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Military planes are busy round my way? - Printable Version

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Military planes are busy round my way? - Prep Girl - 11 April 2012

Might be some thing and nothing but, I over look a few flight paths, I've lived here 6 years , at a guess I'd say I look out on Stansted, City and military flight paths, the planes for the Royal wedding last year flew by me on the way to the palace and then back again, I know the different sounds of the planes, don't hear to many of what I'd call military air crafts but, last few weeks they have been going by a lot, usually at night when I can't be bothered to get up and look but did tonight coz it was so loud , it was a chopper, type you'd see in the war films when they fly in and rescue the soldiers, what's that all about I wonder?

RE: Military planes are busy round my way? - Stokey - 11 April 2012

Chasing car thieves ;-)

RE: Military planes are busy round my way? - Prep Girl - 11 April 2012

No thats a different chopper,get them quite a lot round here , this was heavy and loud, I could see it's shape, was big!

RE: Military planes are busy round my way? - mikebratcher69 - 11 April 2012

we have a black Russian mig and a black chinook thats fairly reguar around here fly fairly low too.

RE: Military planes are busy round my way? - Prep Girl - 11 April 2012

But that's my point it's not regular round here, so why now?

RE: Military planes are busy round my way? - Stokey - 11 April 2012

(11 April 2012, 22:42)mikebratcher69 Wrote: we have a black Russian mig and a black chinook thats fairly reguar around here fly fairly low too.

Damn, they must be lost lol

RE: Military planes are busy round my way? - Timelord - 12 April 2012

There are many possible national or global reasons.. Without any info or major calamity occuring, then the purpose will be a unknown. Worth keeping an eye on though.

RE: Military planes are busy round my way? - TOF - 12 April 2012

Probably just practice for protecting the city during the Olympics. I wouldn't worry too much unless you hear a loud bang.

RE: Military planes are busy round my way? - Bucket - 12 April 2012

Prep Girl,

The Royal Marines are doing the changeover of tours- 45's coming home and 43 are going out. Most of the transport is happening via Brize Norton, as the MoD have closed Lossie and Kinloss, where they used to come in/out of.

Know this as a lot of my friends from school joined 45 (as they're based in my hometown) and are planning a quiet, restrained foray into alcoholism next weekend.

RE: Military planes are busy round my way? - bigpaul - 12 April 2012

we get a few flying over here from Chivenor(search and rescue) but what we normally see is the air ambulance-bright red, cant miss it, it usually comes down on the grass at the front of the estate by the old peoples bungalows.