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meat shortages and the horsemeat bussiness - Printable Version

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meat shortages and the horsemeat bussiness - Prepper1 - 25 February 2013

I was thinking to myself that with last years droughts in the u.s. And the floods here,
They said that meat over here and in the u.s. Would be dearer and less available in 2013.
Then there eas the article recently by the government going on about how we should all eat less meat.
Then theres the horsemeat scandal.
Do you think that they actually found horsemeat in the things that they tested, or do you think it was a bit of a game to put people off meat because theres going to be a shortage?
My mam commented just today herself how the way things are now is just like it was before the second world war.
World war coming?
Would it be the same?
How would they get the chavs off the estate involved?
I assume that theyd want them gone and as many loafers as possible.
Killer virus outbrake?
Theres signs everywhere of economic collapse, shops shutting down,prices going up, jobs harder and harder to find.

Are we going to carry on a slow decline?
Pestilence, plague?

RE: meat shortages and the horsemeat bussiness - Straight Shooter - 25 February 2013

Loosing tripple A ...says it all... years of more decline and uncertanty..walked though the old town today ..shops closing down the remainders are bearly hanging on...i really do feel sorry for the local shops...aswell as loosing their biz they also loose the homes they put up to cover the borrowings they took out to just stand still ...i came very close once !...the point you make regarding eating less meat....and on here yesterday swine flu....Q E ...the bond bubble..currency war are all preludes to world war all anyone needs to do is look back in history...its like watching the repeats on tv.....most people forget things very quickly ...there are less people who remember ww2 and the hardships that that brought about to everyday life....there are more people now and alot of them rely on the gov handouts ....the picture of the future looks and will be unbearable for most ....but real desparate for the scumbags ..drugies and the like....and we as survivalists will have our work cut out to deal with this lot let alone descent folk going bad.....but thats why we do what we do....thrive to survive