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INNOCENTS BETRAYED - The TRUE story of GUN CONTROL WORLDWIDE - Prepper1 - 23 December 2012

Its an hour from your life but I feel its worth a watch.

So whats next?

RE: INNOCENTS BETRAYED - The TRUE story of GUN CONTROL WORLDWIDE - Highlander - 23 December 2012

Thats a powerfull film,... makes you wonder doesnt it?

You can add people closer to home than those poor peoples,.. After Culloden the Highlanders, were not only not allowed guns or weapons but the English even banned the pipes calling them a weapon of war,... and although most were not killed, many were when they we kicked out of the country in the Clearences

RE: INNOCENTS BETRAYED - The TRUE story of GUN CONTROL WORLDWIDE - Lancsprepper - 23 December 2012

I'll have to watch this tomorrow.The thing that really sickens me about gun control is that the politicians who support it all have police firearms officers guarding them at all times.

RE: INNOCENTS BETRAYED - The TRUE story of GUN CONTROL WORLDWIDE - Oggydoggy100 - 24 December 2012

On school outings in Israel the teachers have to carry firearms & nobody batters an eyelid! Same happens in Jordan & some parts of Turkey. Not heard of any one going on a shooting rampage in these countries?

RE: INNOCENTS BETRAYED - The TRUE story of GUN CONTROL WORLDWIDE - Straight Shooter - 24 December 2012

Well worth the time to watch.....great post!!

RE: INNOCENTS BETRAYED - The TRUE story of GUN CONTROL WORLDWIDE - cryingfreeman - 24 December 2012

TPTB are planning a major world war which they hope will trigger a revolution in political thought amongst the masses (the survivors, that is). Part of that new world emerging from the ashes will be an end to patriotism and old ideas about liberty, rights, etc. The single greatest obstacle to that new world is an informed, switched-on, heavily armed, patriotic society thriving in the USA who are alert to some, if not all, of their gameplan. These people must be disarmed or at least, made into social outcasts as far as possible, in advance of the endgame. That's what all this Sandy Hook propaganda from the useful idiots in Hollywood is all about.