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starving uk - bowdrill - 13 April 2012

watching aljazeera and food being distributed to families in the uk as they are starving ??
keeping that very quiet on our news channels


RE: starving uk - Scythe13 - 13 April 2012

That's an interesting find. Any links mate?

RE: starving uk - mikebratcher69 - 13 April 2012

You'll find the news channels keep quiet about virtualy anything we find inportant.
They tend to keep it up beat and happy land.
Check out alternate sources for all your news and NEVER discount ANYTHING no matter how stupid or unlikely it seems.

RE: starving uk - Skean Dhude - 13 April 2012

If you are on the dole and need emergency supplies the government is sending you to charities for emergency food. been going on for a few months now.

The Stasi, like their heroes the Russians, keep it from the news.

RE: starving uk - bowdrill - 13 April 2012

try aljazeera news channel


RE: starving uk - bigpaul - 13 April 2012

its called FOODBANKS and their cropping up everywhere! shame really, it seems to be only people who have never taken responsibility for their own lives that seem to get the handouts.

RE: starving uk - Scythe13 - 13 April 2012

(13 April 2012, 17:09)Skean Dhude Wrote: The Stasi, like their heroes the Russians, keep it from the news.

Okay it's the Starzi and Russians that do that......which one were we, again?

RE: starving uk - uks - 13 April 2012

Seen something about these on the news or a documenty recently.