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bare bones survival - bigpaul - 21 December 2012

long piece but i think says it all!

RE: bare bones survival - Prepper1 - 21 December 2012

Just what i've been saying all along...

The only difference I would say to the article, is that Britain and its enslaved countries like Wales and Scotland, not forgetting N.I. get wet AND cold.

So I carry a flint and small folding knife, which serves the duel purpose as a striker and weapon, ie spear tip etc... cotton wool and matches all of which except the flint and the knife are kept in the three key stash pods in my pocket.

In this wet realm of ours, that's the one thing, fire that you definitely need access too for cooking, boiling your water, drying the clothes on your back, warmth etc...

and thats one thing you can be guaranteed not to find when you need two dry sticks, is two dry sticks.

RE: bare bones survival - bigpaul - 21 December 2012

(21 December 2012, 12:20)Prepper1 Wrote: one thing you can be guaranteed not to find when you need two dry sticks, is two dry sticks.

with the WET weather we have had, and more of it in the next few days i dont think you can find ONE dry stick in the whole country, never mind 2 to rub together!!Big Grin

RE: bare bones survival - Highlander - 21 December 2012

I wish I could find someone who could write a piece like that about the Highlands,... but sadly I doubt anyone can, I have tried a million times to make fire with sticks up here, and I doubt the experts could do it,... first of all we dont have hardwood trees up here, secondly nothing is dry enough for long enough, any wood that is dry is dead.

Shelter,... there is little to make a shelter with in the high hills, your best bet is a place that a sheep has cut into a slope, or a boulder field,... shelter can be forged in such places , can find yourself miles from any trees, maybe even hundreds of miles, so shelters made from timber is not always possible

Food,.... the hills teem with wildlife, but only a fool will tell you it would be easy to feed yourself with primitive tools,... deer, are too big,.. rabbist,....strangly not many around,... try and find a ground nesting bird,... I dare you,... your best bet is fishing

I have put myself in this position a few years back I went high with very little,... I did make a shelter in a boulder field, by carrying some of the smaller ones and making walls, and digging slightly under a large rock,...I made a fire, but cheated I used a striker, and started it with cotton grass, and used the twigs from heather to mantain it

and I caught a fish, using two shoelaces and a hook I took with me,... one thing about these remote lochs, is if they have fish which they often do as they were stocked well before the clearence, they are small fish, but anyone can catch them because they have no fear instint.

Outlaws lived like this many years ago, the likes of Rob Roy when he was out stealing cattle,...or the MacDonalds after the GlenCoe Killings,... but you could never make a base, for that you need to be low down.... so you would always have to weigh up the odds,... do you go high, where you are very likely to be safe, but will struggle...or stay low where you will be more likely to find trouble.