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Obama blames high gas prices on Iran - Printable Version

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Obama blames high gas prices on Iran - mikebratcher69 - 24 March 2012

political talk about high gas prices, President Obama says one major factor can be traced overseas: Iran.

"Right now the key thing that is driving higher gas prices is actually the world's oil markets and uncertainty about what's going on in Iran and the Middle East," Obama said in an interview with AAA. "And that's adding a $20 or $30 premium to oil prices, and that affects obviously gas prices."

RE: Obama blames high gas prices on Iran - Carnebwen - 24 March 2012

Well, he is right.

*waves arms around*

why isn't he doing something about that etc

RE: Obama blames high gas prices on Iran - Skean Dhude - 25 March 2012

He is. He is making things uncertain by interferring in the Middle East but in a typical politicians way he is blaming someone else.

The public will eat it up and insist he blows the fuck out of them. Bastards, putting up our bills.