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Bug Out on your Ass ? - Printable Version

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Bug Out on your Ass ? - NorthernRaider - 31 August 2012

Was reading an oldish article in a Readers Digest or what was left of it about some folks from Canada who are avid long distance walkers and hikers. But they also like a moderate amount of good kit with them when they go out into the boonies rather than the very basic amounts of kit a human can comfortably carry on his or her back.
( Her if you have her trained right Smile )

So when this families pet dogs passed away they replaced them with a pair of rescue Donkeys which became much loved family pets living in a paddock only yards from their home. Theses donkeys carry loads of extra gear for the family such as a bigger tent, lightweight folding chairs, larger gas bottle, solar shower, bigger water containers, lightweight folding camp bed and extra grub.

They emphasise these donkeys are NEVER heavily laden carrying less than a 1/3 of what they carried when they were working, they dont even ride them. Indeed one of the biggest things they carry are treats for the donkets to eat themselves like bags of carrots !!!

They graze for most of their food and drink from the plentiful rivers, lakes streams and ponds they have in western Canada.

So you can see what I am thinking, If a British family needed to have a pedestrian based bug out plan, and liked being eco but wanted or needed to carry a fair amount of gear why not get a donkey ?

RE: Bug Out on your Ass ? - Prepaday - 31 August 2012

Bloomin good idea....

RE: Bug Out on your Ass ? - NorthernRaider - 31 August 2012

I'm dreading trying to write a specification sheet for an SUK.NET Bug Out Donkey !!! Smile
Skean Dhudes bug out donkey loaded and ready to go

RE: Bug Out on your Ass ? - bigpaul - 31 August 2012

what have i been saying for ages about Donkeys? and you laughed at me NR? just goes to showBig Grin
we would like to get a small donkey cart to carry the stuff in, nothing too big, literally an axle with 2 wheels and a box on top.

RE: Bug Out on your Ass ? - NorthernRaider - 31 August 2012

I thought what you said was " If you were going to bug out you would have both hands firmly on your ass" ! Smile
I reckon a lightweight SPRUNG cart would be better for the donkey, the kit and mobility, maybe just lightly spring not even any shockers, could even just be those rubber blocks tween the axle and the chassis just to take some of the bumps and knocks away from the donkey thus stressing it less.

RE: Bug Out on your Ass ? - bigpaul - 31 August 2012

(31 August 2012, 12:13)NorthernRaider Wrote: I thought what you said was " If you were going to bug out you would have both hands firmly on your ass" ! Smile
I reckon a lightweight SPRUNG cart would be better for the donkey, the kit and mobility, maybe just lightly spring not even any shockers, could even just be those rubber blocks tween the axle and the chassis just to take some of the bumps and knocks away from the donkey thus stressing it less.

nope that is not what i said and you know it, you so and so!!TongueBig Grin

RE: Bug Out on your Ass ? - Armoured Gideon - 31 August 2012

A Bug Out Donkey! Brilliant! Next on my list, get a BOD

RE: Bug Out on your Ass ? - NorthernRaider - 31 August 2012

(31 August 2012, 16:10)Armoured Gideon Wrote: A Bug Out Donkey! Brilliant! Next on my list, get a BOD

This is going to be fun, AG is off to his local prepper supplier store to buy a Tactical Assault Donkey System in Digital cammo with all accessories, Picatinny rail fitted shit shovel, Kevlar grooming brush, AP resistant harness Etc Smile Smile Smile
Cammoflaged Donkey,r:0,s:0,i:70

urban commo donkey,1172412329,1/stock-photo-tijuana-donkey-camouflaged-as-a-zebra-2755344.jpg&w=301&h=470&ei=nNpAUNahMqiS0QX0z4DIDg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=568&vpy=111&dur=44&hovh=281&hovw=180&tx=116&ty=125&sig=115860282265579420890&page=1&tbnh=149&tbnw=93&start=0&ndsp=19&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:0,i:76
HEY SD......... Are you going to..................... Cammouflage your Ass Smile

RE: Bug Out on your Ass ? - Hrusai - 1 September 2012

[Image: Demotivational-Posters-Army-7-550x449.jpg]

im looking forward to getting my own urban assault vehicle now!

RE: Bug Out on your Ass ? - bigpaul - 1 September 2012

thats it...thats BIGPAUL's Bug Out Vehicle!!!Big Grin