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TO ALL VISITORS TO THIS SITE - Straight Shooter - 13 November 2012

listening to radio 4 news at 6 pm. the reporter interviewing "SANDY" victims asked " are you getting any help from gov agencys " NO said the lady nobody...not fema...not nobody...can,t believe this is america..and neither can i ..... you are on your own.... join the site NOW and get prepping... only count on you is the moral

RE: TO ALL VISITORS TO THIS SITE - Cestrian - 13 November 2012

Fema had to close its NY office due to sandy.... just goes to show nobody can be fully prepared for everything

RE: TO ALL VISITORS TO THIS SITE - Pagan-Mist - 13 November 2012

Well with katrina it took them a week to get their and that was a lot worse than sandy


With Katrina, the reason help from the federal government was so long in coming is because the state had said it did not want it. Unless the state says it wants it, federal govt cannot over rule that.

Imagine if London got flooded and the French turned up without being asked.

Now, New York is what the rest of the world thinks of when you say 'American City' - the image of disaster recovery workers being there for weeks does not good.

Not to mention what it would look like to the rest of the states. Lots of things are being covered up so people do not see what such a mess that country is in.

RE: TO ALL VISITORS TO THIS SITE - Carnebwen - 14 November 2012

The article i read about katrina was that some people chose to stay, formed into gangs and were actually shooting at the national guard who had come in to help. "Africa in our midst" I think the article was called. Sobering reading.

RE: TO ALL VISITORS TO THIS SITE - Pagan-Mist - 14 November 2012

I read about the gangs and yes some states didn't want help but I was thinking of new orleans I mean they had dead bodies in the water there was alligators swimming through the streets, yes this country would proberly say no to help to start with as for london flooding that is going to happen at some point and our goverment will be caught with their pants down just like the US

RE: TO ALL VISITORS TO THIS SITE - bigpaul - 14 November 2012

the Plod were caught out by last years riots, so no change there then.

RE: TO ALL VISITORS TO THIS SITE - Scythe13 - 14 November 2012

SS, you've made a really good point.

There are always visitors on this site. It's a pretty busy site, not just because BP, myself, and NR, have a direct attachment from our brains into the internet and are able to be online 24/7.......even in our sleep!!!

There is nothing wrong with being a visitor! We were all visitors at one time or another (except SD). But, the reason we joined the site, wasn't to be a part of a group (that's just lonely people that do that...haha, I'm kidding). It wasn't to be able to post online. The reason we all joined, was to learn. Yes, many of us have knowledge to share; which is how forums work. But we came online to learn from each other. To get different view points. Do get new perspectives. To learn things we didn't know. To work as a team (very different from being part of a group that are only online).

I've learned that the views I have, are going to be pretty useful for me, but the things I'd do, would be ludicrous for someone like BP or P1. I have huge flexibility, because it's only me and the wife, and she's healthier than me. BUT, I need to realise that not everyone in the group will be able to carry as much, or move as fast. At the same time, I'm by no means the most useful person in a team. Those people that are unable to carry as much, or move as fast, are frequently more girl in our group is a nurse! Damn straight she's more use in our group than I am.

The whole reason for coming online is to ask questions, learn, grow, adapt, recognise things we didn't already realise, face different scenarios and challenges. We're online together, so that we can survive better.
p.s. that's not a knock on BP or P1. I'm just saying different people have different commitments, situations, and the alike.

Both are probably much better at surviving than I am.......but I'm catching them up.

RE: TO ALL VISITORS TO THIS SITE - Cestrian - 14 November 2012

The thing with the sheeple of the planet is that they rely too heavily on the government for help and support, which isn't going to get them anywhere, even with our own *cough* fine *cough* government i still find i can't rely on them one bit, which is why i became a prepper, to be able to be independent if i needed to survive after something happened, because from an early age i realised you need to be able to look after yourself instead of being dependant of other people (ie- government) looking after you, and feeding, clothing and housing you. I think everyone on this forum have the same feelings of trust in yourself before your government

RE: TO ALL VISITORS TO THIS SITE - Straight Shooter - 14 November 2012

i agree s13....what i mean is GET INVOLVED and lets have more input .....if they are looking ...they are thinking.....time for thinking is over START DOING thanks to all who posted ss