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How many Calories do you need ( article by Ken) - Printable Version

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How many Calories do you need ( article by Ken) - NorthernRaider - 9 October 2012

RE: How many Calories do you need ( article by Ken) - Prepper1 - 9 October 2012

I think that's why the old stodgy puddings were made years ago, which I still adore, made with suet "n" stuff, high calorie belly fillers.
I think from other survival type programs I've seen, anything other than light foraging from readily available foods. i.e. at your feet, rapidly consumes calories.
One of the best tips I saw was to have a little extra weight on your body to see you through the period from shtf to finding a source of foods, obviously in conjunction with your stored food supply and to put vitamin supplements in your food stores.
You can buy a years supply of multivitamins on eBay for about a tenner because under stress your immune system is weakened so bumping it up with vitamin d3 supplements (5000 I.U.) and a daily multivitamin will help greatly, just make sure you've got enough for your whole group.
Something I found out ages ago was that if your a ginger like me, your body has trouble synthesizing vitamin d3 (5000 I.U.) from the sun, so to take vitamin d3 supplements.(5000 I.U.)
I tried it because I had general bad joint aches and pains and within a couple of months they were gone and I've never felt better.
The d3 supplement I take I bought from E bay its a u.s. product ( healthy origins 360 soft gel caps) and they recommend a minimum daily dose of 5000I.u. before I tried the U.S. recommended dosage I tried the U.K. recommended dosage which had little or no effect.
Apparently vitamin d3 helps the body synthesize and absorb calcium, which is probably the reason I used to crave milk, I used to drink gallons of the stuff and the reason for the joint pain must have been a lack of calcium, which the d3 has sorted out.

RE: How many Calories do you need ( article by Ken) - David075 - 9 October 2012

In a shtf situation you may not know when you will be able to have your next meal dine like a king when you can , i would try to have 1500 calories for my first meal of the day and take it from there.

RE: How many Calories do you need ( article by Ken) - HunterNurturer - 9 October 2012

This doesn't take into account the fact that when you reduce your caloric intake, your metabolism slows down as a result, which means you burn less calories.
It depends how active you are/will be, but while hunkering down/bugging in I know I could comfortably live on 1200 calories per day. Half of Asia survives on a similar amount.

RE: How many Calories do you need ( article by Ken) - Scythe13 - 9 October 2012

I hate to be the scientist in all of this, but if it's winter and you're out and about, or if you're wet through, or swimming in cold water, or just in water in general, you'll have thermogenic calorie burning!!! That can add up to an additional, 6000+ calories, please note that is not a typo, it is meant to be a 6 with 3 0's after it, and a plus sign after those zeros. Yes 6000+ calories, extra required to maintain current weight.

Also, note that drinking cold water burns calories, because your body needs to maintain a constant temperature, so will burn calories to get back to normal body temp. A single ice cube melted in your mouth causes 40 extra calories to be burned! Think about arctic expeditions, how much they eat per day....12'000 calories a day. Yet on some days they're travelling only 2-4miles if that, and are still losing weight. It's not that it's super hard work that causes them to lose that much weight. Pro athletes burn around 5500 calories a day, and they're doing that hard work!!! It's the temperature difference that is being totally neglected.