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How's the harvest - Printable Version

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How's the harvest - Tartar Horde - 27 October 2012

Just wondering how you folks did regarding things you grew in the garden etc? My Sweetcorn was rubbish! never ripened at allAngry
The outdoor Toms never ripened either!
Borlotti beans did really well got pounds of emSmile
Got a good crop of tatties, onions, beetroot and peas. I did ok with cabbages but noticed more whitefly this year.

RE: How's the harvest - bigpaul - 27 October 2012

(27 October 2012, 14:31)Tartar Horde Wrote: Just wondering how you folks did regarding things you grew in the garden etc? My Sweetcorn was rubbish! never ripened at allAngry
The outdoor Toms never ripened either!
Borlotti beans did really well got pounds of emSmile
Got a good crop of tatties, onions, beetroot and peas. I did ok with cabbages but noticed more whitefly this year.
Squash was rubbish this year, usually grow enough for nearly all winter, this year only ONE survived the rest rotted as they grew. raspberry's were ok, as was the broad beans, didnt do spuds this year cos of the wet weather..too late to sow them.

RE: How's the harvest - NorthernRaider - 27 October 2012

abysmal TBH, not bad for Tomatos, only got maybe a dozen onions, no spuds, no broccolli, maybe 20 carrots, and one squash !!!! Sad

RE: How's the harvest - Tartar Horde - 27 October 2012

Looks like it's been a bad year for tenderish stuff like Squash , Sweetcorn etc, you need the sun for these to really harvest, and I didn't get much here. I've always fancied growing some Squash, and it sounds like you get a good weight when they go right?
What types are you guys growing

RE: How's the harvest - NorthernRaider - 27 October 2012

Butternut squashes cos they store for up to three months, go great in soups or can even be roasted, I got loads to grow to about 2 inches long, but then they went mouldy and died.

RE: How's the harvest - Tartar Horde - 27 October 2012

(27 October 2012, 15:39)NorthernRaider Wrote: Butternut squashes cos they store for up to three months, go great in soups or can even be roasted, I got loads to grow to about 2 inches long, but then they went mouldy and died.

BUMMER, do you have some seed put by, or do ya just buy new stock

RE: How's the harvest - NorthernRaider - 27 October 2012

Just buy new seedings from a specific local garden centre cos he grows stuff from seed locally thats hardened to the area.

RE: How's the harvest - Straight Shooter - 27 October 2012

my runner beans were the worst ever in 32 years.... toms and cucs were just about ok ....poly tunnel spuds were fair, leeks good, peas and broadbeans were shit. the spuds for xmas looking good...leeks are real good , cabbage about ok , in the poly tunnel ... leeks outside look shit swede turips not the best but they will go in the stew, i will be better prepared next year as ever increasing prices forces me to do better .... lunar cycle for me from now on

RE: How's the harvest - Bjm - 27 October 2012

carrots, onions, potatos, cabbage,sweede,leeks,and kayle all ok, beans, peas,corn,and herbs were a waste of time. we are using raised beds so drainage was good, but i imagine most of the neutriants have washed away. good job we have chickens, to help with replenishing the soil.(well i mean there poo, not digging the chickens into the soil)

RE: How's the harvest - Juice - 27 October 2012

Being my first year of growing food and not quite sure of what I'm doing or am suppose to do!
Planted lots of bushes.

Raspberries; not bad from just one x 12 stems planted
Blackberries; x 2, not bad, bit of a mix
Gooseberries; x3, obliterated by caterpillars - will they survive?
Currents; x3, practically nothing.
grape, gojiberry, + 2 blueberry; planted late, lets see next year.

As for veg:

Carrots; half eaten by slugs
Runners; I let the seeds get water logged and those that survived the slugs tried to destroy. Still had a small crop though.
Broccoli two types; Both attacked by slugs and caterpillars, one will harvest next spring, the other will make good compost.
Greens - Spinach substitute; Attacked by slugs but survived well.

White Radish, Rocket, lettuce and turnip; Planted quite late in a raised bed - seem to be doing well.

(27 October 2012, 16:54)Straight Shooter Wrote: my runner beans were the worst ever in 32 years.... toms and cucs were just about ok ....poly tunnel spuds were fair, leeks good, peas and broadbeans were shit. the spuds for xmas looking good...leeks are real good , cabbage about ok , in the poly tunnel ... leeks outside look shit swede turips not the best but they will go in the stew, i will be better prepared next year as ever increasing prices forces me to do better .... lunar cycle for me from now on

Shooter (quite apt name for this post!)
What do you mean by "lunar cycle for me from now on"

Cheers Juice.