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Hello from Norfolk - Printable Version

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Hello from Norfolk - Tibbs735 - 2 April 2012

I've been interested in preparing for an uncertain future for about 4 years. It grew out of an interest in wilderness survival, and I eventually began to stumble across sites like this, though most were american. I read J.W. Rawles's site quite a lot, but the fact it was targeting Americans left much to be desired.
I'm in the ACF, which is a great way to get some military training and applicable survival knowledge. I have been gradually turning my family around to this way of thinking, though still have a long way to go. For example, whilst my parents can see the sense in having a month's worth of food put away, they cannot grasp the idea of anyone wanting to take it, with any discussion on security concerns leading to rolled eyes. Luckily my younger brother shares my interest; still a pipe-dream, but we may end up pooling some money and buying a smallholding.
I am attemtping to form a preparation / discussion group via some posters at college, but have only got 1 reply. 5 slips with my email have been taken, so there is hope yet.

RE: Hello from Norfolk - bigpaul - 2 April 2012

hello and welcome, from North Devon.

RE: Hello from Norfolk - Barneyboy - 2 April 2012

hello from me in norfolkSmile

RE: Hello from Norfolk - mikebratcher69 - 2 April 2012

Hiya from sunny Manchester...
With regard to you prepping good on ya!
With regard to your security arangements, you and your brother may have to bear the burden on your own.
I.E. if you know as we all do, theres a chance of anybody taking your gear, food etc... you set yourself up for it and dont involve them so there in their "ignorance is bliss" state and you all the while are doing the security so if anyvbody comes your prepared.
Your lucky they're willing to put stuff by, some people need time to come around, they may never come around who knows but at least if your prepared if nothing goes on your no worse off are you? AND if it does kick off you know you can handle it.

RE: Hello from Norfolk - Tibbs735 - 2 April 2012

(2 April 2012, 18:06)mikebratcher69 Wrote: Hiya from sunny Manchester...
With regard to you prepping good on ya!
With regard to your security arangements, you and your brother may have to bear the burden on your own.
I.E. if you know as we all do, theres a chance of anybody taking your gear, food etc... you set yourself up for it and dont involve them so there in their "ignorance is bliss" state and you all the while are doing the security so if anyvbody comes your prepared.
Your lucky they're willing to put stuff by, some people need time to come around, they may never come around who knows but at least if your prepared if nothing goes on your no worse off are you? AND if it does kick off you know you can handle it.
I'm sure my parents will come around as stuff begins to get more and more uncomfortable. I'm just glad me and my brother are on the same page. I intend to gradually build up an arsenal, with things like crossbows, air rifles and pistols, shotguns, maybe even a lever action rifle eventually. I have a few PDF's on some "home projects" to build in the garage, but I will remain sensibly vague on that topic.

RE: Hello from Norfolk - Prep Girl - 2 April 2012

Big hello from Essex

RE: Hello from Norfolk - Skean Dhude - 2 April 2012

(2 April 2012, 17:58)Tibbs735 Wrote: they cannot grasp the idea of anyone wanting to take it

Welcome. We can all sympathise with your issue but it isn't as bad as you think.

When they have their preps in place let us have the address and we will educate them on their errors.

Only joking. Smile

In reality most people like your parents only see the negative side of people when it is demonstrated to them by violence to them or their close family and I would guess many will not have any security in place.

RE: Hello from Norfolk - TOF - 2 April 2012

Good evening!

RE: Hello from Norfolk - Jodansgang - 2 April 2012

Ey up matey, greetings and welcome.

RE: Hello from Norfolk - Timelord - 3 April 2012

OW DO..[/b]