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What sanitation arrangements - uks - 5 November 2012

What sanitation arrangements have you made post a natural or manmade diaster or the end of the world.

RE: What sanitation arrangements - Paul - 5 November 2012

Shovel and a years supply of bum roll.

RE: What sanitation arrangements - Prepper1 - 5 November 2012

Same as Paul.

RE: What sanitation arrangements - Scythe13 - 5 November 2012

I'm looking into composting human waste, peeing into a local stream that goes away from us....quite rapidly (pardon the pun).

Toilet roll and all that is my main issue. As much toilet roll as we have, I still expect to last longer than it does.

Learning to make soap from nettles and animal fats, as well as sharpening blades....and stones, to shave with. Will use them to cut hair too (but scissors should last long enough).

Bathing and showers....going solar shower! Might end up using that same idea to sort out the toilet roll shortage problem.

RE: What sanitation arrangements - NorthernRaider - 5 November 2012

Chemical camping toilet for short term, compost pee and poo in long term.

RE: What sanitation arrangements - bigpaul - 5 November 2012

composting toilet.

RE: What sanitation arrangements - Geordie_Rob - 5 November 2012

Got a bucket & chuck it type camping toilet for short term. Long term, composting toilet. A bit of ply, 2x2 timber, wine fermenting bucket & sawdust is all you need. Well apart from bog roll obviously.

Cheap tesco soap. Works out at about 11.8p a bar last time I bought some.

Tesco triple blade razor blades. £3 odd for 12 blades. Cheap enough to stock up on now.

Bleach for sanitising surfaces, drinks containers etc..

Baby wipes for cleaning purposes should baths/showers be unavailable.

Sorted (I hope).

RE: What sanitation arrangements - Paul - 5 November 2012

(5 November 2012, 18:03)Geordie_Rob Wrote: Got a bucket & chuck it type camping toilet for short term. Long term, composting toilet. A bit of ply, 2x2 timber, wine fermenting bucket & sawdust is all you need. Well apart from bog roll obviously.

Cheap tesco soap. Works out at about 11.8p a bar last time I bought some.

Tesco triple blade razor blades. £3 odd for 12 blades. Cheap enough to stock up on now.

Bleach for sanitising surfaces, drinks containers etc..

Baby wipes for cleaning purposes should baths/showers be unavailable.

Sorted (I hope).

Don't forget that liquid bleach only has a shell life of 6 months whether it is opened or not.
Most chlorine powder / tablets last longer.

RE: What sanitation arrangements - Geordie_Rob - 5 November 2012

(5 November 2012, 18:19)Paul Wrote: Don't forget that liquid bleach only has a shell life of 6 months whether it is opened or not.
Most chlorine powder / tablets last longer.

I didn't know that. Cheers mate.
I'll stick up on the bleach tabs from the £1 shop then
Stock up. Stupid bloody iPhone auto-correct strikes again. It's whenever I let my guard down Smile

RE: What sanitation arrangements - Prepper1 - 5 November 2012

Actually now you mention about the bleach shelf life...
I bought some bleach sterilizing tabs from the pound shop after finding out the world health organization sell them to Africa for water sterilization.
Now really strong they smell when you first buy them... but after pauls 6 months or so ... still smell but not as strong even when still unopened so that's confirmed I think less smell I assume means less power... definitely worth remembering.