geniuses and well worth listening too