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"Social Isolation" - bigpaul - 22 November 2012 i suppose it all depends on what your used to, if you grew up in a big family, i suppose this could apply, but as someone who grew up as an "only" child i have NEVER been lonely, in fact the word isnt even part of my vocabulary! i am very happy with my "own" company and enjoy the peace and quiet, i am not someone who particulary needs the company of others. i have always considered myself to be the original "loner" or lone wolf.

RE: "Social Isolation" - BeardyMan - 22 November 2012

(22 November 2012, 15:26)bigpaul Wrote: i suppose it all depends on what your used to, if you grew up in a big family, i suppose this could apply, but as someone who grew up as an "only" child i have NEVER been lonely, in fact the word isnt even part of my vocabulary! i am very happy with my "own" company and enjoy the peace and quiet, i am not someone who particulary needs the company of others. i have always considered myself to be the original "loner" or lone wolf.

I'm just as happy to be on my own for long periods of time as I am to be with others. When I was single and unemployed I wouldn't see anyone for weeks on end, not to talk to anyway.

I don't get the whole "lonely" thing, but I wouldn't consider myself a loner either.

It's like people who get bored. Only boring people get bored - I can always find some way to entertain myself.

RE: "Social Isolation" - NorthernRaider - 22 November 2012

I like privacy but enjoy the company of good friends and immediate family, the rest of society I have no interest in.

RE: "Social Isolation" - I-K-E - 22 November 2012

I'm like NR ..... I like privacy but I do enjoy the company of my immediate family and a very small number of good friends the rest of society hold no interest at all

I have in the past gone camping for several days in the wilds of Scotland with just the OH and enjoyed every single minute just being away from every day society. Can't do that at the moment due to the little one

RE: "Social Isolation" - bigpaul - 22 November 2012

being a bit older than most on this site, all my family are now deceased and friends have moved on, moved away, i have no time for neighbours or strangers.i have a lifetimes experience of living alone which should stand me in good stead for post SHTF!
(22 November 2012, 17:57)bigpaul Wrote: being a bit older than most on this site, all my family are now deceased and friends have moved on, moved away, i have no time for neighbours or strangers.i have a lifetimes experience of living alone which should stand me in good stead for post SHTF!

in relation to the article, i have never understood the idea of being lonely, bored sometimes but never lonely, i would get terribly upset at the thought of having all these people interfering into my privacy!

RE: "Social Isolation" - HunterNurturer - 22 November 2012

I think a lot of us on here probably fit the same bill, I certainly do.
Other than immediate family and a few select friends with unquestionable loyalty who have stuck by me through the years, I could go without speaking to another soul indefinitely with no problems.

The only "loneliness" I've ever felt is when I've gone too long without female company... but I guess that's more accurately described as "horny" Big Grin

RE: "Social Isolation" - bigpaul - 22 November 2012

(22 November 2012, 19:05)HunterNurturer Wrote: The only "loneliness" I've ever felt is when I've gone too long without female company... Big Grin

i think we've all been there, which is what brought me to my present situation.

RE: "Social Isolation" - Tibbs735 - 22 November 2012

Social isolation sounds rather nice compared to life in London

RE: "Social Isolation" - Leon__xx - 22 November 2012

I have spent much of my adult life forced to be in close proximity with others from Royal Navy through Commercial shipping and now Oil Rigs. I love time on my own and in fact go out of my way to achieve it.

RE: "Social Isolation" - Straight Shooter - 22 November 2012

i love being alone.... all i need is some tools sorted and wifey of course thats like a crowd of six ...close family and very close friends.......if ever i get pissed off or need to think things through i take to the mountains...... all around me here...... by the time i get back i am refreshed it never wales