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Do we self scare-monger? - Scythe13 - 14 February 2013

Obviously, being a prepper is about being up to date with what's going on in the world.

My question is, because we're all self scare mongering by focusing on the negative aspects of life?

Does anyone think about this and do they do anything to offset the onslaught of negativity?

RE: Do we self scare-monger? - Highlander - 14 February 2013

The short answer is yes,.. we do scare monger, we are often miles over the top, .... but we are aware of whats going on and the possibilities of what `might` happen,... that is what a prepper is, someone who doesn't always think something `is` going to happen, but is ready if it does

I don't think I need to do anything to offset, I don't think I have a negative view of life, just an open mind to it

RE: Do we self scare-monger? - Weyoun - 14 February 2013

I agree with Highlander. I think it is healthy to scaremonger, so long as you can also appreciate the beauty in your life. My view is that we as preppers are not mediocre in anything we do, we may be a little obsessive, maybe a little "weird" for want of a better word. What I mean is, we are not run of the mill, soap watching drones like most sheeple, who believe all of the bull that is fed to them. This makes us different, which I think is healthy. Oh, and by the way, I salute you all for being alert, openminded and with the program :0)

RE: Do we self scare-monger? - NorthernRaider - 14 February 2013

I would rather over react a 1000 times than not be ready one time and see my family wiped out, Information is POWER, news is WEALTH, know theres an active volcano on the other side of the hill is better than finding out when the pyroclastic flow is at your door.

Historically its those who did not look out for threats who got wiped out, residents around Pompei, the folks on the Titanic , the fools who listened to the announcements telling them to stay in the world trade centre.

I always want to read about IT than be part of IT

RE: Do we self scare-monger? - bigpaul - 14 February 2013

to be a prepper you have to "think outside the box", to consider all the risks we face, if that is scaremongering then so be it, otherwise we'll all be sheeple oblivious to everything except the next edition of Xfactors, Dead enders and i'm a celebrity!!Big Grin

RE: Do we self scare-monger? - Tibbs735 - 14 February 2013

We only have to be right once.

RE: Do we self scare-monger? - NorthernRaider - 14 February 2013

(14 February 2013, 10:35)Tibbs735 Wrote: We only have to be right once.

Like that Doctor prepper chap ( an MD) in the WTC on 911 who was on the 50th floor, he heard to automated messages and radio calls from the towers security and management people telling everyone to stay put, he made up his mind that their logic was flawed and grabbed his kit and left . He lived everyone else died.

Or the young teen in TX whose college bus got hit by floodwater the driver and teachers told everyone to stay on the bus but he climbed out the window into a tree, he survives and about 5 or 6 of the folks including the teacher drowned.

RE: Do we self scare-monger? - Scythe13 - 14 February 2013

I agree that it's important to know what's going on. At the same time, it's just as important to put it into perspective in your day to day life.

Take the city-factor. There is so much scare mongering and focusing on the bad things that we miss out on so much more. The news doesn't focus on the good things and over hypes the bad things. THERE ARE 5 MILLION BULGARIANS WAITING TO GET INTO THE UK!!! As true as that might be, that could also be totally full of bollocks. Think about it. 50% of a country's population will up and leave their homeland? Land will become so cheap over there, it would be so easy to become land rich and self sufficient, so many will just stay put.

We focus on news of the unrecent-past. It's been over a decade since 9/11. It was 2 years ago that the London riots happened. Yet some preppers act like it's happening daily.

Does that make sense, or am I just overly optimistic?

RE: Do we self scare-monger? - bigpaul - 14 February 2013

(14 February 2013, 16:11)Scythe13 Wrote: am I just overly optimistic?

your an optimist-which is ok, i am a realist-which is ok too! all we can do is watch what is happening in the world and plan accordingly-which is ok tooBig Grin

RE: Do we self scare-monger? - Megatron - 14 February 2013

Carrying on from that, what's the harm in being prepared as we're not hurting anyone.

The worst that's gonna happen is that you've wasted a few quid because society roles on as it always does but it doesn't take a lot to upset the balance that we live in.

Most of you will remember the fuel shortages back in the early 00's. That was a relatively minor dispute but look at the chaos that was caused. Panic at fuel stations, supermarkets running dry and general mob mentality taking over.

Most of us pay into a pension or life insurance for the worst case scenario, we don't expect the worst to happen but we still do it for good reason because bad things do happen and will carry on happening in one way or another.

I for one don't mind being labelled as a little eccentric when it comes to my family's survival!