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what do you have in your survival binder - Printable Version

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what do you have in your survival binder - preservefreak - 8 March 2013

hey all,

I am wanting to put together a binder of printed out articles and plans (I know should have been one of the first things I did) and I am looking for some inspiration.

What have you folks saved and printed off (or plan to) so that you have a copy of them in a grid down/SHTF situation. Any help would be great as I'm having trouble finding a starting point.

Many thanks

RE: what do you have in your survival binder - bigpaul - 8 March 2013

oh blimey, where do i start, i've got 3 folders worth!Big Grin

RE: what do you have in your survival binder - Highlander - 8 March 2013

I must admit, that in the past I have tried to read and digest and remember what I have read, and not kept a copy,.. a bit daft really, as of course we simply do not remember everything, I have started to write stuff down in a hard backed book, I figured a 8" x 10" hard backed book might be better than folders, time will tell

RE: what do you have in your survival binder - uks - 8 March 2013

Also think about list for bob's etc. Important infromation such as contents, location with in the bob, life ex on food, medicines etc.

RE: what do you have in your survival binder - Geordie_Rob - 8 March 2013

Not really answering your question here so apologies for that in advance.

If you haven't already, practise as many things as possible as well as storing them in a folder. I got a few funny looks off the wife & kids when I was making a basic tripod water filter out of bamboo canes, para cord & an empty coke bottle but now I have that skill in my head as well as in survival books. Same goes for veg gardening, building different fires/shelters etc..

As for where to start, go for the basics. Water, fire lighting, shelter, food & go from there.

RE: what do you have in your survival binder - Prepper1 - 8 March 2013

TongueTongueThis is my way may be wrong for most but I don't do binders or LOADS of books.
I have a few books, which I read over and over and maintain my knowledge via the internet by reading watching videos etc..

Why dont I do binders and folders?

Sods law is that if I have to bug out or whatever, the folder or books will go bye byes.

I'm sure we've all done it in the heat of the moment, you know you forgot something...

Then where would that leave me?

Up sh** creek without a paddle....

So my way is to try to retain as much as possible in my head without writing it down.

Yes I may be giving myself short shrift, but I know how to make filters, light fires, make spears etc...
"Its all in me bonce"

and yes I have other family members it'd be of use written down but after expending valuable time trying to batter it through their thick skulls, only to be met with, huh? howd you do that again? as their to busy texting, I gave up.

So I take responsibility and order them about should shtf, IF anything happens to me, my 5 year olds in charge because she shows great promise.

I asked her what she wanted for a present and she said a pink Glock with diamonds on it...
shes a bond villain in the making....

I think its the Army still playing its part... you dont have books and binders you just, get on with it.

RE: what do you have in your survival binder - Metroyeti - 8 March 2013

Not got any printoffs yet due to me usibg my phone 99% of the time. The main ones for me to print off are the medical ones, like the list of antibiotics and what each type is best for treating. its also worth laminating these printoffs.

RE: what do you have in your survival binder - Luci_ferson - 8 March 2013

(8 March 2013, 09:31)Geordie_Rob Wrote: Not really answering your question here so apologies for that in advance.

If you haven't already, practise as many things as possible as well as storing them in a folder. I got a few funny looks off the wife & kids when I was making a basic tripod water filter out of bamboo canes, para cord & an empty coke bottle but now I have that skill in my head as well as in survival books. Same goes for veg gardening, building different fires/shelters etc..

As for where to start, go for the basics. Water, fire lighting, shelter, food & go from there.

i use my kids as excuses for the mad projects i build, its our play time lol
as you a folder i ain t got one, im badly prepped, im kind of hoping on taking my books with me, or atleast the important ones.
medical etc.

my son likes science, so its a good excuse for messing with homemade wind turbines, and solar cells etc.
and my daughter loves messing in dirt and other stuff boys usually like, so shes my excuse for other stuff.

you got to love kids.

RE: what do you have in your survival binder - Scythe13 - 8 March 2013

I hate to say it, but I'm not a binder guy same as P1.

Instead, I practice and practice and practice. Yes things will be forgotten, but hopefully those things won't be too important.

One thing I like, JollyRogerCookBook. Been on that since I was 13 or 14. Great fun!!!

Something that is worth storing, examples of plant leaves of edible species. I think a few of them, laminated, in a folder with some info by the side.....great idea.

RE: what do you have in your survival binder - Skean Dhude - 8 March 2013

Guys, You may be OK but what about your family and those that don't practise.

I document my stuff because I can't practise it all plus I want to make sure that my family can carry on if something happens to me. I have an article on this on the main site.