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different types of preppers ? - Printable Version

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different types of preppers ? - grumpy old man - 4 April 2012

we have different types of preppers using this forum and at times we might forget that and their veiws might not sit well with ours ?
i think there are the following:

the die hard survivalist :
someone who is geared up for total war and surviving anything that comes their way.

the normal survivalist :
someone who preps in away that does not dominate their lives but covers day to day preps and would stand a better chance of survival if any thing happened.

the lone survivalist :
someone who thinks that they have the best chance of survival alone either holed up somewhere or on the road.

the group survivalist :
someone who thinks that the only way to survive is in a group either holed up or on the road.

the prepper :
someone who isn't into survival in a major event but likes to prepare in case something small happens until the gov comes to their help.

the small holder :
someone who ins't into survival but just trying to save on money and a better lifestyle.

the worrier :
someone who is new to the prepping thing.

the prep. raider :
someone who has prepared to get by on a small amount of preps but has also realised that to survive anything big happening they need to be equipped to raid anywhere for what they need.

the will never happen prepper :
someone who can't face what might happen and don't know how to prepare so they hide the fear and laugh at the others but secretly wishing they knew what to do.

RE: different types of preppers ? - Scythe13 - 5 April 2012

This is a good thing for people to think about.

I think, because of the level of preps and the alike, the main category I fall into would be the normal survivalist. I prep daily, and spend a reasonable amount on preps, however, I also do loads of great activities and the alike. Prepping and survivalism are in my top daily things list.

I'm smart enough to know I'm not an island. So I'm all for working in teams, even though I'm planning and teaching myself to be able to survive solo, if I have to.

RE: different types of preppers ? - 00111001 - 5 April 2012

I'm a filthy halfbreed cross between the normal survivalist and the prep raider Smile

RE: different types of preppers ? - bigpaul - 5 April 2012

i'm definitely die hard, i expect anything and everything to happen.Big Grin

RE: different types of preppers ? - 00111001 - 5 April 2012

(5 April 2012, 09:26)bigpaul Wrote: i'm definitely die hard, i expect anything and everything to happen.Big Grin

Does that mean we have to start calling you Bruce? Tongue

RE: different types of preppers ? - mikebratcher69 - 5 April 2012

Paranoid die hard...Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin
I kill you...
(ahmed the dead ter*r*st)
well funny...

RE: different types of preppers ? - bigpaul - 5 April 2012

(5 April 2012, 09:35)00111001 Wrote:
(5 April 2012, 09:26)bigpaul Wrote: i'm definitely die hard, i expect anything and everything to happen.Big Grin

Does that mean we have to start calling you Bruce? Tongue

nope, Paul, BigPaul or just plain B.P. will sufficeTongue