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Plauge inc game - Printable Version

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Plauge inc game - Carnebwen - 20 June 2012

Neat little game for iPhones or whatever. You choose a disease type and a starting country then try and infect and kill all humans on the planet.

Pretty entertaining. You have to chose vectors like birds, air transmission etc and evolve your disease and spread it before the world governments start trying to cure it. Different countries are easier / harder to infect. Do you go slow and just infect under the radar or start killing people as soon as able. Organ failure, projectile vomiting and cysts? You get to choose!

I'm on holiday at the moment and dicking around playing this is pretty entertaining but it also has a survivalist sort of feel to it as the disease spread is very realistic. Worth a look if you have a phone or something that runs it. It was 0.69p but I'm loving it. Currently stuck on fungus. I've done bacteria, virus. There is nano virus, parasite, and bio weapon to go.

Should be right up our street.

RE: Plauge inc game - Timelord - 20 June 2012

Hopefully not mine. Plague it is. :-)